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2022-06-06 13:22:23 +03:00
# Installing QPMS on Android/AOSP (-based) systems
Yes, it is possible. Basically all you need is a device capable of running [Termux](https://termux.com/) with enough memory to build everything.
The following instructions have been tested with Termux version 0.118.0 on
[e/OS/ R development build on a Samsung Galaxy S10e](https://doc.e.foundation/devices/beyond0lte/install)
Presumably, they should work also on stock Android as well, but who
in their right mind would run all the spyware by Google & al.?
Physical keyboard or [remote access](https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Remote_Access) is strongly recommended. :D
## Get Termux
Just [install the Termux app from F-Droid or Github as per instructions](https://github.com/termux/termux-app#f-droid).
Open Termux; the following steps of these instructions are basically
just commands you need to type in Termux.
## Install prerequisities from termux repositories
pkg install python3 cmake git clang build-essential binutils
## Build and install GSL
curl -O https://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/gnu/ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gsl/gsl-latest.tar.gz
tar xf gsl-latest.tar.gz
cd gsl-2.7.1
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
make # add -j4 or so to make it faster on multicore systems
make install
cd -
## Build and install OpenBLAS
git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git
cd OpenBLAS
make PREFIX=$PREFIX install
cd -
### Workaround for "broken" setup.py script
The goal is to fix `setup.py` so that it finds the correct libraries automatically, but in the meantime, you can use this workaround to get the Python part of QPMS installed:
ln -s $PREFIX/lib/libopenblas.so $PREFIX/LIB/liblapacke.so
## Build and install Numpy
(Successful build requires the `MATHLIB` environmental variable set, otherwise linking will fail; see https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Python.)
MATHLIB=m pip3 install numpy
### Install Sympy
pip3 install sympy
## Build and install QPMS
git clone https://repo.or.cz/qpms.git
cd qpms
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX . # ugly, TODO make a separate build tree!
make install
python3 setup.py install
Hopefully, QPMS has installed successfully. At this point, you should be able
to import and use QPMS with some exceptions. First, there is some legacy code
in the `qpms.qpms_p` module (which is no longer imported automatically with
bare `import qpms`). You shouldn't need this unless you are trying to run some
historic Jupyter notebooks or other old custom scripts. It contains a scipy
dependence, and scipy is hard to get working in Android environment (as
it requires a Fortran compiler to build).
## Install matplotlib
If you try to run just `pip3 install matplotlib` in Termux, it might likely
fail when installing the `pillow` dependency.
First, according to [Termux wiki](https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Python#Python_module_installation_tips_and_tricks),
pillow depends on `libpng` and `libjpeg-turbo`, which are fortunately
available in Termux packages.
Second, pillow instalation requires an additional environment variable
`LDFLAGS="-L/system/lib64"` to be set on 64-bit devices.
pkg install libpng libjpeg-turbo
export LDFLAGS="-L/system/lib64" # on 64-bit devices
pip3 install matplotlib
After this step, you should be able to run the command-line scripts
from `misc/` directory and examples from `examples/` directory.