Plane wave test, docs.

Former-commit-id: 86bdabea5c1a424401d3b93ea98af16bd2e963be
This commit is contained in:
Marek Nečada 2016-07-26 00:42:16 +03:00
parent a4b160dc41
commit 30013ac7fa
3 changed files with 105 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -14,3 +14,15 @@ After all dependencies are installed, install qpms to your local python library
python3 install --user
Easiest installation ever
(Just skip those you have already installed.)
pip3 install --user numpy
pip3 install --user scipy
pip3 install --user cython
pip3 install --user git+
pip3 install --user git+
pip3 install --user git+
python3 install --user

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@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ import math
import cmath
import quaternion, spherical_functions as sf # because of the Wigner matrices
import sys, time
from numba import jit
# Coordinate transforms for arrays of "arbitrary" shape
def cart2sph(cart,axis=-1):
if (cart.shape[axis] != 3):
raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ def cart2sph(cart,axis=-1):
φ = np.arctan2(y,x) # arctan2 handles zeroes correctly itself
return np.concatenate((r,θ,φ),axis=axis)
def sph2cart(sph, axis=-1):
if (sph.shape[axis] != 3):
raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ def sph2cart(sph, axis=-1):
z = r * np.cos(θ)
return np.concatenate((x,y,z),axis=axis)
def sph_loccart2cart(loccart, sph, axis=-1):
Transformation of vector specified in local orthogonal coordinates
@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ def sph_loccart2cart(loccart, sph, axis=-1):
return out
def sph_loccart_basis(sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None):
Returns the local cartesian basis in terms of global cartesian basis.
@ -118,6 +123,7 @@ def sph_loccart_basis(sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None):
out = np.concatenate((x,y,z),axis=cartaxis)
return out
def lpy(nmax, z):
Associated legendre function and its derivatative at z in the 'y-indexing'.
@ -194,14 +200,18 @@ def vswf_yr(pos_sph,nmax,J=1):
from scipy.special import sph_jn, sph_yn
def _sph_zn_1(n,z):
return sph_jn(n,z)
def _sph_zn_2(n,z):
return sph_yn(n,z)
def _sph_zn_3(n,z):
return (besj[0] + 1j*besy[0],besj[1] + 1j*besy[1])
def _sph_zn_4(n,z):
@ -294,6 +304,7 @@ def get_π̃τ̃_y1(θ,nmax):
τ̃_y = prenorm * dPy * (- math.sin(θ)) # TADY BACHA!!!!!!!!!! * (- math.sin(pos_sph[1])) ???
return (π̃_y,τ̃_y)
def vswf_yr1(pos_sph,nmax,J=1):
As vswf_yr, but evaluated only at single position (i.e. pos_sph has
@ -376,6 +387,27 @@ def plane_pq_y(nmax, kdir_cart, E_cart):
the phase and polarisation state). If E_cart and kdir_cart are
not orthogonal, the result should correspond to the k-normal part
of E_cart.
The Taylor's convention on the expansion is used; therefore,
the electric field is expressed as
E(r) = E_cart * exp(1j * k r)
= -1j * _y ( p_y * Ñ_y(|k| * r) + q_y * M̃_y(|k| * r))
(note the -1j factor).
nmax: int
The order of the expansion.
kdir_cart: (3,)-shaped real array
The wave vector (its magnitude does not play a role).
E_cart: (3,)-shaped complex array
Amplitude of the plane wave
p_y, q_y:
The expansion coefficients for the electric (Ñ) and magnetic
(M̃) waves, respectively.
if np.iscomplexobj(kdir_cart):
warnings.warn("The direction vector for the plane wave coefficients should be real. I am discarding the imaginary part now.")
@ -419,6 +451,7 @@ def a_q(m,n,μ,ν,q = None):
# All arguments are single numbers (for now)
def Ã(m,n,μ,ν,kdlj,θlj,φlj,r_ge_d,J):
@ -450,6 +483,7 @@ def Ã(m,n,μ,ν,kdlj,θlj,φlj,r_ge_d,J):
return presum * np.sum(summandq)
# ZDE OPĚT JINAK ZNAMÉNKA než v Xu (J. comp. phys 127, 285)
def B̃(m,n,μ,ν,kdlj,θlj,φlj,r_ge_d,J):
@ -579,6 +613,7 @@ def mie_coefficients(a, nmax, #ω, ε_i, ε_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3
TH = -(( η_inv_e * že * zs - η_inv_e * ze * žs)/(-η_inv_i * ži * zs + η_inv_e * zi * žs))
return (RH, RV, TH, TV)
def G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart_new(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
Implementation according to Kristensson, page 50

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@ -1,16 +1,70 @@
Unit tests for qpms_p
Covered functions
plane_pq_y vs. vswf_yr1
Not covered
Everything else
import unittest
import qpms
import numpy as np
from numpy import newaxis as ň
import warnings
# Some constants go here.
maxx = 20 # The maximum argument of the Bessel's functions, i.e. maximum wave number times the distance
lMax = 25 # To which order we decompose the waves
# The "maximum" argument of the Bessel's functions, i.e. maximum wave number times the distance,
# for the "locally strongly varying fields"
maxx = 3
# The "maximum" argument of the Bessel's function for reexpansion of the waves into regular waves
# in another center
maxxd = 2000
lMax = 50 # To which order we decompose the waves
lengthOrdersOfMagnitude = [2.**i for i in range(-15,10)]
nsamples = 4 # (frequency, direction, polarisation) samples per order of magnitude and test
npoints = 40 # points to evaluate per sample
rtol = 1e-7 # relative required precision
atol = 1. # absolute tolerance, does not really play a role
class PlaneWaveDecompositionTests(unittest.TestCase):
covers plane_pq_y and vswf_yr1
def testRandomInc(self):
for oom in lengthOrdersOfMagnitude:
k = np.random.randn(nsamples, 3) / oom
ksiz = np.linalg.norm(k, axis=-1)
kdir = k / ksiz[...,ň]
E_0 = np.cross(np.random.randn(nsamples, 3), k) * oom # ensure orthogonality
for s in range(nsamples):
testpoints = oom * maxx * np.random.randn(npoints, 3)
p, q = qpms.plane_pq_y(lMax, k[s], E_0[s])
planewave_1 = np.exp(1j*,k[s]))[:,ň] * E_0[s,:]
for i in range(npoints):
sph = qpms.cart2sph(ksiz[s]*testpoints[i])
M̃_y, Ñ_y = qpms.vswf_yr1(sph, lMax, 1)
planewave_2_p = -1j*qpms.sph_loccart2cart(,Ñ_y),M̃_y),sph)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(planewave_2_p, planewave_1[i], rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
# if not np.allclose(planewave_2_p, planewave_1[i], rtol=rtol, atol=atol):
# warnings.warn('Planewave expansion test not passed; r = '
# +str(testpoints[i])+', k = '+str(k[s])
# +', E_0 = '+str(E_0[s])+', (original) E = '
# +str(planewave_1[i])+', (reexpanded) E = '
# +str(planewave_2_p)
# +', x = '+str([i],k[s]))
# +'; distance = '
# +str(np.linalg.norm(planewave_1[i]-planewave_2_p))
# +', required relative precision = '
# +str(relprecision)+'.')
def testCornerCases(self):