Helper class to analyse results of
This commit is contained in:
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Auxiliary functions to analyse results obtained using scripts in
the ../misc directory.
This needs to be kept in sync with the scripts and qpms/
import numpy as np
import qpms
from qpms.qpms_c import Particle
from qpms.cytmatrices import CTMatrix, TMatrixGenerator
from qpms.cybspec import BaseSpec
from qpms.cymaterials import EpsMu, EpsMuGenerator, LorentzDrudeModel, lorentz_drude
from qpms.symmetries import point_group_info
from qpms import FinitePointGroup, ScatteringSystem, eV, hbar
eh = eV / hbar
def cleanarray(a, atol=1e-8, copy=True, fullNaN=True):
a = np.array(a, copy=copy)
sieve = abs(a.real) < atol
a[sieve] = 1j * a[sieve].imag
sieve = abs(a.imag) < atol
a[sieve] = a[sieve].real
if fullNaN:
if np.all(a == 0):
a[...] = 0
return a
def nicerot(a, atol=1e-10, copy=True):
Gives an array a "nice" phase.
a = np.array(a, copy=copy)
i = np.argmax(abs(a))
a = a / a[i] * abs(a[i])
return a
def _meta_matspec2emg(matspec):
if isinstance(matspec, (float, complex)): # number is interpreted as refractive index
return EpsMuGenerator(EpsMu(matspec**2))
return EpsMuGenerator(lorentz_drude[matspec])
class FiniteRectLatModesAnalysis:
'''Recreates the scattering system structure from'''
def __init__(self, data):
meta = data['meta'][()]
thegroup = 'D2h' if meta['D2'] else 'D4h'
Nx, Ny = meta['size']
px, py = meta['period']
orig_x = (np.arange(Nx/2) + (0 if (Nx % 2) else .5)) * px
orig_y = (np.arange(Ny/2) + (0 if (Ny % 2) else .5)) * py
orig_xy = np.stack(np.meshgrid(orig_x, orig_y), axis = -1)
bspec = BaseSpec(lMax = meta['lMax'])
nelem = len(bspec)
bg = _meta_matspec2emg(meta['background'])
fg = _meta_matspec2emg(meta['material'])
if meta.get('height', None) is None:
tmgen = TMatrixGenerator.sphere(bg, fg, meta['radius'])
tmgen = TMatrixGenerator.cylinder(bg, fg, meta['radius'], meta['height'], lMax_extend=meta['lMax_extend'])
particles = [Particle(orig_xy[i], tmgen, bspec) for i in np.ndindex(orig_xy.shape[:-1])]
sym = FinitePointGroup(point_group_info[thegroup])
|, self.ssw = ScatteringSystem.create(particles, bg, meta['centre'] * eh, sym=sym)
ss1, ssw1 = ScatteringSystem.create([Particle([0,0,0], tmgen, bspec)], bg, meta['centre']*eh, sym=sym)
self.ss1, self.ssw1 = ss1, ssw1
# per-particle projectors/transformation to symmetry-adapted bases
fvcs1 = np.empty((nelem, nelem), dtype=complex)
y = 0
iris1 = []
for iri1 in range(ss1.nirreps):
for j in range(ss1.saecv_sizes[iri1]):
pvc1 = np.zeros((ss1.saecv_sizes[iri1],), dtype=complex)
pvc1[j] = 1
fvcs1[y] = ss1.unpack_vector(pvc1, iri1)
fvcs1[y] = cleanarray(nicerot(fvcs1[y], copy=False), copy=False)
y += 1
# Mapping between ss particles and grid positions;
positions = # cast to eliminate rounding errors
xpositions = np.unique(positions[:,0])
assert(len(xpositions) == Nx)
ypositions = np.unique(positions[:,1])
assert(len(ypositions == Ny))
# particle positions as integer indices
posmap = np.empty((positions.shape[0],2), dtype=int)
#invposmap = np.empty((Nx, Ny), dtype=int)
for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
posmap[i,0] = np.searchsorted(xpositions, positions[i,0])
posmap[i,1] = np.searchsorted(ypositions, positions[i,1])
#invposmap[posmap[i,0], posmap[i, 1]] = i
self.meta = meta
self.npzfile = data
self.eigval = data['eigval']
self.neig = len(self.eigval)
self.eigvec = data['eigvec']
self.residuals = data['residuals']
self.ranktest_SV = data['ranktest_SV']
self.iri = data['iri'][()]
self.bspec = bspec
self.nelem = nelem
self.Nx, self.Ny, self.px, = Nx, Ny, px, py
self.posmap = posmap
self.fullvec_poffsets = nelem * np.arange(Nx*Ny)
self.fvcs1 = fvcs1
self.iris1 = np.array(iris1)
def fullvec2grid(self, fullvec, swapxy=False):
arr = np.empty((self.Nx, self.Ny, self.nelem), dtype=complex)
for pi, offset in enumerate(self.fullvec_poffsets):
ix, iy = self.posmap[pi]
arr[ix, iy] = fullvec[offset:offset+self.nelem]
return np.swapaxes(arr, 0, 1) if swapxy else arr
def saecv2grid(self, saecv, swapxy=False):
fullvec =, iri=self.iri)
return self.fullvec2grid(fullvec, swapxy)
def eigvec_asgrid(self, i, swapxy = False):
Returns i-th eigenmode as a (Nx, Ny, nelem)-shaped grid of excitation
if self.iri is not None:
return self.saecv2grid(self.eigvec[i], swapxy)
return self.fullvec2grid(self.eigvec[i], swapxy)
Reference in New Issue