Convertors between csph_t and ccart3_t

Former-commit-id: 0d081dc430d23d8431c8b22d2d9a22de5ba86695
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Marek Nečada 2019-07-14 23:26:03 +03:00
parent 7d3c3769ee
commit 8eb0f9f2ea
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@ -287,6 +287,44 @@ static inline csphvec_t ccart2csphvec(const ccart3_t cartvec, const sph_t at) {
return res;
/// Convert sph_t to csph_t.
static inline csph_t sph2csph(sph_t s) {
csph_t cs = {s.r, s.theta, s.phi};
return cs;
/// Lossy coordinate transform of ccart3_t to csph_t.
/** The angle and real part of the radial coordinate are determined
* from the real components of \a \cart. The imaginary part of the radial
* coordinate is then determined as the length of the imaginary
* part of \a cart *projected onto* the real part of \a cart.
* N.B. this obviously makes not much sense for purely imaginary vectors
* (and will cause NANs). TODO handle this better.
static inline csph_t ccart2csph(const ccart3_t cart) {
cart3_t rcart = {creal(cart.x), creal(cart.y), creal(cart.z)};
cart3_t icart = {cimag(cart.x), cimag(cart.y), cimag(cart.z)};
csph_t sph = sph2csph(cart2sph(rcart));
sph.r += I * cart3_dot(icart,rcart) / cart3norm(rcart);
return sph;
/// Coordinate transform of csph_t to ccart3_t
static inline ccart3_t csph2ccart(const csph_t sph) {
ccart3_t cart;
double sin_th =
(sph.theta == M_PI) ? 0 :
cart.x = sph.r * sin_th * cos(sph.phi);
cart.y = sph.r * sin_th * sin(sph.phi);
cart.z = sph.r * cos(sph.theta);
return cart;
void print_csphvec(csphvec_t);
void print_ccart3(ccart3_t);
void print_cart3(cart3_t);