Make infinite rect lat. / real freq. SVD work with ScatteringSystem.
Former-commit-id: 56beaeca0b44ca9087208c5e27c007d492572302
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, required=False, help='output path (i
ap.add_argument("-O", "--plot-out", type=str, required=False, help="path to plot output (optional)")
ap.add_argument("-P", "--plot", action='store_true', help="if -p not given, plot to a default path")
ap.add_argument("-s", "--singular_values", type=int, default=10, help="Number of singular values to plot")
ap.add_argument("--D2", action='store_true', help="Use D2h symmetry even if the x and y periods are equal")
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
px, py = a.period
#Important! The particles are supposed to be of D2h/D4h symmetry
thegroup = 'D4h' if px == py else 'D2h'
thegroup = 'D4h' if px == py and not a.D2 else 'D2h'
particlestr = ("sph" if a.height is None else "cyl") + ("_r%gnm" % (a.radius*1e9))
if a.height is not None: particlestr += "_h%gnm" % (a.height * 1e9)
@ -28,14 +29,14 @@"Default file prefix: %s" % defaultprefix)
import numpy as np
import qpms
import warnings
from qpms.cybspec import BaseSpec
from qpms.cytmatrices import CTMatrix, TMatrixGenerator
from qpms.qpms_c import Particle, pgsl_ignore_error
from qpms.cymaterials import EpsMu, EpsMuGenerator, LorentzDrudeModel, lorentz_drude
from qpms.cycommon import DebugFlags, dbgmsg_enable
from qpms import FinitePointGroup, ScatteringSystem, BesselType, eV, hbar
from qpms.cyunitcell import unitcell
#from qpms.symmetries import point_group_info # TODO
from qpms.symmetries import point_group_info
eh = eV/hbar
# not used; TODO:
@ -46,7 +47,9 @@ irrep_labels = {"B2''":"$B_2''$",
@ -65,23 +68,30 @@"%d frequencies from %g to %g eV" % (len(omegas), omegas[0]/eh, ome
bspec = BaseSpec(lMax = a.lMax)
nelem = len(bspec)
# The parameters here should probably be changed (needs a better qpms_c.Particle implementation)
pp = Particle(orig_xy[0][0], tmgen=ap.tmgen, bspec=bspec)
par = [pp]
pp = Particle(orig_xy[0][0], ap.tmgen, bspec=bspec)
u = unitcell(a1, a2, par, refractive_index=a.refractive_index)
eta = (np.pi / u.Area)**.5
ss, ssw = ScatteringSystem.create([pp], ap.background_emg, omegas[0], latticebasis=ap.direct_basis)
k = np.array([0.,0.,0])
# Auxillary finite scattering system for irrep decomposition, quite a hack
ss1, ssw1 = ScatteringSystem.create([pp], ap.background_emg, omegas[0],sym=FinitePointGroup(point_group_info[thegroup]))
wavenumbers = np.empty(omegas.shape)
SVs = np.empty(omegas.shape+(nelem,))
beta = np.array([0.,0.])
SVs = [None] * ss1.nirreps
for iri in range(ss1.nirreps):
SVs[iri] = np.empty(omegas.shape+(ss1.saecv_sizes[iri],))
for i, omega in enumerate(omegas):
wavenumbers[i] = ap.background_epsmu.k(omega).real # Currently, ScatteringSystem does not "remember" frequency nor wavenumber
ssw = ss(omega)
wavenumbers[i] = ssw.wavenumber.real
if ssw.wavenumber.imag:
warnings.warn("Non-zero imaginary wavenumber encountered")
with pgsl_ignore_error(15): # avoid gsl crashing on underflow; maybe not needed
ImTW = u.evaluate_ImTW(eta, omega, beta)
SVs[i] = np.linalg.svd(ImTW, compute_uv = False)
ImTW = ssw.modeproblem_matrix_full(k)
for iri in range(ss1.nirreps):
ImTW_packed = ss1.pack_matrix(ImTW, iri)
SVs[iri][i] = np.linalg.svd(ImTW_packed, compute_uv = False)
outfile = defaultprefix + ".npz" if a.output is None else a.output
np.savez(outfile, meta=vars(a), omegas=omegas, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, SVs=SVs, unitcell_area=u.Area
np.savez(outfile, meta=vars(a), omegas=omegas, wavenumbers=wavenumbers, SVs=np.concatenate(SVs, axis=-1), irrep_names=ss1.irrep_names, irrep_sizes=ss1.saecv_sizes, unitcell_area=ss.unitcell_volume
||||"Saved to %s" % outfile)
@ -93,10 +103,18 @@ if a.plot or (a.plot_out is not None):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for i in range(a.singular_values):
ax.plot(omegas/eh, SVs[:,-1-i])
cc = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']()
for iri in range(ss1.nirreps):
cargs = next(cc)
nlines = min(a.singular_values, ss1.saecv_sizes[iri])
for i in range(nlines):
ax.plot(omegas/eh, SVs[iri][:,-1-i],
label= None if i else irrep_labels[ss1.irrep_names[iri]],
ax.set_xlabel('$\hbar \omega / \mathrm{eV}$')
ax.set_ylabel('Singular values')
plotfile = defaultprefix + ".pdf" if a.plot_out is None else a.plot_out
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ class ArgParser:
'rectlattice2d_periods': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-p", "--period", type=float, nargs='+', required=True, help='square/rectangular lattice periods', metavar=('px','[py]')),
'rectlattice2d_counts': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("--size", type=int, nargs=2, required=True, help='rectangular array size (particle column, row count)', metavar=('NCOLS', 'NROWS')),
'single_frequency_eV': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-f", "--eV", type=float, required=True, help='radiation angular frequency in eV'),
'seq_frequency_eV': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-f", "--eV-seq", type=float, nargs=3, required=True, help='uniform radiation angular frequency sequence in eV', metavar=('FIRST', 'INCREMENT', 'LAST')),
'multiple_frequency_eV_optional': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-f", "--eV", type=float, nargs='*', help='radiation angular frequency in eV (additional)'),
'seq_frequency_eV': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-F", "--eV-seq", type=float, nargs=3, required=True, help='uniform radiation angular frequency sequence in eV', metavar=('FIRST', 'INCREMENT', 'LAST')),
'single_material': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-m", "--material", help='particle material (Au, Ag, ... for Lorentz-Drude or number for constant refractive index)', default='Au', required=True),
'single_radius': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-r", "--radius", type=float, required=True, help='particle radius (sphere or cylinder)'),
'single_height': lambda ap: ap.add_argument("-H", "--height", type=float, help='cylindrical particle height; if not provided, particle is assumed to be spherical'),
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class ArgParser:
'single_particle': ("Single particle definition (shape [currently spherical or cylindrical]) and materials, incl. background)", ('background',), ('single_material', 'single_radius', 'single_height', 'single_lMax_extend'), ('_eval_single_tmgen',)),
'single_lMax': ("Single particle lMax definition", (), ('single_lMax',), ()),
'single_omega': ("Single angular frequency", (), ('single_frequency_eV',), ('_eval_single_omega',)),
'omega_seq': ("Equidistant real frequency range", (), ('seq_frequency_eV',), ('_eval_omega_seq',)),
'omega_seq': ("Equidistant real frequency range with possibility of adding individual frequencies", (), ('seq_frequency_eV', 'multiple_frequency_eV_optional',), ('_eval_omega_seq',)),
'lattice2d': ("Specification of a generic 2d lattice (spanned by the x,y axes)", (), ('lattice2d_basis',), ('_eval_lattice2d',)),
'rectlattice2d': ("Specification of a rectangular 2d lattice; conflicts with lattice2d", (), ('rectlattice2d_periods',), ('_eval_rectlattice2d',)),
'rectlattice2d_finite': ("Specification of a rectangular 2d lattice; conflicts with lattice2d", ('rectlattice2d',), ('rectlattice2d_counts',), ()),
@ -126,6 +127,9 @@ class ArgParser:
from .constants import eV, hbar
start, step, stop = self.args.eV_seq
self.omegas = np.arange(start, stop, step)
if self.args.eV:
self.omegas = np.concatenate((self.omegas, np.array(self.args.eV)))
self.omegas *= eV/hbar
def _eval_lattice2d(self): # feature: lattice2d
@ -48,42 +48,27 @@ static inline complex double spherical_yn(qpms_l_t l, complex double z) {
// Don't use Stead algorithm from GSL above this threshold (it fails for x's around 1000000 and higher)
static const double stead_threshold = 1000;
// There is a big issue with gsl's precision of spherical bessel function; these have to be implemented differently
qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_realx_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, double x, complex double *result_array) {
int retval;
double tmparr[lmax+1];
switch(typ) {
retval = (x < stead_threshold) ? gsl_sf_bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, tmparr)
: gsl_sf_bessel_jl_array(lmax, x, tmparr);
retval = gsl_sf_bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, tmparr);
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] = tmparr[l];
return retval;
case QPMS_BESSEL_SINGULAR: //FIXME: is this precise enough? Would it be better to do it one-by-one?
if(QPMS_UNLIKELY(x == 0)) {
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l)
result_array[l] = NAN;
return QPMS_ESING; // GSL would have returned GSL_EDOM without setting NANs.
retval = gsl_sf_bessel_yl_array(lmax,x,tmparr);
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] = tmparr[l];
return retval;
retval = (x < stead_threshold) ? gsl_sf_bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, tmparr)
: gsl_sf_bessel_jl_array(lmax, x, tmparr);
retval = gsl_sf_bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, tmparr);
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] = tmparr[l];
if(retval) return retval;
retval = gsl_sf_bessel_yl_array(lmax, x, tmparr);
if(QPMS_UNLIKELY(x == 0)) {
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l)
result_array[l] += I * NAN;
return QPMS_ESING; // GSL would have returned GSL_EDOM without setting NANs.
for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] += I * tmparr[l];
@ -91,9 +76,10 @@ qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_realx_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, double
return retval;
//return GSL_EDOM;
@ -106,6 +92,8 @@ qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, complex doub
else if (fpclassify(creal(x)) == FP_INFINITE)
for(qpms_l_t l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) res[l] = INFINITY + I * INFINITY;
else {
try_again: ;
int retry_counter = 0;
const DOUBLE_PRECISION_t zr = creal(x), zi = cimag(x), fnu = 0.5;
const INTEGER_t n = lmax + 1, kode = 1 /* No exponential scaling */;
DOUBLE_PRECISION_t cyr[n], cyi[n];
@ -133,7 +121,7 @@ qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, complex doub
// TODO check for underflows? (nz != 0)
if (ierr == 0 || ierr == 3) {
@ -145,9 +133,15 @@ qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, complex doub
return QPMS_SUCCESS; //TODO maybe something else if ierr == 3
QPMS_PR_ERROR("Amos's zbes%c failed with ierr == %d.",
kindchar, (int) ierr);
else {
if (retry_counter < 5) {
QPMS_WARN("Amos's zbes%c failed with ierr == %d (lMax = %d, x = %+.16g%+.16gi). Retrying.\n",
kindchar, (int) ierr, lmax, creal(x), cimag(x));
goto try_again;
} else QPMS_PR_ERROR("Amos's zbes%c failed with ierr == %d (lMax = %d, x = %+.16g%+.16gi).",
kindchar, (int) ierr, lmax, creal(x), cimag(x));
@ -165,8 +159,10 @@ static inline qpms_errno_t qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(qpms_sbessel_calc
if (lMax <= c->lMax)
else {
QPMS_CRASHING_REALLOC(c->akn, sizeof(double) * akn_index(lMax + 2, 0));
// QPMS_CRASHING_REALLOC(c->bkn, sizeof(complex double) * bkn_index(lMax + 1, 0));
if ( NULL == (c->akn = realloc(c->akn, sizeof(double) * akn_index(lMax + 2, 0))))
//if ( NULL == (c->bkn = realloc(c->bkn, sizeof(complex double) * bkn_index(lMax + 1, 0))))
// abort();
for(qpms_l_t n = c->lMax+1; n <= lMax + 1; ++n)
for(qpms_l_t k = 0; k <= n; ++k)
c->akn[akn_index(n,k)] = exp(lgamma(n + k + 1) - k*M_LN2 - lgamma(k + 1) - lgamma(n - k + 1));
@ -177,7 +173,8 @@ static inline qpms_errno_t qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(qpms_sbessel_calc
complex double qpms_sbessel_calc_h1(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *c, qpms_l_t n, complex double x) {
QPMS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(c, n));
if(QPMS_SUCCESS != qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(c, n))
complex double z = I/x;
complex double result = 0;
for (qpms_l_t k = n; k >= 0; --k)
@ -190,7 +187,8 @@ complex double qpms_sbessel_calc_h1(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *c, qpms_l_t n, co
qpms_errno_t qpms_sbessel_calc_h1_fill(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t * const c,
const qpms_l_t lMax, const complex double x, complex double * const target) {
QPMS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(c, lMax));
if(QPMS_SUCCESS != qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(c, lMax))
memset(target, 0, sizeof(complex double) * lMax);
complex double kahancomp[lMax];
memset(kahancomp, 0, sizeof(complex double) * lMax);
@ -821,12 +821,16 @@ cdef class _ScatteringSystemAtOmega:
if iri is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Irrep decomposition not (yet) supported for periodic systems")
sswk = _ScatteringSystemAtOmegaK()
sswk = self._sswk(k)
return ScatteringMatrix(ssw=self, sswk=sswk, iri=None)
def _sswk(self, k):
cdef _ScatteringSystemAtOmegaK sswk = _ScatteringSystemAtOmegaK()
sswk.sswk.ssw = self.ssw
sswk.sswk.k[0] = k[0]
sswk.sswk.k[1] = k[1]
sswk.sswk.k[2] = k[2]
return ScatteringMatrix(ssw=self, sswk=sswk, iri=None)
return sswk
property fecv_size:
def __get__(self): return self.ss_pyref.fecv_size
@ -846,6 +850,11 @@ cdef class _ScatteringSystemAtOmega:
cdef np.ndarray[np.complex_t, ndim=2] target = np.empty(
(flen,flen),dtype=complex, order='C')
cdef cdouble[:,::1] target_view = target
cdef _ScatteringSystemAtOmegaK sswk
if k is not None:
sswk = self._sswk(k)
qpms_scatsyswk_build_modeproblem_matrix_full(&target_view[0][0], &sswk.sswk)
qpms_scatsysw_build_modeproblem_matrix_full(&target_view[0][0], self.ssw)
return target
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ cdef extern from "scatsystem.h":
struct qpms_scatsys_at_omega_k_t:
const qpms_scatsys_at_omega_t *ssw
double k[3]
cdouble *qpms_scatsyswk_build_modeproblem_motrix_full(cdouble *target, const qpms_scatsys_at_omega_k_t *sswk)
cdouble *qpms_scatsyswk_build_modeproblem_matrix_full(cdouble *target, const qpms_scatsys_at_omega_k_t *sswk)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_periodic_build_translation_matrix_full(cdouble *target, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, cdouble wavenumber, const cart3_t *wavevector)
qpms_ss_LU qpms_scatsyswk_build_modeproblem_matrix_full_LU(cdouble *target, int *target_piv, const qpms_scatsys_at_omega_k_t *sswk)
beyn_result_t *qpms_scatsys_periodic_find_eigenmodes(const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, const double *k,
Reference in New Issue