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Quantum photonic multiple scattering
TODO description
The package depends on several python modules and GSL (>= 2.0).
The python module dependencies should be installed automatically when running
the installation script. If you have a recent enough OS,
you can get GSL easily from the repositories; on Debian and derivatives,
just run ``apt-get install libgsl-dev`` under root. Alternatively,
you can `get the source
<https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/>`_ get the source and compile it yourself.
You also need a fresh enough version of ``cmake``.
After GSL is installed, you can install qpms to your local python library using::
cmake .
make amos
python3 setup.py install --user
If GSL is not installed the standard library path on your system, you might
need to pass it to the installation script using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
Documentation of QPMS is a work in progress. Most of the newer code
is documented using doxygen comments. To build the documentation, just run
in the root directory; the documentation will then be found in
Of course, the prerequisite of this is having doxygen installed.
If you don't, you will probably find it easily in your OS's
repositories. On Debian and derivatives, simply run ``apt-get install doxygen``
under root.