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Raw Normal View History

#ifndef LATTICES_H
#define LATTICES_H
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define M_SQRT3 1.7320508075688772935274463415058724
// This might be reduced to x, y only; not sure yet
typedef struct {
double key; // distance key in a given lattice
double x, y, r, phi;
} point2d;
static inline point2d point2d_fromxy(const double x, const double y) {
point2d p;
p.x = x;
p.y = y;
p.r = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
p.phi = atan2(y, x);
return p;
* General set of points ordered by the r-coordinate.
* Typically, this will include all lattice inside a certain circle.
* This structure is internally used by the "lattice generators" below.
* It does not have its memory management of its own, as it is handled
* by the "generators". For everything except the generators,
* this structure shall be read-only.
typedef struct {
size_t nrs; // number of different radii
double *rs; // the radii; of length nrs (largest contained radius == rs[nrs-1])
point2d **points_at_r; // of length nrs+1
/* // redundand (therefore removed) members
* point2d *points; // redundant as it is the same as points_at_r[0]
* size_t npoints; // redundant as it is the same as points_at_r[nrs]-points_at_r[0]
} points2d_rordered_t;
typedef enum {
TRIANGULAR_VERTICAL, // there is a lattice base vector parallel to the y-axis
TRIANGULAR_HORIZONTAL // there is a lattice base vector parallel to the x-axis
} TriangularLatticeOrientation;
// implementation data structures; not needed in the header file
typedef struct triangular_lattice_gen_privstuff_t triangular_lattice_gen_privstuff_t;
typedef struct {
// public:
points2d_rordered_t ps;
TriangularLatticeOrientation orientation;
double a; // lattice vector length
// not sure if needed:
bool includes_origin;
// private:
triangular_lattice_gen_privstuff_t *priv;
} triangular_lattice_gen_t;
triangular_lattice_gen_t *triangular_lattice_gen_init(double a, TriangularLatticeOrientation ori, bool include_origin);
const points2d_reordered_t * triangular_lattice_gen_getpoints(const triangular lattice_generator_t *g);
int triangular_lattice_gen_extend_to_r(triangular_lattice_generator_t *g, double r);
int triangular_lattice_gen_extend_to_steps(triangular_lattice_generator_t *g, int maxsteps);
void triangular_lattice_gen_free(triangular_lattice_generator_t *g);
#if 0
typedef struct {
} honeycomb_lattice_generator_t;
#endif // LATTICES_H