Test whether single vswf and vswf array give the same result

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Marek Nečada 2019-08-13 14:38:02 +03:00
parent 7a0386086a
commit f62cfbe7a0
1 changed files with 34 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// c99 -I .. vswf_single.c -lqpms -lgsl -lblas
#include "indexing.h"
#include "vswf.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
const qpms_l_t lMax = 2;
csph_t point = {1.4554, 1.2424, 4.2545};
qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec = qpms_vswf_set_spec_from_lMax(lMax, QPMS_NORMALISATION_CONVENTION_KRISTENSSON);
csphvec_t arr[bspec->n];
qpms_uvswf_fill(arr, bspec, point, QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR);
for(size_t i = 0; i < bspec->n; i++) {
csphvec_t v = arr[i];
qpms_vswf_type_t t; qpms_m_t m; qpms_l_t l;
qpms_uvswfi2tmn(bspec->ilist[i], &t, &m, &l);
printf("arr; l=%d,m=%+d,t=%d, @(%g,%g,%g): (%g%+gj, %g%+gj, %g%+gj)\n",
l, m, t, creal(point.r), point.theta, point.phi, creal(v.rc), cimag(v.rc),
creal(v.thetac), cimag(v.thetac), creal(v.phic), cimag(v.phic));
v = qpms_vswf_single_el_csph(m, l, point,QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR,bspec->norm);
v = qpms_vswf_single_mg_csph(m, l, point,QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR,bspec->norm);
printf("sgl; l=%d,m=%+d,t=%d, @(%g,%g,%g): (%g%+gj, %g%+gj, %g%+gj)\n",
l, m, t, creal(point.r), point.theta, point.phi, creal(v.rc), cimag(v.rc),
creal(v.thetac), cimag(v.thetac), creal(v.phic), cimag(v.phic));
return 0;