17 lines
825 B
17 lines
825 B
# science1 .sub -- run 40 instances of science.exe
# Dirty way to "ensure" that the libs are there
Requirements = OpSysMajorVer == 14
executable = scattering-condor.sh
arguments = "$(Process) >out/process$(Process).out 2>out/process$(Process).err"
#transfer_input_files = Args OmegaList scuff-em/lib/libscuff.a scuff-em/lib/libscuff.la scuff-em/lib/libscuff.so scuff-em/lib/libscuff.so.0 scuff-em/lib/libscuff.so.0.0.0
transfer_input_files = Args,OmegaList,scuff-em/lib,scuff-em/bin,DelgaSphere.scuffcache,DelgaSphere.scuffgeo
output = out/$(Process).shout
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_output_files = out_$(Process).tar
log = scattering-condor.log
queue 100