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$Γ(2z)=\pi^{-1/2}2^{2z-1}\text{Γ}(z)\text{Γ}(z+\frac{1}{2})$ +\end_inset + + we have +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)=\frac{2^{1-q+n}}{\sqrt{\pi}}\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right), +\] + +\end_inset + +so +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{eqnarray*} +\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\kor{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}}{\kor{2^{n}}k_{0}^{q}}\kor{\pi}\sum_{s=\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil }^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(\frac{\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\kor{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)}\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}-\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\kor{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)}\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ + & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\koru{2^{1-q}}}{k_{0}^{q}}\koru{\sqrt{\pi}}\sum_{s=\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil }^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(\frac{\kor{\koru{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}-\frac{\kor{\koru{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ + & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{1-q}}{k_{0}^{q}}\sqrt{\pi}\sum_{s=\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil }^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}-\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right) +\end{eqnarray*} + +\end_inset + +Assuming that +\begin_inset Formula $\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil $ +\end_inset + + is large enough so that all the divergent terms are cancelled, either the + left or the right part will become finite sums due to the +\begin_inset Quotes sld +\end_inset + +extra +\begin_inset Quotes srd +\end_inset + + Pochhammer +\begin_inset Formula $\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}$ +\end_inset + + or +\begin_inset Formula $\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}$ +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subparagraph + +\lang english +Special case +\begin_inset Formula $q=2,n=0$ +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\lang english +If +\begin_inset Formula $\kappa\ge2$ +\end_inset + +, the left part will drop and +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{eqnarray*} +\mbox{OKSq2n0b}\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{-1}}{k_{0}^{2}}\sum_{s=\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil }^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(-\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\kor{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)}s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ + & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{-1}}{k_{0}^{2}}\sum_{s=\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil }^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(-\frac{\kor{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\koru{\kor{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ + & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{-1}}{k_{0}^{2}}\sum_{s=\kor{\left\lceil \frac{\kappa}{2}\right\rceil }}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(-\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ +\mbox{(explain!)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{-1}}{k_{0}^{2}}\sum_{s=\koru 0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\left(-\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}{\kor{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ + & = & -\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{-1}}{k_{0}^{2}\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\kor{\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}\left(\frac{\sigma c-ik_{0}}{k}\right)^{2s}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}{\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}}\\ + & = & -\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{2^{-1}}{k_{0}^{2}\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\frac{2\sqrt{\pi}\sinh^{-1}\left(\frac{\sigma c-ik_{0}}{k}\right)}{\frac{\sigma c-ik_{0}}{k}}\\ +\mbox{OKSq2n0f} & = & -\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{1}{k_{0}^{2}}\sinh^{-1}\left(\frac{\sigma c-ik_{0}}{k}\right) +\end{eqnarray*} + +\end_inset + +where we used (TODO ref) +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)}{\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}\left(-x\right)^{s}=\frac{2\sqrt{\pi}\sinh^{-1}\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{x}} +\] + +\end_inset + +The final result has asymptotic behaviour of ... + for +\begin_inset Formula $k\to\infty$ +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Paragraph +Small k +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\lang english +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{eqnarray*} +\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\hgfr\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)\\ +\mbox{(D15.2.2)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\kor{Γ\left(2-q+n\right)}}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\frac{\kor{\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}}}{Γ(1+n+s)s!}\left(\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{s},\quad\left|\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right|<1 +\end{eqnarray*} + +\end_inset + +Again we use +\begin_inset Formula +\[ +\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)=\frac{2^{1-q+n}}{\sqrt{\pi}}\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right), +\] + +\end_inset + + so +\begin_inset Formula +\begin{eqnarray*} +\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \koru{\frac{2^{1-q+n}}{\sqrt{\pi}}}\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\frac{\koru{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}+s\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}+s\right)}}{\text{Γ}(1+n+s)s!}\left(\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{s}\\ + & = & \frac{2^{1-q+n}}{\sqrt{\pi}}\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}+s\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}+s\right)}{\text{Γ}(1+n+s)s!}\left(\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{s} +\end{eqnarray*} + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_body +\end_document diff --git a/notes/ewald-calculations.lyx b/notes/ewald-calculations.lyx index 9611803..21c1612 100644 --- a/notes/ewald-calculations.lyx +++ b/notes/ewald-calculations.lyx @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ Let \lang english \begin_inset Formula \begin{eqnarray*} -\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\hgfr\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)\\ -\mbox{(D15.8.2)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}(\\ +\mbox{OK}\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\hgfr\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)\\ +\mbox{OK(D15.8.2)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}(\\ & & \pi\frac{\left(\frac{k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{Γ\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(1+n-\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)}\hgfr\left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{2-q+n}{2}-\left(1+n\right)+1\\ 1/2 @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ Let \frac{3-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q+n}{2}-\left(1+n\right)+1\\ 3/2 \end{array};-\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}{k^{2}}\right))\\ - & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\pi(\\ +\mbox{OK20} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\pi(\\ & & \frac{\left(\frac{k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)}\hgfr\left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{2-q-n}{2}\\ 1/2 @@ -227,16 +227,16 @@ Let \frac{3-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q-n}{2}\\ 3/2 \end{array};-\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}{k^{2}}\right))\\ -\mbox{(D15.2.2)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}(\\ +\mbox{(D15.2.2)OK3a,b} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}(\\ & & \frac{\left(\frac{k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)}\frac{\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}\left(-\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}{k^{2}}\right)^{s}\\ & - & \frac{\left(\frac{k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{-\frac{3-q+n}{2}}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)}\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}\left(-\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}{k^{2}}\right)^{s})\\ - & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\kor{k^{n}}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}(\\ +\mbox{OK4a} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\kor{k^{n}}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}(\\ & & \frac{\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}k^{-2+q\kor{-n}-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{\kor{2-q+n}+2s}\\ & - & \frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}k^{-3+q\kor{-n}-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{\kor{3-q+n}+2s})\\ -\mbox{} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}(\\ +\mbox{OK4b} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}(\\ & & \frac{\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}\kor{k^{-2+q-2s}}\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}}\\ & - & \frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}\kor{k^{-3+q-2s}}\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{1+2s}})\\ - & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\\ +\mbox{OK4c} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}\\ & & \times\left(\underbrace{\frac{\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{2-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{1}{2}+s\right)s!}}_{\equiv c_{q,n,s}}-\underbrace{\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{s}\left(\frac{3-q-n}{2}\right)_{s}}{\text{Γ}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{q+n-1}{2}\right)\text{Γ}\left(\frac{3}{2}+s\right)s!}}_{č_{q,n,s}}\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)}{k}\right)\\ & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s}}c_{q,n,s}-\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2s+1}}{k}č_{q,n,s}\right)\\ \mbox{(binom.)} & = & \kor{\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}}\frac{\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}}\pi\sum_{s=0}^{\infty}\left(-1\right)^{s}k^{-2+q-2s}\left(c_{q,n,s}\sum_{t=0}^{2s}\binom{2s}{t}\left(\kor{\sigma}c\right)^{t}\left(-ik_{0}\right)^{2s-t}-č_{q,n,s}\sum_{t=0}^{2s+1}\binom{2s+1}{t}\left(\kor{\sigma}c\right)^{t}\left(-ik_{0}\right)^{2s+1-t}k^{-1}\right)\\ @@ -383,13 +383,13 @@ If \begin_inset Formula \begin{eqnarray*} -\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\kor{\hgfr}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)\\ -\mbox{(D15.1.2)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)\koru{\text{Γ}(1+n)}}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\koru{\hgf}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\kor{\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}}\right)\\ -\mbox{(D15.8.6)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\kor{k^{n}}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)\text{Γ}(1+n)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}}\koru{\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{\left(1+n\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}\kor{\left(\frac{k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}}\hgf\left(\begin{array}{c} +\mbox{OK}\pht n{s_{q,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right) & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\kor{\hgfr}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)\\ +\mbox{\ensuremath{\mbox{OK}}(D15.1.2)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{k^{n}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}\koru{\text{Γ}(1+n)}}\koru{\hgf}\left(\frac{2-q+n}{2},\kor{\frac{3-q+n}{2};1+n;\frac{-k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}}\right)\\ +\mbox{(D15.8.6)} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\kor{k^{n}}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\kor{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2-q+n}}\text{Γ}(1+n)}\koru{\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{\left(1+n\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}\kor{\left(\frac{k^{2}}{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}\right)^{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}}\hgf\left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{2-q+n}{2},\koru{\kor{1-\left(1+n\right)+\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}\\ \koru{\kor{1-\frac{3-q+n}{2}+\frac{2-q+n}{2}}} \end{array};\koru{\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}{-k^{2}}}\right)\\ - & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\koru{k^{q-2}}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)\text{Γ}(1+n)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{\koru{\frac{3}{2}\left(2-q+n\right)}}}\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{\left(1+n\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}\kor{\hgf\left(\begin{array}{c} +\mbox{NOTOK} & = & \sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{\koru{k^{q-2}}\text{Γ}\left(2-q+n\right)}{2^{n}k_{0}^{q}\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{\koru{\frac{3}{2}\left(2-q+n\right)}}\text{Γ}(1+n)}\frac{\left(\frac{3-q+n}{2}\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}{\left(1+n\right)_{-\frac{2-q+n}{2}}}\kor{\hgf\left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{2-q+n}{2},\koru{\frac{2-q-n}{2}}\\ \koru{1/2} \end{array};\frac{\left(\sigma c-ik_{0}\right)^{2}}{-k^{2}}\right)}\\ diff --git a/notes/ewald.lyx b/notes/ewald.lyx index 58271c4..7a32112 100644 --- a/notes/ewald.lyx +++ b/notes/ewald.lyx @@ -2680,97 +2680,25 @@ Case \end_layout \begin_layout Standard -[REF -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -begin{russian} +As shown in a separate note, \end_layout -\end_inset - -Прудников, том 2 -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -end{russian} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -,] provides the following integral -\begin_inset Formula -\begin{multline*} -\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{x^{2}}e^{-px-b/x}J_{0}(cx)\,\ud x=2c\left[z_{+}^{-1}J_{1}\left(z_{-}\right)K_{0}\left(z_{+}\right)+z_{-}^{-1}J_{0}\left(z_{-}\right)K_{1}\left(z_{+}\right)\right]\\ -\left[z_{\pm}=\sqrt{2b}\left(\sqrt{p^{2}+c^{2}}\pm p\right)^{1/2};\Re p>\left|\Im c\right|;\Re b>0\right] -\end{multline*} - -\end_inset - -where [REF -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -begin{russian} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Прудников, том 2 -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -end{russian} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -, p.659] -\begin_inset Formula $K_{\nu}(z)$ -\end_inset - - is the Macdonald's function (modified Bessel function of 3rd kind) +\begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Formula \[ -K_{\nu}\left(z\right)=\frac{\pi\left[I_{-\nu}\left(z\right)-I_{\nu}\left(z\right)\right]}{2\sin\nu\pi}\quad\left[\nu\notin\ints\right],\quad K_{n}\left(z\right)=\lim_{\nu\to n}K_{\nu}\left(z\right)\quad\left[n\in\ints\right], +\pht 0{s_{2,k_{0}}^{\textup{L}\kappa,c}}\left(k\right)=-\sum_{\sigma=0}^{\kappa}\left(-1\right)^{\sigma}\binom{\kappa}{\sigma}\frac{1}{k_{0}^{2}}\sinh^{-1}\left(\frac{\sigma c-ik_{0}}{k}\right) \] \end_inset -and -\begin_inset Formula $I_{\nu}\left(z\right)$ +for +\begin_inset Formula $\kappa\ge?$ \end_inset - is the modified Bessel function of 1st kind -\begin_inset Formula -\[ -I_{\nu}\left(z\right)=\frac{1}{\Gamma\left(\nu+1\right)}\left(\frac{z}{2}\right)^{\nu}\ghgf 01\left(\nu+1;\frac{z^{2}}{4}\right)=e^{-\nu\pi i/2}J_{\nu}\left(e^{\pi i/2}z\right). -\] - +, +\begin_inset Formula $k>k_{0}?$ \end_inset -The problem of this approach is the insufficiently slow decay -\begin_inset Formula $\propto k^{-1}$ -\end_inset - -, so it is in fact better to compute the sum in the real space. - I have to look further. \end_layout @@ -3036,7 +2964,7 @@ where the spherical Hankel transform 2) \begin_inset Formula \[ -\bsht lg(k)\equiv\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud r\, r^{2}g(r)j_{l}\left(kr\right). +\bsht lg(k)\equiv\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud r\,r^{2}g(r)j_{l}\left(kr\right). \] \end_inset @@ -3046,7 +2974,7 @@ Using this convention, the inverse spherical Hankel transform is given by 3) \begin_inset Formula \[ -g(r)=\frac{2}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud k\, k^{2}\bsht lg(k)j_{l}(k), +g(r)=\frac{2}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud k\,k^{2}\bsht lg(k)j_{l}(k), \] \end_inset @@ -3059,7 +2987,7 @@ so it is not unitary. An unitary convention would look like this: \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} -\usht lg(k)\equiv\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud r\, r^{2}g(r)j_{l}\left(kr\right).\label{eq:unitary 3d Hankel tf definition} +\usht lg(k)\equiv\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud r\,r^{2}g(r)j_{l}\left(kr\right).\label{eq:unitary 3d Hankel tf definition} \end{equation} \end_inset @@ -3113,7 +3041,7 @@ where the Hankel transform of order is defined as \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} -\pht mg\left(k\right)=\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud r\, g(r)J_{m}(kr)r\label{eq:unitary 2d Hankel tf definition} +\pht mg\left(k\right)=\int_{0}^{\infty}\ud r\,g(r)J_{m}(kr)r\label{eq:unitary 2d Hankel tf definition} \end{equation} \end_inset