2019-08-10 09:55:50 +03:00
import numpy as np
2019-08-10 10:34:55 +03:00
from .qpms_cdefs cimport *
from .cybspec cimport BaseSpec
from .cycommon import *
from .cycommon cimport make_c_string
2019-08-11 23:37:25 +03:00
from .cymaterials cimport EpsMuGenerator
2019-08-10 10:34:55 +03:00
from .qpms_c cimport FinitePointGroup
2019-08-10 09:55:50 +03:00
import warnings
import os
from libc.stdlib cimport free
cdef class TMatrixInterpolator:
Wrapper over the qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_t structure.
def __cinit__(self, filename, BaseSpec bspec, *args, **kwargs):
'''Creates a T-matrix interpolator object from a scuff-tmatrix output'''
global qpms_load_scuff_tmatrix_crash_on_failure
qpms_load_scuff_tmatrix_crash_on_failure = False
self.spec = bspec
cdef char * cpath = make_c_string(filename)
retval = qpms_load_scuff_tmatrix(cpath, self.spec.rawpointer(),
&(self.nfreqs), &(self.freqs), &(self.freqs_su),
&(self.tmatrices_array), &(self.tmdata))
if (retval != QPMS_SUCCESS):
raise IOError("Could not read T-matrix from %s: %s" % (filename, os.strerror(retval)))
if 'symmetrise' in kwargs:
sym = kwargs['symmetrise']
if isinstance(sym, FinitePointGroup):
if QPMS_SUCCESS != qpms_symmetrise_tmdata_finite_group(
self.tmdata, self.nfreqs, self.spec.rawpointer(),
raise Exception("This should not happen.")
atol = kwargs['atol'] if 'atol' in kwargs else 1e-16
qpms_czero_roundoff_clean(self.tmdata, self.nfreqs * len(bspec)**2, atol)
warnings.warn('symmetrise argument type not supported; ignoring.')
self.interp = qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_create(self.nfreqs,
self.freqs, self.tmatrices_array, gsl_interp_cspline)
if not self.interp: raise Exception("Unexpected NULL at interpolator creation.")
def __call__(self, double freq):
'''Returns a TMatrix instance, corresponding to a given frequency.'''
if freq < self.freqs[0] or freq > self.freqs[self.nfreqs-1]:# FIXME here I assume that the input is already sorted
raise ValueError("input frequency %g is outside the interpolator domain (%g, %g)"
% (freq, self.freqs[0], self.freqs[self.nfreqs-1]))
# This is a bit stupid, I should rethink the CTMatrix constuctors
cdef qpms_tmatrix_t *t = qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_eval(self.interp, freq)
cdef CTMatrix res = CTMatrix(self.spec, <cdouble[:len(self.spec),:len(self.spec)]>(t[0].m))
return res
def __dealloc__(self):
property freq_interval:
def __get__(self):
return [self.freqs[0], self.freqs[self.nfreqs-1]]
cdef class CTMatrix: # N.B. there is another type called TMatrix in tmatrices.py!
Wrapper over the C qpms_tmatrix_t stucture.
def __cinit__(CTMatrix self, BaseSpec spec, matrix):
self.spec = spec
self.t.spec = self.spec.rawpointer();
if (matrix is None) or not np.any(matrix):
self.m = np.zeros((len(spec),len(spec)), dtype=complex, order='C')
# The following will raise an exception if shape is wrong
self.m = np.array(matrix, dtype=complex, copy=True, order='C').reshape((len(spec), len(spec)))
#self.m.setflags(write=False) # checkme
cdef cdouble[:,:] m_memview = self.m
self.t.m = &(m_memview[0,0])
self.t.owns_m = False # Memory in self.t.m is "owned" by self.m, not by self.t...
property rawpointer:
def __get__(self):
return <uintptr_t> &(self.t)
# Transparent access to the T-matrix elements.
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.m[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.m[key] = value
def as_ndarray(CTMatrix self):
''' Returns a copy of the T-matrix as a numpy array.'''
# Maybe not totally needed after all, as np.array(T[...]) should be equivalent and not longer
return np.array(self.m, copy=True)
def spherical_fill(CTMatrix self, double radius, cdouble k_int,
cdouble k_ext, cdouble mu_int = 1, cdouble mu_ext = 1):
''' Replaces the contents of the T-matrix with those of a spherical particle.'''
qpms_tmatrix_spherical_fill(&self.t, radius, k_int, k_ext, mu_int, mu_ext)
def spherical_perm_fill(CTMatrix self, double radius, double freq, cdouble epsilon_int,
cdouble epsilon_ext):
'''Replaces the contenst of the T-matrix with those of a spherical particle.'''
qpms_tmatrix_spherical_mu0_fill(&self.t, radius, freq, epsilon_int, epsilon_ext)
def spherical(BaseSpec spec, double radius, cdouble k_int, cdouble k_ext,
cdouble mu_int = 1, cdouble mu_ext = 1):
''' Creates a T-matrix of a spherical nanoparticle. '''
tm = CTMatrix(spec, 0)
tm.spherical_fill(radius, k_int, k_ext, mu_int, mu_ext)
return tm
def spherical_perm(BaseSpec spec, double radius, double freq, cdouble epsilon_int, cdouble epsilon_ext):
'''Creates a T-matrix of a spherical nanoparticle.'''
tm = CTMatrix(spec, 0)
tm.spherical_perm_fill(radius, freq, epsilon_int, epsilon_ext)
return tm
2019-08-11 23:37:25 +03:00
cdef class __MieParams:
# Not directly callable right now, serves just to be used by TMatrixGenerator.
cdef qpms_tmatrix_generator_sphere_param_t cparam
cdef EpsMuGenerator outside
cdef EpsMuGenerator inside
cdef inline void *rawpointer(self):
return <void *>&(self.cparam)
def __init__(self, outside, inside, r):
self.inside = inside
self.outside = outside
self.cparam.inside = self.inside.raw();
self.cparam.outside = self.outside.raw();
self.cparam.radius = r
property r:
def __get__(self):
return self.cparam.radius
def __set__(self, val):
self.cparam.radius = val
cdef class __ArcCylinder:
cdef qpms_arc_cylinder_params_t p
cdef inline void *rawpointer(self):
return <void *> &(self.p)
cdef class __ArcSphere:
cdef double r
cdef inline void *rawpointer(self):
return <void *> &(self.r)
cdef qpms_arc_function_retval_t userarc(double theta, const void *params):
cdef object fun = <object> params
cdef qpms_arc_function_retval_t retval
retval.r, retval.beta = fun(theta)
return retval
cdef class ArcFunction:
cdef qpms_arc_function_t g
cdef object holder
def __init__(self, what):
if isinstance(what, __ArcCylinder):
self.holder = what
self.g.function = qpms_arc_cylinder
self.g.params = (<__ArcCylinder?>self.holder).rawpointer()
elif isinstance(what, __ArcSphere):
self.holder = what
self.g.function = qpms_arc_sphere
self.g.params = (<__ArcSphere?>self.holder).rawpointer()
elif callable(what):
warnings.warn("Custom python (r, beta) arc functions are an experimental feature. Also expect it to be slow.")
self.holder = what
self.g.function = userarc
self.g.params = <const void *> self.holder
elif isinstance(what, ArcFunction): #Copy constructor
self.holder = what.holder
self.g = (<ArcFunction?>what).g
cdef class __AxialSymParams:
cdef qpms_tmatrix_generator_axialsym_param_t p
cdef EpsMuGenerator outside
cdef EpsMuGenerator inside
cdef ArcFunction shape
cdef void * rawpointer(self):
return <void *> &(self.p)
property lMax_extend:
def __get__(self):
return self.p.lMax_extend
def __set__(self, val):
self.p.lMax_extend = val
def __init__(self, outside, inside, shape, *args, **kwargs):
self.outside = outside
self.p.outside = self.outside.g
self.inside = inside
self.p.inside = self.inside.g
self.shape = shape
self.p.shape = self.shape.g
if len(args)>0:
self.lMax_extend = args[0]
if 'lMax_extend' in kwargs.keys():
self.lMax_extend = kwargs['lMax_extend']
cdef class TMatrixGenerator:
cdef qpms_tmatrix_generator_t g
cdef object holder
cdef qpms_tmatrix_generator_t raw(self):
return self.g
def __init__(self, what):
if isinstance(what, __MieParams):
self.holder = what
self.g.function = qpms_tmatrix_generator_sphere
self.g.params = (<__MieParams?>self.holder).rawpointer()
elif isinstance(what,__AxialSymParams):
self.holder = what
self.g.function = qpms_tmatrix_generator_axialsym
self.g.params = (<__AxialSymParams?>self.holder).rawpointer()
raise ValueError("Can't construct TMatrixGenerator from that")