Permutation group homomorphism – sympy/numpy versio
Former-commit-id: 9fbc18dc9d2e4f22a5450e8e2aca799da45f5698
This commit is contained in:
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\begin_layout Title
Symmetry-adapted basis functions for honeycomb lattice at
\begin_inset Formula $K$
\begin_layout Section
Generation theorem
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $\mathbf{G}$
be a group and
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma^{i}\left\{ R\to\mathbf{D}^{i}\left(R\right)\right\} $
\begin_inset Formula $d_{i}$
-dimensional rep of
\begin_inset Formula $\mathbf{G}$
Let the group ring (corresponding to the given rep indexed by
\begin_inset Formula $i$
) elements be defined as [Bradley&Cracknell (2.2.2)]
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
From [Bradley&Cracknell, theorem 2.2.1]:
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula $\phi$
is an arbitrary function of
\begin_inset Formula $V$
(a linear space in which the realisation of the group operation act) such
\begin_inset Formula $W_{ss}^{i}\phi\ne0$
\begin_inset Formula $s$
is fixed and is a number in the range 1 to
\begin_inset Formula $d_{i}$
\begin_inset Formula $i$
is idx of the rep) then the funs
\begin_inset Formula $W_{ts}^{i}\phi=\phi_{t}^{i}$
\begin_inset Formula $t=1$
\begin_inset Formula $d_{i}$
, form a basis for the rep
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma^{i}$
\begin_layout Section
Particle-centered transformations
\begin_layout Standard
Now let's see what are the point group actions on SVWF in the origin [Schulz]:
\begin_layout Standard
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\begin_inset Formula $Z$
-axis rotation by
\begin_inset Formula $2\pi/N$
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\begin_inset Text
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\begin_inset Formula $C_{N}M_{l}^{m}=e^{\pm?i2\pi m/N}M_{l}^{m}$
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\begin_inset Formula $C_{N}N_{l}^{m}=e^{\pm?i2\pi m/N}N_{l}^{m}$
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\begin_inset Text
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Horizontal (xy) reflection
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\begin_inset Text
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\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{h}M_{l}^{m}=\left(-1\right)^{m+l+1}M_{l}^{m}$
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\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{h}N_{l}^{m}=\left(-1\right)^{m+l}N_{l}^{m}$
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Vertical (yz) reflection
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\begin_inset Text
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\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{yz}M_{l}^{m}=-M_{l}^{-m}$
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\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{yz}N_{l}^{m}=N_{l}^{-m}$
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Vertical (xz) reflection
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{xz}M_{l}^{m}=\left(-1\right)^{m+1}M_{l}^{-m}$
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\begin_inset Text
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\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{xz}N_{l}^{m}=\left(-1\right)^{m}N_{l}^{-m}$
\begin_layout Section
Transformations in a lattice
\begin_layout Standard
Reference in New Issue