different tests of vswf translations

csphvec_t norm and relative difference functions

Former-commit-id: 39addcec6e5429e82698751427ffca03168569e3
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Marek Nečada 2018-05-11 14:08:27 +00:00
parent 9e2ad963f4
commit e55847425a
2 changed files with 307 additions and 0 deletions

qpms/tests/vswf_errs.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
//c99 -o test_vswf_translations -ggdb -I .. test_vswf_translations.c ../translations.c ../gaunt.c -lgsl -lm -lblas ../vecprint.c ../vswf.c ../legendre.c
#include "translations.h"
#include "vswf.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "vectors.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "indexing.h"
char *normstr(qpms_normalisation_t norm) {
//int csphase = qpms_normalisation_t_csphase(norm);
norm = qpms_normalisation_t_normonly(norm);
switch (norm) {
return "none";
return "spharm";
return "power";
return "xu";
return "!!!undef!!!";
int test_sphwave_translation(const qpms_trans_calculator *c, qpms_bessel_t wavetype,
cart3_t o2minuso1, int npoints, cart3_t *o1points);
//int test_planewave_decomposition(cart3_t k, ccart3_t E, qpms_l_t lMax, qpms_normalisation_t norm, int npoints, cart3_t *points);
//int test_planewave_decomposition_silent(cart3_t k, ccart3_t E, qpms_l_t lMax, qpms_normalisation_t norm, int npoints, cart3_t *points, double relerrthreshold, double *relerrs);
int main() {
gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxs0);
gsl_rng_set(rng, 666);
qpms_l_t lMax = 17;
//qpms_l_t viewlMax = 2;
int npoints = 10;
double sigma = 4;
//double shiftsigma = 2.;
cart3_t o2minuso1;
o2minuso1.x = 1; //gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, shiftsigma);
o2minuso1.y = 2; //gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, shiftsigma);
o2minuso1.z = 5; //gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, shiftsigma);
cart3_t points[npoints];
double relerrs[npoints];
memset(points, 0, npoints * sizeof(cart3_t));
points[0].x = points[1].y = points[2].z = sigma;
points[3].x = 0.3; points[3].y = 0.7; points[3].z = 1.7;
double relerrthreshold = 1e-11;
for (unsigned i = 4; i < npoints; ++i) {
cart3_t *w = points+i;
w->x = gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, sigma);
w->y = gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, sigma);
w->z = gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, sigma);
for(int use_csbit = 0; use_csbit <= 1; ++use_csbit) {
for(int i = 1;
i <= 4;
i <= 3;
qpms_normalisation_t norm = i | (use_csbit ? QPMS_NORMALISATION_T_CSBIT : 0);
qpms_trans_calculator *c = qpms_trans_calculator_init(lMax, norm);
for(int J = 2; J <= 2; ++J)
test_sphwave_translation(c, J, o2minuso1, npoints, points);
int test_sphwave_translation(const qpms_trans_calculator *c, qpms_bessel_t wavetype,
cart3_t sc, int npoints, cart3_t *points) {
printf("Test translation o2-o1 = %fx̂ + %fŷ + %fẑ", sc.x, sc.y, sc.z);
sph_t ss = cart2sph(sc);
printf("lMax = %d, norm: %s, csphase = %d\n",
(int)c->lMax, normstr(c->normalisation), qpms_normalisation_t_csphase(c->normalisation));
printf("wave type J = %d\n", wavetype);
qpms_l_t lMax = c->lMax;
qpms_y_t nelem = c->nelem;
csphvec_t N1[nelem], /* N2[nelem], */ M1[nelem] /*, M2[nelem]*/;
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
printf("-------- Point %d --------\n", i);
cart3_t w1c = points[i];
cart3_t w2c = cart3_add(w1c, cart3_scale(-1, sc));
sph_t w1s = cart2sph(w1c);
sph_t w2s = cart2sph(w2c);
printf(" = %fx̂ + %fŷ + %fẑ @o1\n", w1c.x, w1c.y, w1c.z);
printf(" = %fx̂ + %fŷ + %fẑ @o2\n", w2c.x, w2c.y, w2c.z);
printf("Outside the sphere centered in o2 intersecting o1: %s; by %f\n", (w2s.r > ss.r) ? "true" : "false",
w2s.r - ss.r);
printf("Outside the sphere centered in o1 intersecting o2: %s; by %f\n", (w1s.r > ss.r) ? "true" : "false",
w1s.r - ss.r);
if(QPMS_SUCCESS != qpms_vswf_fill(NULL, M1, N1, lMax, w1s, wavetype, c->normalisation))
abort(); // original wave set
for(qpms_y_t y1 = 0; y1 < nelem; ++y1) { //index of the wave originating in o1 that will be reconstructed in o2
qpms_m_t m1;
qpms_l_t l1;
qpms_y2mn_p(y1, &m1, &l1);
printf("*** wave l = %d, m = %d ***\n", l1, m1);
complex double A_reg[nelem], B_reg[nelem], A_sg[nelem], B_sg[nelem];
for(qpms_y_t y2 = 0; y2 < nelem; ++y2){
qpms_m_t m2; qpms_l_t l2;
qpms_y2mn_p(y2, &m2, &l2);
if(qpms_trans_calculator_get_AB_p(c, &(A_sg[y2]), &(B_sg[y2]), m2, l2, m1, l1, ss, false , wavetype))
if(qpms_trans_calculator_get_AB_p(c, &(A_reg[y2]), &(B_reg[y2]), m2, l2, m1, l1, ss, true , wavetype))
//printf("M = ");
//printf(" @ o1\n = ");
ccart3_t M1c = csphvec2ccart(M1[y1], w1s);
//printf("\n = ");
csphvec_t M1s2 = ccart2csphvec(M1c, w2s);
//printf(" @ o2\n");
csphvec_t M2s2_regAB_regw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, A_reg, B_reg, lMax,QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR, c->normalisation);
csphvec_t M2s2_regAB_sgw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, A_reg, B_reg, lMax, wavetype, c->normalisation);
csphvec_t M2s2_sgAB_regw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, A_sg, B_sg, lMax,QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR, c->normalisation);
csphvec_t M2s2_sgAB_sgw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, A_sg, B_sg, lMax,wavetype, c->normalisation);
printf("Merr:\tRC_RW %.2e\tRC_SW %.2e\tSC_RW %.2e\tSC_SW %.2e\n",
csphvec_reldiff(M1s2, M2s2_regAB_regw),
csphvec_reldiff(M1s2, M2s2_regAB_sgw),
csphvec_reldiff(M1s2, M2s2_sgAB_regw),
csphvec_reldiff(M1s2, M2s2_sgAB_sgw)
//printf("Mr= ");
//printf(" @ o2\n");
//printf("N = ");
//printf(" @ o1\n = ");
ccart3_t N1c = csphvec2ccart(N1[y1], w1s);
//printf("\n = ");
csphvec_t N1s2 = ccart2csphvec(N1c, w2s);
//printf(" @o2\nNr= ");
//printf(" @o2\n");
csphvec_t N2s2_regAB_regw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, B_reg, A_reg, lMax,QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR, c->normalisation);
csphvec_t N2s2_regAB_sgw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, B_reg, A_reg, lMax, wavetype, c->normalisation);
csphvec_t N2s2_sgAB_regw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, B_sg, A_sg, lMax,QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR, c->normalisation);
csphvec_t N2s2_sgAB_sgw = qpms_eval_vswf(w2s, NULL, B_sg, A_sg, lMax,wavetype, c->normalisation);
printf("Nerr:\tRC_RW %.2e\tRC_SW %.2e\tSC_RW %.2e\tSC_SW %.2e\n",
csphvec_reldiff(N1s2, N2s2_regAB_regw),
csphvec_reldiff(N1s2, N2s2_regAB_sgw),
csphvec_reldiff(N1s2, N2s2_sgAB_regw),
csphvec_reldiff(N1s2, N2s2_sgAB_sgw)
return 0; // FIXME something more meaningful here...
#if 0
int test_planewave_decomposition(cart3_t k, ccart3_t E, qpms_l_t lMax, qpms_normalisation_t norm, int npoints, cart3_t *points){
qpms_y_t nelem = qpms_lMax2nelem(lMax);
complex double lc[nelem], mc[nelem], ec[nelem];
qpms_planewave2vswf_fill_cart(k, E, lc, mc, ec, lMax, norm)) {
return -1;
printf("Test wave k = %fx̂ + %fŷ + %fẑ", k.x, k.y, k.z);
sph_t k_sph = cart2sph(k);
printf(" = %fr̂ @ θ = %f, φ = %f\n", k_sph.r, k_sph.theta, k_sph.phi);
printf(" E_0 = (%f+%fj)x̂ + (%f+%fj)ŷ + (%f+%fj)ẑ",
csphvec_t E_s = ccart2csphvec(E, k_sph);
printf(" = (%f+%fj)r̂ + (%f+%fj)θ̂ + (%f+%fj)φ̂ @ k\n",
creal(E_s.rc), cimag(E_s.rc), creal(E_s.thetac), cimag(E_s.thetac),
creal(E_s.phic), cimag(E_s.phic));
printf(" lMax = %d, norm: %s, csphase = %d\n",
(int)lMax, normstr(norm), qpms_normalisation_t_csphase(norm));
printf("a_L: ");
for(qpms_y_t y = 0; y < nelem; ++y) printf("%g+%gj ", creal(lc[y]), cimag(lc[y]));
printf("\na_M: ");
for(qpms_y_t y = 0; y < nelem; ++y) printf("%g+%gj ", creal(mc[y]), cimag(mc[y]));
printf("\na_N: ");
for(qpms_y_t y = 0; y < nelem; ++y) printf("%g+%gj ", creal(ec[y]), cimag(ec[y]));
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
cart3_t w = points[i];
sph_t w_sph = cart2sph(w);
printf("Point %d: x = %f, y = %f, z = %f,\n", i, w.x, w.y, w.z);
printf(" |r| = %f, θ = %f, φ = %f:\n", w_sph.r, w_sph.theta, w_sph.phi);
double phase = cart3_dot(k,w);
printf(" k.r = %f\n", phase);
complex double phfac = cexp(phase * I);
ccart3_t Ew = ccart3_scale(phfac, E);
printf(" pw E(r) = (%f+%fj)x̂ + (%f+%fj)ŷ + (%f+%fj)ẑ",
csphvec_t Ew_s = ccart2csphvec(Ew, w_sph);
printf(" = (%f+%fj)r̂ + (%f+%fj)θ̂ + (%f+%fj)φ̂ @ r\n",
creal(Ew_s.rc), cimag(Ew_s.rc),
creal(Ew_s.thetac), cimag(Ew_s.thetac),
creal(Ew_s.phic), cimag(Ew_s.phic));
w_sph.r *= k_sph.r; /// NEVER FORGET THIS!!!
csphvec_t Ew_s_recomp = qpms_eval_vswf(w_sph,
lc, mc, ec, lMax, QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR, norm);
ccart3_t Ew_recomp = csphvec2ccart(Ew_s_recomp, w_sph);
printf(" rec E(r) = (%f+%fj)x̂ + (%f+%fj)ŷ + (%f+%fj)ẑ",
printf(" = (%f+%fj)r̂ + (%f+%fj)θ̂ + (%f+%fj)φ̂ @ r\n",
creal(Ew_s_recomp.rc), cimag(Ew_s_recomp.rc),
creal(Ew_s_recomp.thetac), cimag(Ew_s_recomp.thetac),
creal(Ew_s_recomp.phic), cimag(Ew_s_recomp.phic));
double relerrfac = 2/(cabs(Ew_s_recomp.rc) + cabs(Ew_s.rc)
+cabs(Ew_s_recomp.thetac) + cabs(Ew_s.thetac)
+cabs(Ew_s_recomp.phic) + cabs(Ew_s.phic));
printf(" rel. err. magnitude: %g @ r̂, %g @ θ̂, %g @ φ̂\n",
cabs(Ew_s_recomp.rc - Ew_s.rc) * relerrfac,
cabs(Ew_s_recomp.thetac - Ew_s.thetac) * relerrfac,
cabs(Ew_s_recomp.phic - Ew_s.phic) * relerrfac
return 0;
int test_planewave_decomposition_silent(cart3_t k, ccart3_t E, qpms_l_t lMax, qpms_normalisation_t norm, int npoints, cart3_t *points, double relerrthreshold, double *relerrs) {
qpms_y_t nelem = qpms_lMax2nelem(lMax);
int failcount = 0;
complex double lc[nelem], mc[nelem], ec[nelem];
qpms_planewave2vswf_fill_cart(k, E, lc, mc, ec, lMax, norm)) {
return -1;
sph_t k_sph = cart2sph(k);
csphvec_t E_s = ccart2csphvec(E, k_sph);
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
cart3_t w = points[i];
sph_t w_sph = cart2sph(w);
w_sph.r *= k_sph.r;
double phase = cart3_dot(k,w);
complex double phfac = cexp(phase * I);
ccart3_t Ew = ccart3_scale(phfac, E);
csphvec_t Ew_s = ccart2csphvec(Ew, w_sph);
csphvec_t Ew_s_recomp = qpms_eval_vswf(w_sph,
lc, mc, ec, lMax, QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR, norm);
ccart3_t Ew_recomp = csphvec2ccart(Ew_s_recomp, w_sph);
double relerrfac = 2/(cabs(Ew_s_recomp.rc) + cabs(Ew_s.rc)
+cabs(Ew_s_recomp.thetac) + cabs(Ew_s.thetac)
+cabs(Ew_s_recomp.phic) + cabs(Ew_s.phic));
double relerr = (cabs(Ew_s_recomp.rc - Ew_s.rc)
+ cabs(Ew_s_recomp.thetac - Ew_s.thetac)
+ cabs(Ew_s_recomp.phic - Ew_s.phic)
) * relerrfac;
if(relerrs) relerrs[i] = relerr;
if(relerr > relerrthreshold) ++failcount;
return failcount;

View File

@ -155,4 +155,15 @@ static inline void csphvec_kahanadd(csphvec_t *sum, csphvec_t *compensation, con
*sum = nsum;
static inline double csphvec_norm(const csphvec_t a) {
return sqrt(creal(a.rc * conj(a.rc) + a.thetac * conj(a.thetac) + a.phic * conj(a.phic)));
static inline double csphvec_reldiff(const csphvec_t a, const csphvec_t b) {
double anorm = csphvec_norm(a);
double bnorm = csphvec_norm(b);
if (anorm == 0 && bnorm == 0) return 0;
return csphvec_norm(csphvec_substract(a,b)) / (anorm + bnorm);
#endif //VECTORS_H