Some progress on the sage implementation/test of the translation coeffs

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Marek Nečada 2018-03-28 18:23:49 +03:00
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commit 6844108b14
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@ -91,3 +91,93 @@ def trcoeff_BCX(m, n, mu, nu, besseltype, kd, th, fi, csphase=1): # [Xu](59)
res *= exp(I*(mu-m)*fi) res *= exp(I*(mu-m)*fi)
return res return res
def legpi_xu(n, m, fi): # momentálně neošetřeny okraje (cos(fi) == +- 1)
return m/sin(fi) * gen_legendre_P(n, m, cos(fi))
def legtau_xu(n, m, fi):
locx = var('locx')
return -sin(fi)*derivative(gen_legendre_P(n,m,locx), locx).substitute(locx = cos(fi))
def vswf_M_xu(besseltype, n, m, kr, th, fi):
postpart = sphericalBessels[besseltype](n, kr) * exp(I * m * fi)
tc = I*legpi_xu(n,m,th) * postpart
fc = -legtau_xu(n,m,th) * postpart
return (0, tc, fc)
def vswf_N_xu(besseltype, n, m, kr, th, fi):
eimf = exp(I * m * fi)
rc = n * (n+1) * gen_legendre_P(n, m, cos(th)) * sphericalBessels[besseltype](n, kr)/kr * eimf
krv = var('krv')
radpart = derivative(krv * sphericalBessels[besseltype](n, krv), krv).substitute(krv=kr)/kr
tc = legtau_xu(n,m,th) * radpart * eimf
fc = I*legpi_xu(n,m,th) * radpart * eimf
return (rc,tc,fc)
def cart2sph(v):
(x, y, z) = v
r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
th = arccos(z/r) if r else 0
fi = arctan2(y,x)
return (r, th, fi)
def sph2cart(s):
(r, th, fi) = s
sinth = sin(th)
x = r * sinth * cos(fi)
y = r * sinth * sin(fi)
z = r * cos(th)
return (x,y,z)
def sphvec2cart(loccart, sph):
r, th, fi = sph
sinth = sin(th)
costh = cos(th)
sinfi = sin(fi)
cosfi = cos(fi)
rx = sinth * cosfi
ry = sinth * sinfi
rz = costh
tx = costh * cosfi
ty = costh * sinfi
tz = -sinth
fx = -sinfi
fy = cosfi
fz = 0
rc, tc, fc = loccart
x = rx * rc + tx * tc + fx * fc
y = ry * rc + ty * tc + fy * fc
z = rz * rc + tz * tc + fz * fc
return (x, y, z)
def cart2sphvec(cart, sph):
_, th, fi = sph
x, y, z = cart
rx = sinth * cosfi
ry = sinth * sinfi
rz = costh
tx = costh * cosfi
ty = costh * sinfi
tz = -sinth
fx = -sinfi
fy = cosfi
fz = 0
rc = rx * x + ry * y + rz * z
tc = tx * x + ty * y + tz * z
fc = fx * x + fy * y + fz * z
return (rc, tc, fc)
def test_M_translation_xu(lMax, origl, origm, origcartat, cartshift):
ox, oy, oz = origcartat
sx, sy, sz = cartshift
newcartat = (ox - sx, oy - sy, oz - sz)
w1s = cart2sph(origcartat)
w2s = cart2sph(newcartat)
pass # TODO