Legendre function cache.

Former-commit-id: 17370bcc6d24cebdbfc80c9a3b2801c68f2686ff
This commit is contained in:
Marek Nečada 2020-01-28 17:25:30 +02:00
parent 96c9e95ea0
commit acec5bed98
1 changed files with 119 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ typedef struct qpms_scatsys_translation_booster {
// of 2*lMax_r[j]+2, j < i. bessel_offsets_r[r_count] is the total length of the
// Bessel function "cache"
size_t *bessel_offsets_r;
double *theta;
qpms_l_t *lMax_theta;
size_t theta_count;
size_t *theta_map;
size_t *legendre_offsets_theta;
double *legendre_base;
double *phi;
qpms_l_t *lMax_phi;
size_t phi_count;
size_t *phi_map;
} booster_t;
/// Sorts an array and throws away duplicit elements.
@ -105,34 +117,99 @@ booster_t *qpms_scatsys_translation_booster_create(
const qpms_ss_pi_t np = ss->p_count;
booster_t *b;
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b, sizeof(*b));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->r, sizeof(double) * uopairarr_len(np));
for(qpms_ss_pi_t i = 0; i < np; ++i)
for(qpms_ss_pi_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)
b->r[uopairid(np, i, j)] = cart3_dist(ss->p[i].pos, ss->p[j].pos);
b->r_count = sort_and_eliminate(b->r, uopairarr_len(np), sizeof(*b->r), cmp_double);
QPMS_CRASHING_REALLOC(b->r, b->r_count * sizeof(*b->r));
QPMS_CRASHING_CALLOC(b->lMax_r, b->r_count, sizeof(*b->lMax_r));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->r_map, uopairarr_len(np) * sizeof(*b->r_map));
for(qpms_ss_pi_t i = 0; i < np; ++i)
for(qpms_ss_pi_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
const uoppid_t pid = uopairid(np, i, j);
const double r = cart3_dist(ss->p[i].pos, ss->p[j].pos);
double *rhit = bsearch(&r, b->r, b->r_count, sizeof(*b->r), cmp_double);
QPMS_ASSERT(rhit >= b->r);
const size_t ri = b->r_map[pid] = rhit - b->r;
b->lMax_r[ri] = MAX(b->lMax_r[ri],
MAX(qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, i)->lMax, qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, j)->lMax));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->r, sizeof(double) * uopairarr_len(np));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->theta, sizeof(double) * pairarr_len(np)); // TODO only one theta per pair
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->phi, sizeof(double) * pairarr_len(np)); // TODO only one theta per pair
for(qpms_ss_pi_t di = 0; di < np; ++di)
for(qpms_ss_pi_t si = 0; si < np; ++si) {
const ppid_t opid = pairid(np, di, si);
if (si != di) {
const sph_t dlj = cart2sph(cart3_substract(ss->p[di].pos, ss->p[si].pos));
b->r[uopairid(np, di, si)] = dlj.r;
b->theta[opid] = dlj.theta;
b->phi[opid] = dlj.phi;
else { // NOT USED IN ACTUAL CALCULATIONS, but must be valid doubles for sorting (infinities might be ok as well)
b->theta[opid] = M_PI_2;
b->phi[opid] = 0;
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->bessel_offsets_r, (b->r_count + 1) * sizeof(*b->bessel_offsets_r));
size_t bessel_offset = 0;
for(size_t ri = 0; ri < b->r_count; ++ri) {
b->bessel_offsets_r[ri] = bessel_offset;
bessel_offset += 2 * b->lMax_r[ri] + 2;
b->r_count = sort_and_eliminate(b->r, uopairarr_len(np), sizeof(*b->r), cmp_double);
QPMS_CRASHING_REALLOC(b->r, b->r_count * sizeof(*b->r));
b->theta_count = sort_and_eliminate(b->theta, pairarr_len(np), sizeof(*b->theta), cmp_double);
QPMS_CRASHING_REALLOC(b->theta, b->theta_count * sizeof(*b->theta));
b->phi_count = sort_and_eliminate(b->phi, pairarr_len(np), sizeof(*b->phi), cmp_double);
QPMS_CRASHING_REALLOC(b->phi, b->phi_count * sizeof(*b->phi));
QPMS_CRASHING_CALLOC(b->lMax_r, b->r_count, sizeof(*b->lMax_r));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->r_map, uopairarr_len(np) * sizeof(*b->r_map));
QPMS_CRASHING_CALLOC(b->lMax_theta, b->theta_count, sizeof(*b->lMax_theta));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->theta_map, pairarr_len(np) * sizeof(*b->theta_map));
QPMS_CRASHING_CALLOC(b->lMax_phi, b->phi_count, sizeof(*b->lMax_phi));
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->phi_map, pairarr_len(np) * sizeof(*b->phi_map));
for(qpms_ss_pi_t di = 0; di < np; ++di)
for(qpms_ss_pi_t si = 0; si < np; ++si) {
if (si != di) {
const ppid_t opid = pairid(np, di, si);
const uoppid_t uopid = uopairid(np, di, si);
const sph_t dlj = cart2sph(cart3_substract(ss->p[di].pos, ss->p[si].pos));
double *hit = bsearch(&dlj.r, b->r, b->r_count, sizeof(*b->r), cmp_double);
QPMS_ASSERT(hit >= b->r);
const size_t ri = b->r_map[uopid] = hit - b->r;
b->lMax_r[ri] = MAX(b->lMax_r[ri],
MAX(qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, di)->lMax, qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, si)->lMax));
hit = bsearch(&dlj.theta, b->theta, b->theta_count, sizeof(*b->theta), cmp_double);
QPMS_ASSERT(hit >= b->theta);
const size_t thi = b->theta_map[opid] = hit - b->theta;
b->lMax_theta[thi] = MAX(b->lMax_theta[thi],
MAX(qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, di)->lMax, qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, si)->lMax));
hit = bsearch(&dlj.phi, b->phi, b->phi_count, sizeof(*b->phi), cmp_double);
QPMS_ASSERT(hit >= b->phi);
const size_t phj = b->phi_map[opid] = hit - b->phi;
b->lMax_phi[phj] = MAX(b->lMax_phi[phj],
MAX(qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, di)->lMax, qpms_ss_bspec_pi(ss, si)->lMax));
// TODO ri, thi, phj (+bspec?) -tuples here
{ // Bessel offsets
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->bessel_offsets_r, (b->r_count + 1) * sizeof(*b->bessel_offsets_r));
size_t bessel_offset = 0;
for(size_t ri = 0; ri < b->r_count; ++ri) {
b->bessel_offsets_r[ri] = bessel_offset;
bessel_offset += 2 * b->lMax_r[ri] + 2;
b->bessel_offsets_r[b->r_count] = bessel_offset;
{ // Legendres
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->legendre_offsets_theta, (b->theta_count + 1) * sizeof(*b->legendre_offsets_theta));
size_t legendre_offset = 0;
for(size_t thi = 0; thi < b->theta_count; ++thi) {
b->legendre_offsets_theta[thi] = legendre_offset;
legendre_offset += gsl_sf_legendre_array_n(2*b->lMax_theta[thi] + 1);
b->legendre_offsets_theta[b->theta_count] = legendre_offset;
QPMS_CRASHING_MALLOC(b->legendre_base, legendre_offset * sizeof(*b->legendre_base));
for(size_t thi = 0; thi < b->theta_count; ++thi) {
const double costheta = cos(b->theta[thi]);
double *legendre_buf = b->legendre_base + b->legendre_offsets_theta[thi];
2*b->lMax_theta[thi]+1, costheta, -1, legendre_buf));
b->bessel_offsets_r[b->r_count] = bessel_offset;
return b;
@ -143,6 +220,14 @@ void qpms_scatsys_translation_booster_free(booster_t *b) {
@ -261,7 +346,7 @@ complex double *qpms_scatsysw_build_modeproblem_matrix_full_boosted(
{ // this replaces qpms_trans_calculator_get_trans_array():
// R is dest, C is src
const sph_t dlj = cart2sph(cart3_substract(posR, posC));
const uoppid_t pid = uopairid(ss->p_count, piC, piR);
const uoppid_t pid = uopairid(ss->p_count, piR, piC);
const size_t ri = b->r_map[pid];
QPMS_PARANOID_ASSERT(dlj.r == b->r[ri]);
const qpms_l_t pair_lMax = b->lMax_r[ri];
@ -404,19 +489,26 @@ void *qpms_scatsysw_build_modeproblem_matrix_irrep_packed_parallelR_thread_boost
{ // this block replaces qpms_trans_calculator_get_trans_array():
// R is dest, C is src
const sph_t dlj = cart2sph(cart3_substract(posR, posC));
const uoppid_t pid = uopairid(ss->p_count, piC, piR);
const size_t ri = b->r_map[pid];
const uoppid_t uopid = uopairid(ss->p_count, piR, piC);
const ppid_t opid = pairid(ss->p_count, piR, piC);
const size_t ri = b->r_map[uopid];
const size_t thi = b->theta_map[opid];
QPMS_PARANOID_ASSERT(dlj.r == b->r[ri]);
QPMS_PARANOID_ASSERT(dlj.theta == b->theta[thi]);
const qpms_l_t pair_lMax = b->lMax_r[ri];
const qpms_y_t pair_nelem = qpms_lMax2nelem(pair_lMax);
QPMS_PARANOID_ASSERT(c->normalisation == bspecC->norm && c->normalisation == bspecR->norm);
QPMS_PARANOID_ASSERT(c->lMax >= bspecC->lMax && c->lMax >= bspecR->lMax);
QPMS_PARANOID_ASSERT(bspecC->lMax_L < 0 && bspecR->lMax_L < 0);
{ // this replaces qpms_trans_calculator_get_AB_arrays() and _buf()
#if 0
const double costheta = cos(dlj.theta);
2*pair_lMax+1, costheta, -1, legendre_buf));
const double * const legendres = legendre_buf;
const double * const legendres = b->legendre_base + b->legendre_offsets_theta[thi];
const complex double * const bessels = bw->bessels + b->bessel_offsets_r[ri];
qpms_trans_calculator_get_AB_arrays_precalcbuf(c, pair_lMax, A, B,
/*deststride*/ pair_nelem, /*srcstride*/ 1, dlj.phi, bessels, legendres);