[cleanup] Great purge of obsolete scripts
Some of the purged scripts might be desirable to reimplement using the new API, especially those related to hexagonal lattices.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, re, random, string
import subprocess
from scipy.constants import hbar, e as eV, pi, c
def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
class opAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
setattr(args, listname, list())
getattr(args,listname).append((opname, values))
return opAction
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#TODO? použít type=argparse.FileType('r') ?
parser.add_argument('--TMatrix', action='store', required=True, help='Path to TMatrix file')
parser.add_argument('--griddir', action='store', required=True, help='Path to the directory with precalculated translation operators')
#sizepar = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
parser.add_argument('--hexside', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice hexagon size length')
parser.add_argument('--output', action='store', help='Path to output PDF')
parser.add_argument('--store_SVD', action='store_true', help='If specified without --SVD_output, it will save the data in a file named as the PDF output, but with .npz extension instead')
#parser.add_argument('--SVD_output', action='store', help='Path to output singular value decomposition result')
parser.add_argument('--nSV', action='store', metavar='N', type=int, default=1, help='Store and draw N minimun singular values')
parser.add_argument('--scp_to', action='store', metavar='N', type=str, help='SCP the output files to a given destination')
parser.add_argument('--background_permittivity', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Background medium relative permittivity (default 1)')
parser.add_argument('--sparse', action='store', type=int, help='Skip frequencies for preview')
parser.add_argument('--eVmax', action='store', type=float, help='Skip frequencies above this value')
parser.add_argument('--eVmin', action='store', type=float, help='Skip frequencies below this value')
parser.add_argument('--kdensity', action='store', type=int, default=66, help='Number of k-points per x-axis segment')
parser.add_argument('--lMax', action='store', type=int, help='Override lMax from the TMatrix file')
#TODO some more sophisticated x axis definitions
parser.add_argument('--gaussian', action='store', type=float, metavar='σ', help='Use a gaussian envelope for weighting the interaction matrix contributions (depending on the distance), measured in unit cell lengths (?) FIxME).')
popgrp.add_argument('--tr', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr', 'ops'), default=list()) # the default value for dest can be set once
popgrp.add_argument('--tr0', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--tr1', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym0', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym1', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym1', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult0', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl1', 'ops'))
parser.add_argument('--frequency_multiplier', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Multiplies the frequencies in the TMatrix file by a given factor.')
# TODO enable more flexible per-sublattice specification
translations_dir = pargs.griddir
TMatrix_file = pargs.TMatrix
pdfout = pargs.output if pargs.output else (''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) + '.pdf')
if re.search('.pdf$', pdfout):
svdout = re.sub('.pdf$', r'.npz', pdfout)
svdout = pdfout + '.npz'
svdout = None
hexside = pargs.hexside #375e-9
epsilon_b = pargs.background_permittivity #2.3104
gaussianSigma = pargs.gaussian if pargs.gaussian else None # hexside * 222 / 7
interpfreqfactor = pargs.frequency_multiplier
scp_dest = pargs.scp_to if pargs.scp_to else None
kdensity = pargs.kdensity
minfreq = pargs.eVmin*eV/hbar if pargs.eVmin else None
maxfreq = pargs.eVmax*eV/hbar if pargs.eVmax else None
skipfreq = pargs.sparse if pargs.sparse else None
svn = pargs.nSV
# TODO multiplier operation definitions and parsing
#factor13inc = 10
ops = list()
opre = re.compile('(tr|sym|copy|multl|mult)(\d*)')
for oparg in pargs.ops:
opm = opre.match(oparg[0])
if opm:
ops.append(((opm.group(2),) if opm.group(2) else (0,1), opm.group(1), oparg[1]))
raise # should not happen
#ops = (
# # co, typ operace (symetrizace / transformace / kopie), specifikace (operace nebo zdroj),
# # co: 0, 1, (0,1), (0,), (1,), #NI: 'all'
# # typ operace: sym, tr, copy
# # specifikace:
# # sym, tr: 'σ_z', 'σ_y', 'C2'; sym: 'C3',
# # copy: 0, 1 (zdroj)
# ((0,1), 'sym', 'σ_z'),
# #((0,1), 'sym', 'σ_x'),
# #((0,1), 'sym', 'σ_y'),
# ((0,1), 'sym', 'C3'),
# ((1), 'tr', 'C2'),
# -----------------finished basic CLI parsing (except for op arguments) ------------------
import time
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import qpms
import numpy as np
import os, sys, warnings, math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from scipy import interpolate
nx = None
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
pdf = PdfPages(pdfout)
# In[3]:
# specifikace T-matice zde
cdn = c/ math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
TMatrices_orig, freqs_orig, freqs_weirdunits_orig, lMaxTM = qpms.loadScuffTMatrices(TMatrix_file)
if pargs.lMax:
lMax = pargs.lMax if pargs.lMax else lMaxTM
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
if pargs.lMax: #force commandline specified lMax
TMatrices_orig = TMatrices_orig[...,0:nelem,:,0:nelem]
ž = np.arange(2*nelem)
tž = ž // nelem
mž = my[ž%nelem]
nž = ny[ž%nelem]
TEž = ž[(mž+nž+tž) % 2 == 0]
TMž = ž[(mž+nž+tž) % 2 == 1]
č = np.arange(2*2*nelem)
žč = č % (2* nelem)
tč = tž[žč]
mč = mž[žč]
nč = nž[žč]
TEč = č[(mč+nč+tč) % 2 == 0]
TMč = č[(mč+nč+tč) % 2 == 1]
TMatrices = np.array(np.broadcast_to(TMatrices_orig[:,nx,:,:,:,:],(len(freqs_orig),2,2,nelem,2,nelem)) )
#TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:,ny==3] *= factor13inc
#TMatrices[:,:,:,ny==3,:,:] *= factor13scat
xfl = qpms.xflip_tyty(lMax)
yfl = qpms.yflip_tyty(lMax)
zfl = qpms.zflip_tyty(lMax)
c2rot = qpms.apply_matrix_left(qpms.yflip_yy(3),qpms.xflip_yy(3),-1)
reCN = re.compile('(\d*)C(\d+)')
#TODO C nekonečno
for op in ops:
if op[0] == 'all':
targets = (0,1)
elif isinstance(op[0],int):
targets = (op[0],)
targets = op[0]
if op[1] == 'sym':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'C2': # special case of the latter
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1))/2
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
for i in range(rotN):
rotangle = 2*np.pi*i / rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrix_contribs[i] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
TMatrices[:,t] = np.sum(TMatrix_contribs, axis=0) / rotN
elif op[1] == 'tr':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'C2':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
power = int(mCN.group(1)) if mCN.group(1) else 1
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
rotangle = 2*np.pi*power/rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot, qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif op[1] == 'copy':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'mult':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'multl':
incy = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for incl in op[2][0].split(','):
l = int(incl)
incy += (l == ny)
scaty = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for scatl in op[2][1].split(','):
l = int(scatl)
scaty += (l == ny)
for t in targets:
TMatrices[np.ix_(np.arange(TMatrices.shape[0]),np.array([t]),np.array([0,1]),scaty,np.array([0,1]),incy)] *= float(op[2][2])
raise #unknown operation; should not happen
TMatrices_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freqs_orig*interpfreqfactor, TMatrices, axis=0, kind='linear',fill_value="extrapolate")
# In[4]:
om = np.linspace(np.min(freqs_orig), np.max(freqs_orig),100)
TMatrix0ip = np.reshape(TMatrices_interp(om)[:,0], (len(om), 2*nelem*2*nelem))
f, axa = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,15))
#plt.plot(om, TMatrices[:,0,0,0,0].imag,'r',om, TMatrices[:,0,0,0,0].real,'r--',om, TMatrices[:,0,2,0,2].imag,'b',om, TMatrices[:,0,2,0,2].real,'b--'))
ax = axa[0,0]
ax2 = ax.twiny()
om, TMatrix0ip[:,:].imag,'-',om, TMatrix0ip[:,:].real,'--',
ax = axa[0,1]
ax2 = ax.twiny()
om, abs(TMatrix0ip[:,:]),'-'
ax = axa[1,1]
ax2 = ax.twiny()
om, np.unwrap(np.angle(TMatrix0ip[:,:]),axis=0),'-'
ax = axa[1,0]
# In[ ]:
#kdensity = 66 #defined from cl arguments
bz_0 = np.array((0,0,0.,))
bz_K1 = np.array((1.,0,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
bz_K2 = np.array((1./2.,s3/2,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
bz_M = np.array((3./4, s3/4,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
k0Mlist = bz_0 + (bz_M-bz_0) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
kMK1list = bz_M + (bz_K1-bz_M) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
kK10list = bz_K1 + (bz_0-bz_K1) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
k0K2list = bz_0 + (bz_K2-bz_0) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
kK2Mlist = bz_K2 + (bz_M-bz_K2) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
B1 = 2* bz_K1 - bz_K2
B2 = 2* bz_K2 - bz_K1
klist = np.concatenate((k0Mlist,kMK1list,kK10list,k0K2list,kK2Mlist), axis=0)
kxmaplist = np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(klist, axis=0), axis=-1))))
# In[ ]:
n2id = np.identity(2*nelem)
n2id.shape = (2,nelem,2,nelem)
extlistlist = list()
leftmatrixlistlist = list()
if svdout:
svUfullTElistlist = list()
svVfullTElistlist = list()
svSfullTElistlist = list()
svUfullTMlistlist = list()
svVfullTMlistlist = list()
svSfullTMlistlist = list()
nan = float('nan')
omegalist = list()
filecount = 0
for trfile in os.scandir(translations_dir):
filecount += 1
if (skipfreq and filecount % skipfreq):
npz = np.load(trfile.path, mmap_mode='r')
k_0 = npz['precalc_params'][()]['k_hexside'] / hexside
omega = k_0 * c / math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
if((minfreq and omega < minfreq) or (maxfreq and omega > maxfreq)):
print ("Unexpected error, trying to continue with another file:", sys.exc_info()[0])
tdic = qpms.hexlattice_precalc_AB_loadunwrap(trfile.path, return_points=True)
print ("Unexpected error, trying to continue with another file:", sys.exc_info()[0])
k_0 = tdic['k_hexside'] / hexside
omega = k_0 * c / math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
print(filecount, omega/eV*hbar)
a_self = tdic['a_self'][:,:nelem,:nelem]
b_self = tdic['b_self'][:,:nelem,:nelem]
a_u2d = tdic['a_u2d'][:,:nelem,:nelem]
b_u2d = tdic['b_u2d'][:,:nelem,:nelem]
a_d2u = tdic['a_d2u'][:,:nelem,:nelem]
b_d2u = tdic['b_d2u'][:,:nelem,:nelem]
unitcell_translations = tdic['self_tr']*hexside*s3
u2d_translations = tdic['u2d_tr']*hexside*s3
d2u_translations = tdic['d2u_tr']*hexside*s3
if gaussianSigma:
unitcell_envelope = np.exp(-np.sum(tdic['self_tr']**2,axis=-1)/(2*gaussianSigma**2))
u2d_envelope = np.exp(-np.sum(tdic['u2d_tr']**2,axis=-1)/(2*gaussianSigma**2))
d2u_envelope = np.exp(-np.sum(tdic['d2u_tr']**2,axis=-1)/(2*gaussianSigma**2))
TMatrices_om = TMatrices_interp(omega)
if svdout:
svUfullTElist = np.full((klist.shape[0], 2*nelem, 2*nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
svVfullTElist = np.full((klist.shape[0], 2*nelem, 2*nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
svSfullTElist = np.full((klist.shape[0], 2*nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
svUfullTMlist = np.full((klist.shape[0], 2*nelem, 2*nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
svVfullTMlist = np.full((klist.shape[0], 2*nelem, 2*nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
svSfullTMlist = np.full((klist.shape[0], 2*nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
minsvTElist = np.full((klist.shape[0], svn),np.nan)
minsvTMlist = np.full((klist.shape[0], svn),np.nan)
leftmatrixlist = np.full((klist.shape[0],2,2,nelem,2,2,nelem),np.nan,dtype=complex)
isNaNlist = np.zeros((klist.shape[0]), dtype=bool)
# sem nějaká rozumná smyčka
for ki in range(klist.shape[0]):
k = klist[ki]
if (k_0*k_0 - k[0]*k[0] - k[1]*k[1] < 0):
isNaNlist[ki] = True
phases_self = np.exp(1j*np.tensordot(k,unitcell_translations,axes=(0,-1)))
phases_u2d = np.exp(1j*np.tensordot(k,u2d_translations,axes=(0,-1)))
phases_d2u = np.exp(1j*np.tensordot(k,d2u_translations,axes=(0,-1)))
if gaussianSigma:
phases_self *= unitcell_envelope
phases_u2d *= u2d_envelope
phases_d2u *= d2u_envelope
leftmatrix = np.zeros((2,2,nelem, 2,2,nelem), dtype=complex)
leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,0,:] = np.tensordot(a_self,phases_self, axes=(0,-1)) # u2u, E2E
leftmatrix[1,0,:,1,0,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,0,:] # d2d, E2E
leftmatrix[0,1,:,0,1,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,0,:] # u2u, M2M
leftmatrix[1,1,:,1,1,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,0,:] # d2d, M2M
leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,1,:] = np.tensordot(b_self,phases_self, axes=(0,-1)) # u2u, M2E
leftmatrix[0,1,:,0,0,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,1,:] # u2u, E2M
leftmatrix[1,1,:,1,0,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,1,:] # d2d, E2M
leftmatrix[1,0,:,1,1,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,0,1,:] # d2d, M2E
leftmatrix[0,0,:,1,0,:] = np.tensordot(a_d2u, phases_d2u,axes=(0,-1)) #d2u,E2E
leftmatrix[0,1,:,1,1,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,1,0,:] #d2u, M2M
leftmatrix[1,0,:,0,0,:] = np.tensordot(a_u2d, phases_u2d,axes=(0,-1)) #u2d,E2E
leftmatrix[1,1,:,0,1,:] = leftmatrix[1,0,:,0,0,:] #u2d, M2M
leftmatrix[0,0,:,1,1,:] = np.tensordot(b_d2u, phases_d2u,axes=(0,-1)) #d2u,M2E
leftmatrix[0,1,:,1,0,:] = leftmatrix[0,0,:,1,1,:] #d2u, E2M
leftmatrix[1,0,:,0,1,:] = np.tensordot(b_u2d, phases_u2d,axes=(0,-1)) #u2d,M2E
leftmatrix[1,1,:,0,0,:] = leftmatrix[1,0,:,0,1,:] #u2d, E2M
#leftmatrix is now the translation matrix T
for j in range(2):
leftmatrix[j] = -np.tensordot(TMatrices_om[j], leftmatrix[j], axes=([-2,-1],[0,1]))
# at this point, jth row of leftmatrix is that of -MT
leftmatrix[j,:,:,j,:,:] += n2id
#now we are done, 1-MT
leftmatrixlist[ki] = leftmatrix
nnlist = np.logical_not(isNaNlist)
leftmatrixlist_s = np.reshape(leftmatrixlist,(klist.shape[0], 2*2*nelem,2*2*nelem))[nnlist]
leftmatrixlist_TE = leftmatrixlist_s[np.ix_(np.arange(leftmatrixlist_s.shape[0]),TEč,TEč)]
leftmatrixlist_TM = leftmatrixlist_s[np.ix_(np.arange(leftmatrixlist_s.shape[0]),TMč,TMč)]
#svarr = np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TE, compute_uv=False)
#argsortlist = np.argsort(svarr, axis=-1)[...,:svn]
#minsvTElist[nnlist] = svarr[...,argsortlist]
#minsvTElist[nnlist] = np.amin(np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TE, compute_uv=False), axis=-1)
if svdout:
svUfullTElist[nnlist], svSfullTElist[nnlist], svVfullTElist[nnlist] = np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TE, compute_uv=True)
svUfullTMlist[nnlist], svSfullTMlist[nnlist], svVfullTMlist[nnlist] = np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TM, compute_uv=True)
minsvTElist[nnlist] = np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TE, compute_uv=False)[...,-svn:]
#svarr = np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TM, compute_uv=False)
#argsortlist = np.argsort(svarr, axis=-1)[...,:svn]
#minsvTMlist[nnlist] = svarr[...,argsortlist]
#minsvTMlist[nnlist] = np.amin(np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TM, compute_uv=False), axis=-1)
minsvTMlist[nnlist] = np.linalg.svd(leftmatrixlist_TM, compute_uv=False)[...,-svn:]
minsvTElistarr = np.array(minsvTElistlist)
minsvTMlistarr = np.array(minsvTMlistlist)
del minsvTElistlist, minsvTMlistlist
if svdout:
svUfullTElistarr = np.array(svUfullTElistlist)
svVfullTElistarr = np.array(svVfullTElistlist)
svSfullTElistarr = np.array(svSfullTElistlist)
del svUfullTElistlist, svVfullTElistlist, svSfullTElistlist
svUfullTMlistarr = np.array(svUfullTMlistlist)
svVfullTMlistarr = np.array(svVfullTMlistlist)
svSfullTMlistarr = np.array(svSfullTMlistlist)
del svUfullTMlistlist, svVfullTMlistlist, svSfullTMlistlist
omegalist = np.array(omegalist)
# order to make the scatter plots "nice"
omegaorder = np.argsort(omegalist)
omegalist = omegalist[omegaorder]
minsvTElistarr = minsvTElistarr[omegaorder]
minsvTMlistarr = minsvTMlistarr[omegaorder]
if svdout:
svUfullTElistarr = svUfullTElistarr[omegaorder]
svVfullTElistarr = svVfullTElistarr[omegaorder]
svSfullTElistarr = svSfullTElistarr[omegaorder]
svUfullTMlistarr = svUfullTMlistarr[omegaorder]
svVfullTMlistarr = svVfullTMlistarr[omegaorder]
svSfullTMlistarr = svSfullTMlistarr[omegaorder]
np.savez(svdout, omega = omegalist, klist = klist, bzpoints = np.array([bz_0, bz_K1, bz_K2, bz_M, B1, B2]),
uTE = svUfullTElistarr,
vTE = svVfullTElistarr,
sTE = svSfullTElistarr,
uTM = svUfullTMlistarr,
vTM = svVfullTMlistarr,
sTM = svSfullTMlistarr,
omlist = np.broadcast_to(omegalist[:,nx], minsvTElistarr[...,0].shape)
kxmlarr = np.broadcast_to(kxmaplist[nx,:], minsvTElistarr[...,0].shape)
klist = np.concatenate((k0Mlist,kMK1list,kK10list,k0K2list,kK2Mlist), axis=0)
# In[ ]:
for minN in reversed(range(svn)):
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20,15))
sc = ax.scatter(kxmlarr, omlist/eV*hbar, c = np.sqrt(minsvTMlistarr[...,minN]), s =40, lw=0)
ax.plot(kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist,axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B2+B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B2+B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B1-B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B1-2*B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
# kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+2*B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn, '-',
# kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+2*B1-B2, axis=-1)*cdn, '-',
ax.set_xticks([0, kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)+len(k0K2list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)+len(k0K2list)+len(kK2Mlist)-1]])
ax.set_xticklabels(['Γ', 'M', 'K', 'Γ', 'K\'','M'])
# In[ ]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20,15))
sc = ax.scatter(kxmlarr, omlist/eV*hbar, c = np.sqrt(minsvTElistarr[...,minN]), s =40, lw=0)
ax.plot(kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist,axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B2+B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+B2+B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B1-B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist-2*B1-2*B2, axis=-1)*cdn/eV*hbar, '-',
# kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+2*B2-B1, axis=-1)*cdn, '-',
# kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(klist+2*B1-B2, axis=-1)*cdn, '-',
ax.set_xticks([0, kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)+len(k0K2list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)+len(k0K2list)+len(kK2Mlist)-1]])
ax.set_xticklabels(['Γ', 'M', 'K', 'Γ', 'K\'','M'])
if scp_dest:
subprocess.run(['scp', pdfout, scp_dest])
if svdout:
subprocess.run(['scp', svdout, scp_dest])
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, re, random, string
import subprocess
from scipy.constants import hbar, e as eV, pi, c
def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
class opAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
setattr(args, listname, list())
getattr(args,listname).append((opname, values))
return opAction
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#TODO? použít type=argparse.FileType('r') ?
parser.add_argument('--TMatrix', action='store', required=True, help='Path to TMatrix file')
#parser.add_argument('--griddir', action='store', required=True, help='Path to the directory with precalculated translation operators')
parser.add_argument('--output_prefix', action='store', required=True, help='Prefix to the pdf and/or npz output (will be appended frequency and hexside)')
#sizepar = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
parser.add_argument('--hexside', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice hexagon size length')
parser.add_argument('--output', action='store', help='Path to output PDF')
parser.add_argument('--store_SVD', action='store_false', help='If specified without --SVD_output, it will save the data in a file named as the PDF output, but with .npz extension instead')
parser.add_argument('--plot_TMatrix', action='store_true', help='Visualise TMatrix on the first page of the output')
#parser.add_argument('--SVD_output', action='store', help='Path to output singular value decomposition result')
parser.add_argument('--nSV', action='store', metavar='N', type=int, default=1, help='Store and draw N minimun singular values')
parser.add_argument('--maxlayer', action='store', type=int, default=100, help='How far to sum the lattice points to obtain the dispersion')
parser.add_argument('--scp_to', action='store', metavar='N', type=str, help='SCP the output files to a given destination')
parser.add_argument('--background_permittivity', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Background medium relative permittivity (default 1)')
parser.add_argument('--eVfreq', action='store', required=True, type=float, help='Frequency in eV')
parser.add_argument('--kdensity', action='store', type=int, default=33, help='Number of k-points per x-axis segment')
parser.add_argument('--lMax', action='store', type=int, help='Override lMax from the TMatrix file')
#TODO some more sophisticated x axis definitions
parser.add_argument('--gaussian', action='store', type=float, metavar='σ', help='Use a gaussian envelope for weighting the interaction matrix contributions (depending on the distance), measured in unit cell lengths (?) FIxME).')
popgrp.add_argument('--tr', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr', 'ops'), default=list()) # the default value for dest can be set once
popgrp.add_argument('--tr0', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--tr1', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym0', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym1', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym1', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult0', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl1', 'ops'))
parser.add_argument('--frequency_multiplier', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Multiplies the frequencies in the TMatrix file by a given factor.')
# TODO enable more flexible per-sublattice specification
eVfreq = pargs.eVfreq
freq = eVfreq*eV/hbar
TMatrix_file = pargs.TMatrix
pdfout = pargs.output if pargs.output else (
'%s_%dnm_%.4f.pdf' % (pargs.output_prefix,hexside/1e-9,eVfreq) if pargs.output_prefix else
(''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) + '.pdf'))
if re.search('.pdf$', pdfout):
svdout = re.sub('.pdf$', r'.npz', pdfout)
svdout = pdfout + '.npz'
svdout = None
epsilon_b = pargs.background_permittivity #2.3104
gaussianSigma = pargs.gaussian if pargs.gaussian else None # hexside * 222 / 7
interpfreqfactor = pargs.frequency_multiplier
scp_dest = pargs.scp_to if pargs.scp_to else None
kdensity = pargs.kdensity
svn = pargs.nSV
# TODO multiplier operation definitions and parsing
#factor13inc = 10
ops = list()
opre = re.compile('(tr|sym|copy|multl|mult)(\d*)')
for oparg in pargs.ops:
opm = opre.match(oparg[0])
if opm:
ops.append(((opm.group(2),) if opm.group(2) else (0,1), opm.group(1), oparg[1]))
raise # should not happen
#ops = (
# # co, typ operace (symetrizace / transformace / kopie), specifikace (operace nebo zdroj),
# # co: 0, 1, (0,1), (0,), (1,), #NI: 'all'
# # typ operace: sym, tr, copy
# # specifikace:
# # sym, tr: 'σ_z', 'σ_y', 'C2'; sym: 'C3',
# # copy: 0, 1 (zdroj)
# ((0,1), 'sym', 'σ_z'),
# #((0,1), 'sym', 'σ_x'),
# #((0,1), 'sym', 'σ_y'),
# ((0,1), 'sym', 'C3'),
# ((1), 'tr', 'C2'),
# -----------------finished basic CLI parsing (except for op arguments) ------------------
import time
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import qpms
import numpy as np
import os, sys, warnings, math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from scipy import interpolate
nx = None
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
pdf = PdfPages(pdfout)
# In[3]:
# specifikace T-matice zde
cdn = c/ math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
TMatrices_orig, freqs_orig, freqs_weirdunits_orig, lMaxTM = qpms.loadScuffTMatrices(TMatrix_file)
lMax = lMaxTM
if pargs.lMax:
lMax = pargs.lMax if pargs.lMax else lMaxTM
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
if pargs.lMax: #force commandline specified lMax
TMatrices_orig = TMatrices_orig[...,0:nelem,:,0:nelem]
TMatrices = np.array(np.broadcast_to(TMatrices_orig[:,nx,:,:,:,:],(len(freqs_orig),2,2,nelem,2,nelem)) )
#TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:,ny==3] *= factor13inc
#TMatrices[:,:,:,ny==3,:,:] *= factor13scat
xfl = qpms.xflip_tyty(lMax)
yfl = qpms.yflip_tyty(lMax)
zfl = qpms.zflip_tyty(lMax)
c2rot = qpms.apply_matrix_left(qpms.yflip_yy(3),qpms.xflip_yy(3),-1)
reCN = re.compile('(\d*)C(\d+)')
#TODO C nekonečno
for op in ops:
if op[0] == 'all':
targets = (0,1)
elif isinstance(op[0],int):
targets = (op[0],)
targets = op[0]
if op[1] == 'sym':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'C2': # special case of the latter
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1))/2
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
for i in range(rotN):
rotangle = 2*np.pi*i / rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrix_contribs[i] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
TMatrices[:,t] = np.sum(TMatrix_contribs, axis=0) / rotN
elif op[1] == 'tr':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'C2':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
power = int(mCN.group(1)) if mCN.group(1) else 1
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
rotangle = 2*np.pi*power/rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot, qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif op[1] == 'copy':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'mult':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'multl':
incy = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for incl in op[2][0].split(','):
l = int(incl)
incy += (l == ny)
scaty = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for scatl in op[2][1].split(','):
l = int(scatl)
scaty += (l == ny)
for t in targets:
TMatrices[np.ix_(np.arange(TMatrices.shape[0]),np.array([t]),np.array([0,1]),scaty,np.array([0,1]),incy)] *= float(op[2][2])
raise #unknown operation; should not happen
TMatrices_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freqs_orig*interpfreqfactor, TMatrices, axis=0, kind='linear',fill_value="extrapolate")
# In[4]:
om = np.linspace(np.min(freqs_orig), np.max(freqs_orig),100)
TMatrix0ip = np.reshape(TMatrices_interp(om)[:,0], (len(om), 2*nelem*2*nelem))
f, axa = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15,15))
#plt.plot(om, TMatrices[:,0,0,0,0].imag,'r',om, TMatrices[:,0,0,0,0].real,'r--',om, TMatrices[:,0,2,0,2].imag,'b',om, TMatrices[:,0,2,0,2].real,'b--'))
ax = axa[0,0]
ax2 = ax.twiny()
om, TMatrix0ip[:,:].imag,'-',om, TMatrix0ip[:,:].real,'--',
ax = axa[0,1]
ax2 = ax.twiny()
om, abs(TMatrix0ip[:,:]),'-'
ax = axa[1,1]
ax2 = ax.twiny()
om, np.unwrap(np.angle(TMatrix0ip[:,:]),axis=0),'-'
ax = axa[1,0]
# In[ ]:
#kdensity = 66 #defined from cl arguments
bz_0 = np.array((0,0,0.,))
bz_K1 = np.array((1.,0,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
bz_K2 = np.array((1./2.,s3/2,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
bz_M = np.array((3./4, s3/4,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
k0Mlist = bz_0 + (bz_M-bz_0) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
kMK1list = bz_M + (bz_K1-bz_M) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
kK10list = bz_K1 + (bz_0-bz_K1) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
k0K2list = bz_0 + (bz_K2-bz_0) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
kK2Mlist = bz_K2 + (bz_M-bz_K2) * np.linspace(0,1,kdensity)[:,nx]
B1 = 2* bz_K1 - bz_K2
B2 = 2* bz_K2 - bz_K1
klist = np.concatenate((k0Mlist,kMK1list,kK10list,k0K2list,kK2Mlist), axis=0)
kxmaplist = np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(klist, axis=0), axis=-1))))
klist = qpms.generate_trianglepoints(kdensity, v3d=True, include_origin=True)*3*math.pi/(3*kdensity*hexside)
TMatrices_om = TMatrices_interp(freq)
svdres = qpms.hexlattice_zsym_getSVD(lMax=lMax, TMatrices_om=TMatrices_om, epsilon_b=epsilon_b, hexside=hexside, maxlayer=maxlayer,
omega=freq, klist=klist, gaussianSigma=gaussianSigma, onlyNmin=(0 if svdout else svn))
if svdout:
((svUfullTElist, svSfullTElist, svVfullTElist), (svUfullTMlist, svSfullTMlist, svVfullTMlist)) = svdres
(minsvElist, minsvTMlist) = (svSfullTElist[...,-svn:], svSfullTMlist[...,-svn:])
minsvTElist, minsvTMlist = svdres
''' The new pretty diffracted order drawing '''
cdn = c/ math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
bz_0 = np.array((0,0,))
bz_K1 = np.array((1.,0))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
bz_K2 = np.array((1./2.,s3/2))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
bz_M = np.array((3./4, s3/4))*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3
# reciprocal lattice basis
B1 = 2* bz_K1 - bz_K2
B2 = 2* bz_K2 - bz_K1
if svdout:
np.savez(svdout, omega = freq, klist = klist, bzpoints = np.array([bz_0, bz_K1, bz_K2, bz_M, B1, B2]),
uTE = svUfullTElist,
vTE = svVfullTElist,
sTE = svSfullTElist,
uTM = svUfullTMlist,
vTM = svVfullTMlist,
sTM = svSfullTMlist,
k2density = 100
k0Mlist = bz_0 + (bz_M-bz_0) * np.linspace(0,1,k2density)[:,nx]
kMK1list = bz_M + (bz_K1-bz_M) * np.linspace(0,1,k2density)[:,nx]
kK10list = bz_K1 + (bz_0-bz_K1) * np.linspace(0,1,k2density)[:,nx]
k0K2list = bz_0 + (bz_K2-bz_0) * np.linspace(0,1,k2density)[:,nx]
kK2Mlist = bz_K2 + (bz_M-bz_K2) * np.linspace(0,1,k2density)[:,nx]
k2list = np.concatenate((k0Mlist,kMK1list,kK10list,k0K2list,kK2Mlist), axis=0)
kxmaplist = np.concatenate((np.array([0]),np.cumsum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(k2list, axis=0), axis=-1))))
centers2=qpms.generate_trianglepoints(maxlayer_reciprocal, v3d = False, include_origin= True)*4*np.pi/3/hexside
rot90 = np.array([[0,-1],[1,0]])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches
cmap = matplotlib.cm.prism
colormax = np.amax(np.linalg.norm(centers2,axis=0))
# In[ ]:
for minN in reversed(range(svn)):
f, axes = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(20,4.8))
ax = axes[0]
sc = ax.scatter(klist[:,0], klist[:,1], c = np.clip(np.abs(minsvTElist[:,minN]),0,1), lw=0)
for center in centers2:
circle=plt.Circle((center[0],center[1]),omega/cdn, facecolor='none', edgecolor=cmap(np.linalg.norm(center)/colormax),lw=0.5)
verts = [(math.cos(math.pi*i/3)*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3,math.sin(math.pi*i/3)*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3) for i in range(6 +1)]
path = Path(verts, codes)
patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', lw=1)
ax.title.set_text('E in-plane ("TE")')
ax = axes[1]
sc = ax.scatter(klist[:,0], klist[:,1], c = np.clip(np.abs(minsvTMlist[:,minN]),0,1), lw=0)
for center in centers2:
circle=plt.Circle((center[0],center[1]),omega/cdn, facecolor='none', edgecolor=cmap(np.linalg.norm(center)/colormax),lw=0.5)
verts = [(math.cos(math.pi*i/3)*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3,math.sin(math.pi*i/3)*4*np.pi/3/hexside/s3) for i in range(6 +1)]
path = Path(verts, codes)
patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', lw=1)
ax.title.set_text('E perpendicular ("TM")')
ax = axes[2]
for center in centers2:
ax.plot(kxmaplist, np.linalg.norm(k2list-center,axis=-1)*cdn, '-', color=cmap(np.linalg.norm(center)/colormax))
xticklist = [0, kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)+len(k0K2list)-1], kxmaplist[len(k0Mlist)+len(kMK1list)+len(kK10list)+len(k0K2list)+len(kK2Mlist)-1]]
for xt in xticklist:
ax.axvline(xt, ls='dotted', lw=0.3,c='k')
ax.set_xticklabels(['Γ', 'M', 'K', 'Γ', 'K\'','M'])
ax.axhline(omega, c='black')
ax2 = ax.twinx()
if scp_dest:
subprocess.run(['scp', pdfout, scp_dest])
if svdout:
subprocess.run(['scp', svdout, scp_dest])
@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, re, random, string
import subprocess
from scipy.constants import hbar, e as eV, pi, c
def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
class opAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
setattr(args, listname, list())
getattr(args,listname).append((opname, values))
return opAction
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#TODO? použít type=argparse.FileType('r') ?
parser.add_argument('--TMatrix', action='store', required=True, help='Path to TMatrix file')
#parser.add_argument('--griddir', action='store', required=True, help='Path to the directory with precalculated translation operators')
parser.add_argument('--output_prefix', action='store', required=True, help='Prefix to the npz output (will be appended frequency, hexside and chunkno)')
#sizepar = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
parser.add_argument('--hexside', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice hexagon size length')
parser.add_argument('--plot_TMatrix', action='store_true', help='Visualise TMatrix on the first page of the output')
#parser.add_argument('--SVD_output', action='store', help='Path to output singular value decomposition result')
parser.add_argument('--maxlayer', action='store', type=int, default=100, help='How far to sum the lattice points to obtain the dispersion')
parser.add_argument('--scp_to', action='store', metavar='N', type=str, help='SCP the output files to a given destination')
parser.add_argument('--background_permittivity', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Background medium relative permittivity (default 1)')
parser.add_argument('--eVfreq', action='store', required=True, type=float, help='Frequency in eV')
parser.add_argument('--kdensity', action='store', type=int, default=33, help='Number of k-points per x-axis segment')
parser.add_argument('--chunklen', action='store', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of k-points per output file (default 1000)')
parser.add_argument('--lMax', action='store', type=int, help='Override lMax from the TMatrix file')
#TODO some more sophisticated x axis definitions
parser.add_argument('--gaussian', action='store', type=float, metavar='σ', help='Use a gaussian envelope for weighting the interaction matrix contributions (depending on the distance), measured in unit cell lengths (?) FIxME).')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help='Be verbose (about computation times, mostly)')
popgrp.add_argument('--tr', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr', 'ops'), default=list()) # the default value for dest can be set once
popgrp.add_argument('--tr0', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--tr1', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym0', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym1', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym1', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult0', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl0', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl1', 'ops'))
parser.add_argument('--frequency_multiplier', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Multiplies the frequencies in the TMatrix file by a given factor.')
# TODO enable more flexible per-sublattice specification
eVfreq = pargs.eVfreq
freq = eVfreq*eV/hbar
TMatrix_file = pargs.TMatrix
epsilon_b = pargs.background_permittivity #2.3104
gaussianSigma = pargs.gaussian if pargs.gaussian else None # hexside * 222 / 7
interpfreqfactor = pargs.frequency_multiplier
scp_dest = pargs.scp_to if pargs.scp_to else None
kdensity = pargs.kdensity
chunklen = pargs.chunklen
ops = list()
opre = re.compile('(tr|sym|copy|multl|mult)(\d*)')
for oparg in pargs.ops:
opm = opre.match(oparg[0])
if opm:
ops.append(((opm.group(2),) if opm.group(2) else (0,1), opm.group(1), oparg[1]))
raise # should not happen
# -----------------finished basic CLI parsing (except for op arguments) ------------------
from qpms.timetrack import _time_b, _time_e
import qpms
import numpy as np
import os, sys, warnings, math
from scipy import interpolate
nx = None
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
# specifikace T-matice zde
cdn = c/ math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
TMatrices_orig, freqs_orig, freqs_weirdunits_orig, lMaxTM = qpms.loadScuffTMatrices(TMatrix_file)
lMax = lMaxTM
if pargs.lMax:
lMax = pargs.lMax if pargs.lMax else lMaxTM
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
if pargs.lMax: #force commandline specified lMax
TMatrices_orig = TMatrices_orig[...,0:nelem,:,0:nelem]
TMatrices = np.array(np.broadcast_to(TMatrices_orig[:,nx,:,:,:,:],(len(freqs_orig),2,2,nelem,2,nelem)) )
#TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:,ny==3] *= factor13inc
#TMatrices[:,:,:,ny==3,:,:] *= factor13scat
xfl = qpms.xflip_tyty(lMax)
yfl = qpms.yflip_tyty(lMax)
zfl = qpms.zflip_tyty(lMax)
c2rot = qpms.apply_matrix_left(qpms.yflip_yy(3),qpms.xflip_yy(3),-1)
reCN = re.compile('(\d*)C(\d+)')
#TODO C nekonečno
for op in ops:
if op[0] == 'all':
targets = (0,1)
elif isinstance(op[0],int):
targets = (op[0],)
targets = op[0]
if op[1] == 'sym':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'C2': # special case of the latter
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1))/2
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
for i in range(rotN):
rotangle = 2*np.pi*i / rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrix_contribs[i] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
TMatrices[:,t] = np.sum(TMatrix_contribs, axis=0) / rotN
elif op[1] == 'tr':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'C2':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
power = int(mCN.group(1)) if mCN.group(1) else 1
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
rotangle = 2*np.pi*power/rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot, qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif op[1] == 'copy':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'mult':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'multl':
incy = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for incl in op[2][0].split(','):
l = int(incl)
incy += (l == ny)
scaty = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for scatl in op[2][1].split(','):
l = int(scatl)
scaty += (l == ny)
for t in targets:
TMatrices[np.ix_(np.arange(TMatrices.shape[0]),np.array([t]),np.array([0,1]),scaty,np.array([0,1]),incy)] *= float(op[2][2])
raise #unknown operation; should not happen
TMatrices_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freqs_orig*interpfreqfactor, TMatrices, axis=0, kind='linear',fill_value="extrapolate")
klist_full = qpms.generate_trianglepoints(kdensity, v3d=True, include_origin=True)*3*math.pi/(3*kdensity*hexside)
TMatrices_om = TMatrices_interp(freq)
chunkn = math.ceil(klist_full.shape[0] / chunklen)
if verbose:
print('Evaluating %d k-points in %d chunks' % (klist_full.shape[0], chunkn), file = sys.stderr)
metadata = np.array({
'lMax' : lMax,
'maxlayer' : maxlayer,
'gaussianSigma' : gaussianSigma,
'epsilon_b' : epsilon_b,
'hexside' : hexside,
'chunkn' : chunkn,
'TMatrix_file' : TMatrix_file,
'ops' : ops,
for chunki in range(chunkn):
svdout = '%s_%dnm_%.4f_c%03d.npz' % (pargs.output_prefix, hexside/1e-9, eVfreq, chunki)
klist = klist_full[chunki * chunklen : (chunki + 1) * chunklen]
svdres = qpms.hexlattice_zsym_getSVD(lMax=lMax, TMatrices_om=TMatrices_om, epsilon_b=epsilon_b, hexside=hexside, maxlayer=maxlayer,
omega=freq, klist=klist, gaussianSigma=gaussianSigma, onlyNmin=False, verbose=verbose)
#((svUfullTElist, svSfullTElist, svVfullTElist), (svUfullTMlist, svSfullTMlist, svVfullTMlist)) = svdres
np.savez(svdout, omega = freq, klist = klist,
uTE = svdres[0][0],
vTE = svdres[0][2],
sTE = svdres[0][1],
uTM = svdres[1][0],
vTM = svdres[1][2],
sTM = svdres[1][1],
if scp_dest:
if svdout:
subprocess.run(['scp', svdout, scp_dest])
_time_e(btime, verbose)
@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse, re, random, string, sys
import subprocess
import warnings
from scipy.constants import hbar, e as eV, pi, c
unitcell_size = 1 # rectangular lattice
unitcell_indices = tuple(range(unitcell_size))
def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
class opAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
setattr(args, listname, list())
getattr(args,listname).append((opname, values))
return opAction
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#TODO? použít type=argparse.FileType('r') ?
parser.add_argument('--TMatrix', action='store', required=True, help='Path to TMatrix file')
#parser.add_argument('--griddir', action='store', required=True, help='Path to the directory with precalculated translation operators')
parser.add_argument('--output_prefix', '-p', '-o', action='store', required=True, help='Prefix to the npz output (will be appended frequency, hexside and chunkno)')
parser.add_argument('--nosuffix', action='store_true', help='Do not add dimension metadata to the output filenames')
#sizepar = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
#parser.add_argument('--hexside', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice hexagon size length')
parser.add_argument('--dx', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='x-direction lattice constant')
parser.add_argument('--dy', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='y-direction lattice constant')
parser.add_argument('--Nx', '--nx', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='Lattice points in the x-direction')
parser.add_argument('--Ny', '--ny', action='store', type=int, required=True, help='Lattice points in the y-direction')
# In these default settings, the area is 2x2 times larger than first BZ
parser.add_argument('--kxmin', action='store', type=float, default=-1., help='TODO')
parser.add_argument('--kxmax', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='TODO')
parser.add_argument('--kymin', action='store', type=float, default=-1., help='TODO')
parser.add_argument('--kymax', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='TODO')
#parser.add_argument('--kdensity', action='store', type=int, default=33, help='Number of k-points per x-axis segment')
parser.add_argument('--kxdensity', action='store', type=int, default=51, help='k-space resolution in the x-direction')
parser.add_argument('--kydensity', action='store', type=int, default=51, help='k-space resolution in the y-direction')
partgrp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
partgrp.add_argument('--only_TE', action='store_true', help='Calculate only the projection on the E⟂z modes')
partgrp.add_argument('--only_TM', action='store_true', help='Calculate only the projection on the E∥z modes')
partgrp.add_argument('--serial', action='store_true', help='Calculate the TE and TM parts separately to save memory')
parser.add_argument('--nocentre', action='store_true', help='Place the coordinate origin to the left bottom corner rather that to the centre of the array')
parser.add_argument('--plot_TMatrix', action='store_true', help='Visualise TMatrix on the first page of the output')
#parser.add_argument('--SVD_output', action='store', help='Path to output singular value decomposition result')
parser.add_argument('--maxlayer', action='store', type=int, default=100, help='How far to sum the lattice points to obtain the dispersion')
parser.add_argument('--scp_to', action='store', metavar='N', type=str, help='SCP the output files to a given destination')
parser.add_argument('--background_permittivity', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Background medium relative permittivity (default 1)')
parser.add_argument('--eVfreq', action='store', required=True, type=float, help='Frequency in eV')
parser.add_argument('--chunklen', action='store', type=int, default=3000, help='Number of k-points per output file (default 3000)')
parser.add_argument('--lMax', action='store', type=int, help='Override lMax from the TMatrix file')
#TODO some more sophisticated x axis definitions
#parser.add_argument('--gaussian', action='store', type=float, metavar='σ', help='Use a gaussian envelope for weighting the interaction matrix contributions (depending on the distance), measured in unit cell lengths (?) FIxME).')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help='Be verbose (about computation times, mostly)')
popgrp.add_argument('--tr', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr', 'ops'), default=list()) # the default value for dest can be set once
for i in unitcell_indices:
popgrp.add_argument('--tr%d'%i, dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr%d'%i, 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--sym', dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym', 'ops'))
for i in unitcell_indices:
popgrp.add_argument('--sym%d'%i, dest='ops', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym%d'%i, 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult0', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult0', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult1', 'ops'))
popgrp.add_argument('--multl', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl', 'ops'))
for i in unitcell_indices:
popgrp.add_argument('--multl%d'%i, dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl%d'%i, 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--multl1', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl1', 'ops'))
parser.add_argument('--frequency_multiplier', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Multiplies the frequencies in the TMatrix file by a given factor.')
# TODO enable more flexible per-sublattice specification
if pargs.verbose:
print(pargs, file = sys.stderr)
eVfreq = pargs.eVfreq
freq = eVfreq*eV/hbar
dy = pargs.dy
dx = pargs.dx
Ny = pargs.Ny
Nx = pargs.Nx
TMatrix_file = pargs.TMatrix
epsilon_b = pargs.background_permittivity #2.3104
#gaussianSigma = pargs.gaussian if pargs.gaussian else None # hexside * 222 / 7
interpfreqfactor = pargs.frequency_multiplier
scp_dest = pargs.scp_to if pargs.scp_to else None
kxdensity = pargs.kxdensity
kydensity = pargs.kydensity
chunklen = pargs.chunklen
ops = list()
opre = re.compile('(tr|sym|copy|multl|mult)(\d*)')
for oparg in pargs.ops:
opm = opre.match(oparg[0])
if opm:
ops.append(((opm.group(2),) if opm.group(2) else unitcell_indices, opm.group(1), oparg[1]))
raise # should not happen
print(ops, file = sys.stderr)
# -----------------finished basic CLI parsing (except for op arguments) ------------------
from qpms.timetrack import _time_b, _time_e
import qpms
import numpy as np
import os, warnings, math
from scipy import interpolate
nx = None
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
# specifikace T-matice zde
refind = math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
cdn = c / refind
k_0 = freq * refind / c # = freq / cdn
TMatrices_orig, freqs_orig, freqs_weirdunits_orig, lMaxTM = qpms.loadScuffTMatrices(TMatrix_file)
lMax = lMaxTM
if pargs.lMax:
lMax = pargs.lMax if pargs.lMax else lMaxTM
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
if pargs.lMax: #force commandline specified lMax
TMatrices_orig = TMatrices_orig[...,0:nelem,:,0:nelem]
TMatrices = np.array(np.broadcast_to(TMatrices_orig[:,nx,:,:,:,:],(len(freqs_orig),unitcell_size,2,nelem,2,nelem)) )
xfl = qpms.xflip_tyty(lMax)
yfl = qpms.yflip_tyty(lMax)
zfl = qpms.zflip_tyty(lMax)
c2rot = qpms.apply_matrix_left(qpms.yflip_yy(3),qpms.xflip_yy(3),-1)
reCN = re.compile('(\d*)C(\d+)')
#TODO C nekonečno
for op in ops:
if op[0] == 'all':
#targets = (0,1)
targets = unitcell_indices
elif isinstance(op[0],int):
targets = (op[0],)
targets = op[0]
if op[1] == 'sym':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'C2': # special case of the latter
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1))/2
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
for i in range(rotN):
rotangle = 2*np.pi*i / rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrix_contribs[i] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
TMatrices[:,t] = np.sum(TMatrix_contribs, axis=0) / rotN
elif op[1] == 'tr':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'C2':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
power = int(mCN.group(1)) if mCN.group(1) else 1
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
rotangle = 2*np.pi*power/rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot, qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif op[1] == 'copy':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'mult':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'multl':
incy = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for incl in op[2][0].split(','):
l = int(incl)
incy += (l == ny)
scaty = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for scatl in op[2][1].split(','):
l = int(scatl)
scaty += (l == ny)
for t in targets:
TMatrices[np.ix_(np.arange(TMatrices.shape[0]),np.array([t]),np.array([0,1]),scaty,np.array([0,1]),incy)] *= float(op[2][2])
raise #unknown operation; should not happen
TMatrices_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freqs_orig*interpfreqfactor, TMatrices, axis=0, kind='linear',fill_value="extrapolate")
xpositions = np.arange(Nx) * dx
ypositions = np.arange(Ny) * dy
if not pargs.nocentre:
xpositions -= Nx * dx / 2
ypositions -= Ny * dy / 2
xpositions, ypositions = np.meshgrid(xpositions, ypositions, indexing='ij', copy=False)
positions=np.stack((xpositions.ravel(),ypositions.ravel()), axis=-1)
N = positions.shape[0]
kx = np.linspace(pargs.kxmin, pargs.kxmax, num=pargs.kxdensity, endpoint=True) * 2*np.pi / dx
ky = np.linspace(pargs.kymin, pargs.kymax, num=pargs.kydensity, endpoint=True) * 2*np.pi / dy
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(kx, ky, indexing='ij', copy=False)
kz = np.sqrt(k_0**2 - (kx ** 2 + ky ** 2))
klist_full = np.stack((kx,ky,kz), axis=-1).reshape((-1,3))
TMatrices_om = TMatrices_interp(freq)
chunkn = math.ceil(klist_full.size / 3 / chunklen)
if verbose:
print('Evaluating %d k-points' % klist_full.size + ('in %d chunks'%chunkn) if chunkn>1 else '' , file = sys.stderr)
version = qpms.__version__
except NameError:
version = None
metadata = np.array({
'script': os.path.basename(__file__),
'version': version,
'type' : 'Plane wave scattering on a finite rectangular lattice',
'lMax' : lMax,
'dx' : dx,
'dy' : dy,
'Nx' : Nx,
'Ny' : Ny,
#'maxlayer' : maxlayer,
#'gaussianSigma' : gaussianSigma,
'epsilon_b' : epsilon_b,
#'hexside' : hexside,
'chunkn' : chunkn,
'chunki' : 0,
'TMatrix_file' : TMatrix_file,
'ops' : ops,
'centred' : not pargs.nocentre
scat = qpms.Scattering_2D_zsym(positions, TMatrices_om, k_0, verbose=verbose)
if pargs.only_TE:
actions = (0,)
elif pargs.only_TM:
actions = (1,)
elif pargs.serial:
actions = (0,1)
actions = (None,)
xu = np.array((1,0,0))
yu = np.array((0,1,0))
zu = np.array((0,0,1))
TEč, TMč = qpms.symz_indexarrays(lMax)
klist_full_2D = klist_full[...,:2]
klist_full_dir = klist_full/np.linalg.norm(klist_full, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
for action in actions:
if action is None:
actionstring = ''
scat.prepare_partial(action, verbose=verbose)
actionstring = '.TM' if action else '.TE'
for chunki in range(chunkn):
sbtime = _time_b(verbose, step='Solving the scattering problem, chunk %d'%chunki+actionstring)
if pargs.nosuffix:
outfile = pargs.output_prefix + actionstring + (
('.%03d' % chunki) if chunkn > 1 else '')
outfile = '%s_%dx%d_%.0fnmx%.0fnm_%.4f%s%s.npz' % (
pargs.output_prefix, Nx, Ny, dx/1e-9, dy/1e-9,
eVfreq, actionstring,
(".%03d" % chunki) if chunkn > 1 else '')
klist = klist_full[chunki * chunklen : (chunki + 1) * chunklen]
klist2d = klist_full_2D[chunki * chunklen : (chunki + 1) * chunklen]
klistdir = klist_full_dir[chunki * chunklen : (chunki + 1) * chunklen]
The following loop is a fuckup that has its roots in the fact that
the function qpms.get_π̃τ̃_y1 in qpms_p.py is not vectorized
(and consequently, neither is plane_pq_y.)
And Scattering_2D_zsym.scatter_partial is not vectorized, either.
if action == 0 or action is None:
xresult = np.full((klist.shape[0], N, nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
yresult = np.full((klist.shape[0], N, nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
if action == 1 or action is None:
zresult = np.full((klist.shape[0], N, nelem), np.nan, dtype=complex)
for i in range(klist.shape[0]):
if math.isnan(klist[i,2]):
print("%d. momentum %s invalid (k_0=%f), skipping" % (i, str(klist[i]),k_0))
kdir = klistdir[i]
phases = np.exp(-1j*np.sum(klist2d[i] * positions, axis=-1))
if action == 0 or action is None:
pq = np.array(qpms.plane_pq_y(lMax, kdir, xu)).ravel()[TEč] * phases[:, nx]
xresult[i] = scat.scatter_partial(0, pq)
pq = np.array(qpms.plane_pq_y(lMax, kdir, yu)).ravel()[TEč] * phases[:, nx]
yresult[i] = scat.scatter_partial(0, pq)
if action == 1 or action is None:
pq = np.array(qpms.plane_pq_y(lMax, kdir, zu)).ravel()[TMč] * phases[:, nx]
zresult[i] = scat.scatter_partial(1, pq)
_time_e(sbtime, verbose, step='Solving the scattering problem, chunk %d'%chunki+actionstring)
metadata[()]['chunki'] = chunki
if action is None:
np.savez(outfile, omega = freq, klist = klist,
elif action == 0:
np.savez(outfile, omega = freq, klist = klist,
elif action == 1:
np.savez(outfile, omega = freq, klist = klist,
if scp_dest:
if outfile:
subprocess.run(['scp', outfile, scp_dest])
scat.forget_matrices() # free memory in case --serial was used
_time_e(btime, verbose)
@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Bulk SVD mode computation for compact scatterer 2D lattices
__TODOs__ = '''
BIG TODO: Use more efficient way to calculate the interaction sums: perhaps some customized Ewald-type summation?
Small TODOs:
- Implement a more user-friendly way to define the lattice base vectors and positions of the particles.
cf. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2371436/evaluating-a-mathematical-expression-in-a-string/2371789
- low priority: allow to perform some more custom operations on T-Matrix, using some kind of parsing from the previous point
- Autodetect symmetries
import argparse, re, random, string
import subprocess
from scipy.constants import hbar, e as eV, pi, c
import warnings
def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
class opAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
setattr(args, listname, list())
getattr(args,listname).append((opname, values))
return opAction
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#TODO? použít type=argparse.FileType('r') ?
#TODO create some user-friendlier way to define lattice vectors, cf. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2371436/evaluating-a-mathematical-expression-in-a-string/2371789
parser.add_argument('--lattice_base', nargs=4, action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice basis vectors x1, y1, x2, y2')
parser.add_argument('--particle', '-p', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('particle', 'particlespec'), help='Particle label, coordinates x,y, and (optionally) path to the T-Matrix.')
parser.add_argument('--TMatrix', '-t', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('TMatrix_path', 'particlespec'), help='Path to TMatrix file')
#parser.add_argument('--griddir', action='store', required=True, help='Path to the directory with precalculated translation operators')
parser.add_argument('--output_prefix', action='store', required=True, help='Prefix to the npz output (will be appended frequency, hexside and chunkno)')
#sizepar = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
#DEL parser.add_argument('--hexside', action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice hexagon size length')
parser.add_argument('--plot_TMatrix', action='store_true', help='Visualise TMatrix on the first page of the output')
#parser.add_argument('--SVD_output', action='store', help='Path to output singular value decomposition result')
parser.add_argument('--maxlayer', action='store', type=int, default=100, help='How far to sum the lattice points to obtain the dispersion')
parser.add_argument('--scp_to', action='store', metavar='N', type=str, help='SCP the output files to a given destination')
parser.add_argument('--background_permittivity', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Background medium relative permittivity (default 1)')
parser.add_argument('--eVfreq', action='store', required=True, type=float, help='Frequency in eV')
parser.add_argument('--kdensity', '--k_density', action='store', type=int, default=33, help='Number of k-points per x-axis segment FIXME DESCRIPTION')
parser.add_argument('--bz_coverage', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Brillouin zone coverage in relative length (default 1 for whole 1. BZ)')
parser.add_argument('--bz_edge_width', action='store', type=float, default=0., help='Width of the more densely covered belt along the 1. BZ edge in relative lengths')
parser.add_argument('--bz_edge_factor', action='store', type=float, default=8., help='Relative density of the belt along the 1. BZ edge w.r.t. k_density (default==8)')
parser.add_argument('--bz_edge_twoside', action='store_true', help='Compute also the parts of the densely covered edge belt outside the 1. BZ')
parser.add_argument('--bz_corner_width', action='store', type=float, default=0., help='Size of the more densely covered subcell along the 1. BZ corners in relative lengths')
parser.add_argument('--bz_corner_factor', action='store', type=float, default=16., help='Relative density of the subcell along the 1. BZ corner w.r.t. k_density (default==16)')
parser.add_argument('--bz_corner_twoside', action='store_true', help='Compute also the parts of the densely covered subcell outside the 1. BZ')
parser.add_argument('--chunklen', action='store', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of k-points per output file (default 1000)')
parser.add_argument('--lMax', action=make_action_sharedlist('lMax', 'particlespec'), nargs=+, help='Override lMax from the TMatrix file')
#TODO some more sophisticated x axis definitions
parser.add_argument('--gaussian', action='store', type=float, metavar='σ', help='Use a gaussian envelope for weighting the interaction matrix contributions (depending on the distance), measured in unit cell lengths (?) FIxME).')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help='Be verbose (about computation times, mostly)')
popgrp.add_argument('--tr', dest='ops', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr', 'ops'), default=list()) # the default value for dest can be set once
popgrp.add_argument('--sym', dest='ops', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--multl', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl', 'ops'))
parser.add_argument('--frequency_multiplier', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Multiplies the frequencies in the TMatrix file by a given factor.')
exit(0) ###
#DEL hexside=pargs.hexside
eVfreq = pargs.eVfreq
freq = eVfreq*eV/hbar
#DEL TMatrix_file = pargs.TMatrix
epsilon_b = pargs.background_permittivity #2.3104
gaussianSigma = pargs.gaussian if pargs.gaussian else None # hexside * 222 / 7
interpfreqfactor = pargs.frequency_multiplier
scp_dest = pargs.scp_to if pargs.scp_to else None
kdensity = pargs.kdensity
chunklen = pargs.chunklen
#### Nanoparticle position and T-matrix path parsing ####
TMatrix_paths = dict()
lMax_overrides = dict()
default_TMatrix_path = None
default_lMax_override = None
if not any((arg_type == 'particle') in (arg_type, arg_content) for in pargs.particlespec):
# no particles positions given: suppose only one per unit cell, in the cell origin
positions = {None: (0.0)}
positions = dict()
for arg_type, arg_content in pargs.particlespec:
if arg_type == 'particle' # --particle option
if 3 <= len(arg_content) <= 4:
positions[arg_content[0]] = (float(arg_content[1]), float(arg_content[2]))
except ValueError as e:
e.args += ("second and third argument of --particle must be valid floats, given: ", arg_content)
if len(arg_content == 4):
if arg_content[0] in TMatrix_paths:
warnings.warn('T-matrix path for particle \'%s\' already specified.'
'Overriding with the last value.' % arg_content[0], SyntaxWarning)
TMatrix_paths[arg_content[0]] = arg_content[3]
raise ValueError("--particle expects 3 or 4 arguments, %d given: " % len(arg_content), arg_content)
elif arg_type == 'TMatrix_path': # --TMatrix option
if len(arg_content) == 1: # --TMatrix default_path
if default_TMatrix_path is not None:
warnings.warn('Default T-matrix path already specified. Overriding with the last value.', SyntaxWarning)
default_TMatrix_path = arg_content[0]
elif len(arg_content) > 1: # --TMatrix label [label2 [...]] path
for label in arg_content[:-1]:
if label in TMatrix_paths.keys():
warnings.warn('T-matrix path for particle \'%s\' already specified.'
'Overriding with the last value.' % label, SyntaxWarning)
TMatrix_paths[label] = arg_content[-1]
elif arg_type == 'lMax': # --lMax option
if len(arg_content) == 1: # --lMax default_lmax_override
if default_lMax_override is not None:
warnings.warn('Default lMax override value already specified. Overriding the last value.', SyntaxWarning)
default_lMax_override = int(arg_content[-1])
for label in arg_content[:-1]:
if label in lMax_overrides.keys:
warnings.warn('lMax override for particle \'%s\' already specified.'
'overriding with the last value.' % label, SyntaxWarning)
lMax_overrides[label] = int(arg_content[-1])
else: assert False, 'unknown option type'
# Check the info from positions and TMatrix_paths and lMax_overrides
if not set(TMatrix_paths.keys()) <= set(positions.keys()):
raise ValueError("T-Matrix path(s) for particle(s) labeled %s was given, but not their positions"
% str(set(TMatrix_paths.keys()) - set(positions.keys())))
if not set(lMax_overrides.keys()) <= set(positions.keys()):
raise ValueError("lMax override(s) for particle(s) labeled %s was given, but not their positions"
%str(set(lMax_overrides.keys()) - set(positions.keys())))
if (set(TMatrix_paths.keys()) != set(positions.keys())) and default_TMatrix_path is None:
raise ValueError("Position(s) of particles(s) labeled %s was given without their T-matrix"
" and no default T-matrix was specified"
% str(set(positions.keys()) - set(TMatrix_paths_keys())))
for path in TMatrix_paths.values():
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError("Cannot access T-matrix file %s. Does it exist?" % path)
# Assign (pre-parse) the T-matrix operations to individual particles
ops = dict()
for label in positions.keys(): ops[label] = list()
for optype, arg_content in pargs.ops:
# if, no label given, apply to all, otherwise on the specifield particles
for label in (positions.keys() if len(arg_content) == 1 else arg_content[:-1]):
ops[label].append((optype, arg_content[-1]))
except KeyError as e:
e.args += 'Specified operation on undefined particle labeled \'%s\'' % label
print(sys.stderr, "ops: ", ops) #DEBUG
#### Collect all the info about the particles / their T-matrices into one list ####
# Enumerate and assign all the _different_ T-matrices (without any intelligent group-theory checking, though)
TMatrix_specs = dict((spec, number)
for (number, spec) in enumerate(set(
(lMax_overrides[label] if label in lMax_overrides.keys() else None,
for label in positions.keys()
# particles_specs contains (label, (xpos, ypos), tmspec_index per element)
particles_specs = [(label, positions(label),
TMatrix_specs[(lMax_overrides[label] if label in lMax_overrides.keys() else None,
) for label in positions.keys()]
# -----------------finished basic CLI parsing (except for op arguments) ------------------
from qpms.timetrack import _time_b, _time_e
import qpms
import numpy as np
import os, sys, warnings, math
from scipy import interpolate
nx = None
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
# specifikace T-matice zde
cdn = c/ math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
TMatrices_orig, freqs_orig, freqs_weirdunits_orig, lMaxTM = qpms.loadScuffTMatrices(TMatrix_file)
lMax = lMaxTM
if pargs.lMax:
lMax = pargs.lMax if pargs.lMax else lMaxTM
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
if pargs.lMax: #force commandline specified lMax
TMatrices_orig = TMatrices_orig[...,0:nelem,:,0:nelem]
TMatrices = np.array(np.broadcast_to(TMatrices_orig[:,nx,:,:,:,:],(len(freqs_orig),2,2,nelem,2,nelem)) )
#TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:,ny==3] *= factor13inc
#TMatrices[:,:,:,ny==3,:,:] *= factor13scat
xfl = qpms.xflip_tyty(lMax)
yfl = qpms.yflip_tyty(lMax)
zfl = qpms.zflip_tyty(lMax)
c2rot = qpms.apply_matrix_left(qpms.yflip_yy(3),qpms.xflip_yy(3),-1)
reCN = re.compile('(\d*)C(\d+)')
#TODO C nekonečno
for op in ops:
if op[0] == 'all':
targets = (0,1)
elif isinstance(op[0],int):
targets = (op[0],)
targets = op[0]
if op[1] == 'sym':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'C2': # special case of the latter
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1))/2
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
for i in range(rotN):
rotangle = 2*np.pi*i / rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrix_contribs[i] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
TMatrices[:,t] = np.sum(TMatrix_contribs, axis=0) / rotN
raise ValueError('\'%d\' is not an implemented symmetry operation' % op[2])
elif op[1] == 'tr':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'C2':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
power = int(mCN.group(1)) if mCN.group(1) else 1
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
rotangle = 2*np.pi*power/rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot, qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
raise ValueError('\'%d\' is not an implemented T-matrix transformation operation' % op[2])
elif op[1] == 'copy':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'mult':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'multl':
incy = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for incl in op[2][0].split(','):
l = int(incl)
incy += (l == ny)
scaty = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for scatl in op[2][1].split(','):
l = int(scatl)
scaty += (l == ny)
for t in targets:
TMatrices[np.ix_(np.arange(TMatrices.shape[0]),np.array([t]),np.array([0,1]),scaty,np.array([0,1]),incy)] *= float(op[2][2])
raise #unknown operation; should not happen
TMatrices_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freqs_orig*interpfreqfactor, TMatrices, axis=0, kind='linear',fill_value="extrapolate")
klist_full = qpms.generate_trianglepoints(kdensity, v3d=True, include_origin=True)*3*math.pi/(3*kdensity*hexside)
TMatrices_om = TMatrices_interp(freq)
chunkn = math.ceil(klist_full.shape[0] / chunklen)
if verbose:
print('Evaluating %d k-points in %d chunks' % (klist_full.shape[0], chunkn), file = sys.stderr)
metadata = np.array({
'lMax' : lMax,
'maxlayer' : maxlayer,
'gaussianSigma' : gaussianSigma,
'epsilon_b' : epsilon_b,
'hexside' : hexside,
'chunkn' : chunkn,
'TMatrix_file' : TMatrix_file,
'ops' : ops,
for chunki in range(chunkn):
svdout = '%s_%dnm_%.4f_c%03d.npz' % (pargs.output_prefix, hexside/1e-9, eVfreq, chunki)
klist = klist_full[chunki * chunklen : (chunki + 1) * chunklen]
svdres = qpms.hexlattice_zsym_getSVD(lMax=lMax, TMatrices_om=TMatrices_om, epsilon_b=epsilon_b, hexside=hexside, maxlayer=maxlayer,
omega=freq, klist=klist, gaussianSigma=gaussianSigma, onlyNmin=False, verbose=verbose)
#((svUfullTElist, svSfullTElist, svVfullTElist), (svUfullTMlist, svSfullTMlist, svVfullTMlist)) = svdres
np.savez(svdout, omega = freq, klist = klist,
uTE = svdres[0][0],
vTE = svdres[0][2],
sTE = svdres[0][1],
uTM = svdres[1][0],
vTM = svdres[1][2],
sTM = svdres[1][1],
if scp_dest:
if svdout:
subprocess.run(['scp', svdout, scp_dest])
_time_e(btime, verbose)
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import qpms
import numpy as np
from numpy import newaxis as nx
import math
import cmath
import os
from scipy.constants import c, e as eV, hbar
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
omega_eV = float(args.omega)
epsilon_b = 2.3104
hexside = 375e-9
lMax = 3
maxlayer = 222
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
omega = omega_eV * eV / hbar
k_0 = omega * math.sqrt(epsilon_b) / c
output_prefix = '/tmp/diracpoints-newdata2/%d/' % maxlayer
os.makedirs(output_prefix, exist_ok=True)
qpms.hexlattice_precalc_AB_save(file=output_prefix+str(omega_eV), lMax=lMax, k_hexside=k_0*hexside,
maxlayer=maxlayer, savepointinfo=True)
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from qpms import processWfiles_sameKs
npart = int(sys.argv[1])
dest = sys.argv[2]
srcs = sys.argv[3:]
processWfiles_sameKs(srcs, dest, f='d', nparticles=npart)
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from qpms import processWfiles_sameKs
dest = sys.argv[1]
srcs = sys.argv[2:]
processWfiles_sameKs(srcs, dest, f='d')
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from qpms import processWfiles_sameKs
npart = int(sys.argv[1])
dest = sys.argv[2]
srcs = sys.argv[3:]
srcs_sorted = sorted(srcs, key=float)
processWfiles_sameKs(srcs_sorted, dest, f='d', nparticles=npart)
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
'''INCOMPLETE! This will read read the refractiveindex.info yaml files
and transforms the database into a C source.'''
import re
import os
from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader, Dumper
# Right now, we can process only the 'tabulated nk' data
searchfor = '- type: tabulated nk'
searchfor = re.compile(searchfor)
ridatadir = "/u/46/necadam1/unix/repo/refractiveindex.info-database/database/data"
nktables = dict()
def find_files_by_pattern (pattern, dir):
r = re.compile(pattern)
for parent, dnames, fnames in os.walk(ridatadir):
for fname in fnames:
filename = os.path.join(parent, fname)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
text = f.read()
if r.search(text):
yield (
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
ricbessel # ricatti-bessel psi
richankes # ricatti-hankel xi
crichankel # (same with complex argument)
cspherebessel # spherical Bessel jn(z), yn(z)
vcfunc # vector coupling coefficients C(m,n|k,l|m+k,w), w = |n-l|,...n+l
normalizedlegendre # normalized asssociated legendre functions
rotcoef # Generalized spherical functions
taufunc # vector spherical harmonics, normalized
pifunc # vector spherical harmonics, ?
planewavecoef # regular vswf expansion coefficients for a plane wave
gaussianbeamcoef # regular vsfw expansion for a gaussian beam
sphereplanewavecoef # plane wave expansion coefficients at sphere origins
axialtrancoefrecurrence # axial translation ceifficients
tranordertest # test to determine convergence of regular vswf addition theorem
gentrancoef # calculates the vwh translation coefficients for a general translation from one origin to another
cartosphere # cartesian to spherical coorsinates
eulerrotation # euler rotation of a point specified in cartesian coords
planewavetruncationorder # test to determine max order of vswf expansion of a plane wave at distance r
vwhcalc # calculates the cartesian components of the vswf at position rpos
vwhaxialcalc # svwf calculation for an axial translation
twobytwoinverse # inverse of a 2x2 matrix
module spheredata (lots of declarations!, read all the shit)
module miecoefdata
miecoefcalc # calculation of the max order of sphere expansions and storage of mie coefficients
readtmatrix # reads and stores a PARTICLE T matrix
lrmodetran # transformation between lr and te tm basis
mieoa # optically aptive lorenz/mie coefficients
getmiedataall # retrieve the array of mie data
getmiedataone # retrieve mie data for a single sphere
onemiecoeffmult # multiplies coefficients for sphere i by appropriate lm coefficient
multmiecoeffmult # generalized mie coefficient mult
dotproduct # vectorproduct for each rhs element of coefficient array
module translation
hostconfiguration # calculates lists for identifying host and interior sphere
rottranmtrxsetup # sets up the stored translation matrices and sets other constants
rottranmtrxclear # clear the stored translation matrices
sphereinteraction # the general sphere interaction driver
external_to_external_expansion # outgoing translation operator: a(i) = H(i-j) a(j)
external_to_internal_expansion #
m1_to_the_n # sign flipped for odd degrees
rottranfarfield # far field formula for outgoing vswf translation
farfieldtranslationerror # correction ter for hybrid bcgm solution
rottran # the vectorized rotation translation-rotation operation !!!!
spheregaussianbeamcoef # GB coefficients for sphere-centered expansion, obtained via translation
rotvec # rotation of expansion coefficients amn by euler angles
module scatprops
tranorders # determinaniot of maximum orders for target-based expansions
amncommonorigin # translation of sphere-based expansions to common target origin
lrsphereqeff # general efficiency factor calculation
qefficiencyfactors # calling routine for efficiency calculation
scatteringmatrix # scattering amplitude sa and matrix sm calculation
fosmcalc # azimuth-averaged scattering matrix
formexpansion # determine the generalized sf expansion for the azimuth-averaged scatt. matrix
module nearfield
nearfieldspherepart # the field at point xg generated by the spheres
nearfieldincidentpart # the incident field at point xg using a regular vswh expansion
nearfieldincidentcoef # reshaped array of incident field coefficients
nearfieldpointcalc # !
module solver
tmatrixsoln # calculation of T-mat. via solution of interaction eqs for a generalized plane wave expansion
fixedorsoln # solution of interaction exuations for a fixed orientation
cbicgff # hybrid bcgm, using far field translation
cbicg # bcgm iteration solver
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Common snippets for argument processing in command line scripts; legacy scripts use scripts_common.py instead.
Common snippets for argument processing in command line scripts.
import argparse
import argparse
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
scattering.py: Scattering in finite lattices.
modes2d.py TODO: Modes in infinite lattices.
tmatrices.py TODO: T-matrix creation (loading), (symmetry) operations etc. Perhaps move here some content of qpms_p.py
lattices2d.py IN PROGRESS: Various 2D lattice generation, lattice type recognition and related functions.
hexpoints.py: To be obsoleted by more general lattices2d.py.
scripts_common.py: Argument parsing common to various scripts.
timetrack.py: Auxilliary module for measuring elapsed time.
qpms_c.pyx: Cython wrapper for the c code and some miscellanous functions.
qpms_p.py: Miscellanous functions that have not been moved elsewhere.
legacy.py: Unused code moved from old versions, should not be imported with qpms. To be removed in the end.
@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
Mostly legacy code; new scripts use mostly argproc.py
import warnings
import argparse
#import sys # for debugging purpose, TODO remove in production
import os # because of path
from .types import TMatrixOp, TMatrixSpec, ParticleSpec, LatticeSpec
import collections
ParticleSpec = collections.namedtuple('ParticleSpec', ['label', 'position', 'tmatrix_spec'])
TMatrixOp = collections.namedtuple('TMatrixOp',
['optype', 'content'])
TMatrixSpec = collections.namedtuple('TMatrixSpec',
['lMax_override', 'tmatrix_path', 'ops'])
__TODOs__ = '''
- Checking validity of T-matrix ops (the arguments of --tr, --sym or similar) according to what is implemented
in tmatrices.py.
- Implement a more user-friendly way to define the lattice base vectors and positions of the particles.
cf. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2371436/evaluating-a-mathematical-expression-in-a-string/2371789
- low priority: allow to perform some more custom operations on T-Matrix, using some kind of parsing from the previous point
- Autodetect symmetries
def make_action_sharedlist(opname, listname):
class opAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
if (not hasattr(args, listname)) or getattr(args, listname) is None:
setattr(args, listname, list())
getattr(args,listname).append((opname, values))
return opAction
def add_argparse_k_output_options(parser):
parser.add_argument('--kdensity', '--k_density', action='store', type=int, nargs='+', default=33, help='Number of k-points per x-axis segment FIXME DESCRIPTION')
parser.add_argument('--bz_coverage', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Brillouin zone coverage in relative length (default 1 for whole 1. BZ)')
parser.add_argument('--bz_edge_width', action='store', type=float, default=0., help='Width of the more densely covered belt along the 1. BZ edge in relative lengths')
parser.add_argument('--bz_edge_factor', action='store', type=float, default=8., help='Relative density of the belt along the 1. BZ edge w.r.t. k_density (default==8)')
parser.add_argument('--bz_edge_twoside', action='store_true', help='Compute also the parts of the densely covered edge belt outside the 1. BZ')
parser.add_argument('--bz_corner_width', action='store', type=float, default=0., help='Size of the more densely covered subcell along the 1. BZ corners in relative lengths')
parser.add_argument('--bz_corner_factor', action='store', type=float, default=16., help='Relative density of the subcell along the 1. BZ corner w.r.t. k_density (default==16)')
parser.add_argument('--bz_corner_twoside', action='store_true', help='Compute also the parts of the densely covered subcell outside the 1. BZ')
def add_argparse_unitcell_definitions(parser):
#TODO create some user-friendlier way to define lattice vectors, cf. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2371436/evaluating-a-mathematical-expression-in-a-string/2371789
parser.add_argument('--lattice_base', nargs=4, action='store', type=float, required=True, help='Lattice basis vectors x1, y1, x2, y2')
parser.add_argument('--particle', '-p', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('particle', 'particlespec'), help='Particle label, coordinates x,y, and (optionally) path to the T-Matrix.')
parser.add_argument('--TMatrix', '-t', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('TMatrix_path', 'particlespec'), help='Path to TMatrix file')
parser.add_argument('--background_permittivity', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Background medium relative permittivity (default 1)')
parser.add_argument('--lMax', action=make_action_sharedlist('lMax', 'particlespec'), nargs='+', help='Override lMax from the TMatrix file')
popgrp.add_argument('--tr', dest='ops', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('tr', 'ops'), default=list()) # the default value for dest can be set once
popgrp.add_argument('--sym', dest='ops', nargs='+', action=make_action_sharedlist('sym', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--mult', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCSPEC', 'SCATSPEC', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('mult', 'ops'))
#popgrp.add_argument('--multl', dest='ops', nargs=3, metavar=('INCL[,INCL,...]', 'SCATL[,SCATL,...]', 'MULTIPLIER'), action=make_action_sharedlist('multl', 'ops'))
def add_argparse_infinite_lattice_options(parser):
parser.add_argument('--maxlayer', action='store', type=int, default=100, help='How far to sum the lattice points to obtain the dispersion')
parser.add_argument('--gaussian', action='store', type=float, metavar='σ', help='Use a gaussian envelope for weighting the interaction matrix contributions (depending on the distance), measured in unit cell lengths (?) FIxME).')
def add_argparse_output_options(parser):
parser.add_argument('--output_prefix', action='store', required=True, help='Prefix to the npz output (will be appended frequency, hexside and chunkno)')
parser.add_argument('--plot_TMatrix', action='store_true', help='Visualise TMatrix on the first page of the output')
parser.add_argument('--scp_to', action='store', metavar='N', type=str, help='SCP the output files to a given destination')
parser.add_argument('--chunklen', action='store', type=int, default=1000, help='Number of k-points per output file (default 1000)')
def add_argparse_common_options(parser):
parser.add_argument('--eVfreq', action='store', required=True, type=float, help='Frequency in eV')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', help='Be verbose (about computation times, mostly)')
parser.add_argument('--frequency_multiplier', action='store', type=float, default=1., help='Multiplies the frequencies in the TMatrix file by a given factor.')
def arg_preprocess_particles(pargs, d=None, return_tuple=False):
Nanoparticle position and T-matrix path parsing
parser: ArgumentParser on which add_argparse_unitcell_definitions() and whose
parse_args() has been called.
returns a list of ParticleSpec objects
TMatrix_paths = dict()
lMax_overrides = dict()
default_TMatrix_path = None
default_lMax_override = None
if not any((arg_type == 'particle') for (arg_type, arg_content) in pargs.particlespec):
# no particles positions given: suppose only one per unit cell, in the cell origin
positions = {None: (0.0)}
positions = dict()
for arg_type, arg_content in pargs.particlespec:
if arg_type == 'particle': # --particle option
if 3 <= len(arg_content) <= 4:
positions[arg_content[0]] = (float(arg_content[1]), float(arg_content[2]))
except ValueError as e:
e.args += ("second and third argument of --particle must be valid floats, given: ", arg_content)
if len(arg_content) == 4:
if arg_content[0] in TMatrix_paths:
warnings.warn('T-matrix path for particle \'%s\' already specified.'
'Overriding with the last value.' % arg_content[0], SyntaxWarning)
TMatrix_paths[arg_content[0]] = arg_content[3]
raise ValueError("--particle expects 3 or 4 arguments, %d given: " % len(arg_content), arg_content)
elif arg_type == 'TMatrix_path': # --TMatrix option
if len(arg_content) == 1: # --TMatrix default_path
if default_TMatrix_path is not None:
warnings.warn('Default T-matrix path already specified. Overriding with the last value.', SyntaxWarning)
default_TMatrix_path = arg_content[0]
elif len(arg_content) > 1: # --TMatrix label [label2 [...]] path
for label in arg_content[:-1]:
if label in TMatrix_paths.keys():
warnings.warn('T-matrix path for particle \'%s\' already specified.'
'Overriding with the last value.' % label, SyntaxWarning)
TMatrix_paths[label] = arg_content[-1]
elif arg_type == 'lMax': # --lMax option
if len(arg_content) == 1: # --lMax default_lmax_override
if default_lMax_override is not None:
warnings.warn('Default lMax override value already specified. Overriding the last value.', SyntaxWarning)
default_lMax_override = int(arg_content[-1])
for label in arg_content[:-1]:
if label in lMax_overrides.keys:
warnings.warn('lMax override for particle \'%s\' already specified.'
'overriding with the last value.' % label, SyntaxWarning)
lMax_overrides[label] = int(arg_content[-1])
else: assert False, 'unknown option type'
# Check the info from positions and TMatrix_paths and lMax_overrides
if not set(TMatrix_paths.keys()) <= set(positions.keys()):
raise ValueError("T-Matrix path(s) for particle(s) labeled %s was given, but not their positions"
% str(set(TMatrix_paths.keys()) - set(positions.keys())))
if not set(lMax_overrides.keys()) <= set(positions.keys()):
raise ValueError("lMax override(s) for particle(s) labeled %s was given, but not their positions"
%str(set(lMax_overrides.keys()) - set(positions.keys())))
if (set(TMatrix_paths.keys()) != set(positions.keys())) and default_TMatrix_path is None:
raise ValueError("Position(s) of particles(s) labeled %s was given without their T-matrix"
" and no default T-matrix was specified"
% str(set(positions.keys()) - set(TMatrix_paths.keys())))
# Fill default_TMatrix_path to those that don't have its own
for label in (set(positions.keys()) - set(TMatrix_paths.keys())):
TMatrix_paths[label] = default_TMatrix_path
for path in TMatrix_paths.values():
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError("Cannot access T-matrix file %s. Does it exist?" % path)
# Assign (pre-parse) the T-matrix operations to individual particles
ops = dict()
for label in positions.keys(): ops[label] = list()
for optype, arg_content in pargs.ops:
# if, no label given, apply to all, otherwise on the specifield particles
for label in (positions.keys() if len(arg_content) == 1 else arg_content[:-1]):
ops[label].append(TMatrixOp(optype, arg_content[-1]))
except KeyError as e:
e.args += 'Specified operation on undefined particle labeled \'%s\'' % label
#### Collect all the info about the particles / their T-matrices into one list ####
# get rid of the non-unique T-matrix specs (so there is only one instance living
# of each different TMatrixSpec, possibly with multiple references to it
TMatrix_specs = dict((spec, spec)
for spec in (TMatrixSpec(
lMax_overrides[label] if label in lMax_overrides.keys() else None,
for label in positions.keys())
# particles_specs contains (label, (xpos, ypos), tmspec per element)
particles_specs = [ParticleSpec(label, positions[label],
TMatrix_specs[(lMax_overrides[label] if label in lMax_overrides.keys() else None,
) for label in positions.keys()]
return particles_specs
import argparse, re, random, string
import subprocess
from scipy.constants import hbar, e as eV, pi, c
import warnings
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
exit(0) ###
#DEL hexside=pargs.hexside
eVfreq = pargs.eVfreq
freq = eVfreq*eV/hbar
#DEL TMatrix_file = pargs.TMatrix
epsilon_b = pargs.background_permittivity #2.3104
gaussianSigma = pargs.gaussian if pargs.gaussian else None # hexside * 222 / 7
interpfreqfactor = pargs.frequency_multiplier
scp_dest = pargs.scp_to if pargs.scp_to else None
kdensity = pargs.kdensity
chunklen = pargs.chunklen
# -----------------finished basic CLI parsing (except for op arguments) ------------------
from qpms.timetrack import _time_b, _time_e
import qpms
import numpy as np
import os, sys, warnings, math
from scipy import interpolate
nx = None
s3 = math.sqrt(3)
# specifikace T-matice zde
cdn = c/ math.sqrt(epsilon_b)
TMatrices_orig, freqs_orig, freqs_weirdunits_orig, lMaxTM = qpms.loadScuffTMatrices(TMatrix_file)
lMax = lMaxTM
if pargs.lMax:
lMax = pargs.lMax if pargs.lMax else lMaxTM
my, ny = qpms.get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(my)
if pargs.lMax: #force commandline specified lMax
TMatrices_orig = TMatrices_orig[...,0:nelem,:,0:nelem]
TMatrices = np.array(np.broadcast_to(TMatrices_orig[:,nx,:,:,:,:],(len(freqs_orig),2,2,nelem,2,nelem)) )
#TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:,ny==3] *= factor13inc
#TMatrices[:,:,:,ny==3,:,:] *= factor13scat
xfl = qpms.xflip_tyty(lMax)
yfl = qpms.yflip_tyty(lMax)
zfl = qpms.zflip_tyty(lMax)
c2rot = qpms.apply_matrix_left(qpms.yflip_yy(3),qpms.xflip_yy(3),-1)
reCN = re.compile('(\d*)C(\d+)')
#TODO C nekonečno
for op in ops:
if op[0] == 'all':
targets = (0,1)
elif isinstance(op[0],int):
targets = (op[0],)
targets = op[0]
if op[1] == 'sym':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1)))/2
elif op[2] == 'C2': # special case of the latter
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = (TMatrices[:,t] + qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1))/2
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
for i in range(rotN):
rotangle = 2*np.pi*i / rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax,np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrix_contribs[i] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
TMatrices[:,t] = np.sum(TMatrix_contribs, axis=0) / rotN
raise ValueError('\'%d\' is not an implemented symmetry operation' % op[2])
elif op[1] == 'tr':
mCN = reCN.match(op[2]) # Fuck van Rossum for not having assignments inside expressions
if op[2] == 'σ_z':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(zfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_y':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(yfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'σ_x':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl,qpms.apply_ndmatrix_left(xfl, TMatrices[:,t], (-4,-3)),(-2,-1))
elif op[2] == 'C2':
for t in targets:
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot,qpms.apply_matrix_left(c2rot, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
elif mCN:
rotN = int(mCN.group(2))
power = int(mCN.group(1)) if mCN.group(1) else 1
TMatrix_contribs = np.empty((rotN,TMatrices.shape[0],2,nelem,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for t in targets:
rotangle = 2*np.pi*power/rotN
rot = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,rotangle]))
rotinv = qpms.WignerD_yy_fromvector(lMax, np.array([0,0,-rotangle]))
TMatrices[:,t] = qpms.apply_matrix_left(rot, qpms.apply_matrix_left(rotinv, TMatrices[:,t], -3),-1)
raise ValueError('\'%d\' is not an implemented T-matrix transformation operation' % op[2])
elif op[1] == 'copy':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'mult':
raise # not implemented
elif op[1] == 'multl':
incy = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for incl in op[2][0].split(','):
l = int(incl)
incy += (l == ny)
scaty = np.full((nelem,), False, dtype=bool)
for scatl in op[2][1].split(','):
l = int(scatl)
scaty += (l == ny)
for t in targets:
TMatrices[np.ix_(np.arange(TMatrices.shape[0]),np.array([t]),np.array([0,1]),scaty,np.array([0,1]),incy)] *= float(op[2][2])
raise #unknown operation; should not happen
TMatrices_interp = interpolate.interp1d(freqs_orig*interpfreqfactor, TMatrices, axis=0, kind='linear',fill_value="extrapolate")
klist_full = qpms.generate_trianglepoints(kdensity, v3d=True, include_origin=True)*3*math.pi/(3*kdensity*hexside)
TMatrices_om = TMatrices_interp(freq)
chunkn = math.ceil(klist_full.shape[0] / chunklen)
if verbose:
print('Evaluating %d k-points in %d chunks' % (klist_full.shape[0], chunkn), file = sys.stderr)
metadata = np.array({
'lMax' : lMax,
'maxlayer' : maxlayer,
'gaussianSigma' : gaussianSigma,
'epsilon_b' : epsilon_b,
'hexside' : hexside,
'chunkn' : chunkn,
'TMatrix_file' : TMatrix_file,
'ops' : ops,
for chunki in range(chunkn):
svdout = '%s_%dnm_%.4f_c%03d.npz' % (pargs.output_prefix, hexside/1e-9, eVfreq, chunki)
klist = klist_full[chunki * chunklen : (chunki + 1) * chunklen]
svdres = qpms.hexlattice_zsym_getSVD(lMax=lMax, TMatrices_om=TMatrices_om, epsilon_b=epsilon_b, hexside=hexside, maxlayer=maxlayer,
omega=freq, klist=klist, gaussianSigma=gaussianSigma, onlyNmin=False, verbose=verbose)
#((svUfullTElist, svSfullTElist, svVfullTElist), (svUfullTMlist, svSfullTMlist, svVfullTMlist)) = svdres
np.savez(svdout, omega = freq, klist = klist,
uTE = svdres[0][0],
vTE = svdres[0][2],
sTE = svdres[0][1],
uTM = svdres[1][0],
vTM = svdres[1][2],
sTM = svdres[1][1],
if scp_dest:
if svdout:
subprocess.run(['scp', svdout, scp_dest])
_time_e(btime, verbose)
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
Legacy code, used only in scripts_common.py. To be removed in future versions.
import time
import sys
def _time_b(active = True, name = None, step = None):
Auxiliary function for keeping track of elapsed time.
Returns current time (to be used by _time_e).
now = time.time()
if active:
if not name:
name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
if step:
print('%.4f: %s in function %s started.' % (now, step, name), file = sys.stderr)
print('%.4f: Function %s started.' % (now, name), file=sys.stderr)
return now
def _time_e(start_time, active = True, name = None, step = None):
now = time.time()
if active:
if not name:
name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
if step:
print('%.4f: %s in function %s finished (elapsed %.2f s).'
% (now, step, name, now - start_time), file = sys.stderr)
print('%.4f: Function %s finished (elapsed %.2f s).'
% (now, name, now - start_time), file = sys.stderr)
Reference in New Issue