Overview of QPMS command line utilities ======================================= The utilities are located in the `misc` directory. Run the utility with `-h` argument to get more info. Rectangular and square 2D lattices ---------------------------------- These scripts deal with simple 2D rectangular lattices, finite or infinite, one scatterer per unit cell. \f$ D_{2h} \f$ or \f$ D_{4h} \f$ symmetric adapted bases are used where applicable. ### Finite lattices * `finiterectlat-modes.py`: Search for resonances using Beyn's algorithm. * `finiterectlat-scatter.py`: Plane wave scattering. * `finiterectlat-constant-driving.py`: Rectangular array response to a driving where a subset of particles are excited by basis VSWFs with the same phase. ### Infinite lattices * `rectlat_simple_modes.py`: Search for lattice modes using Beyn's algorithm. * `infiniterectlat-k0realfreqsvd.py`: Evaluate the lattice mode problem singular values at the Γ point for a real frequency interval. Useful as a starting point in lattice mode search before using Beyn's algorithm. * `infiniterectlat-scatter.py`: Plane wave scattering. General 2D lattices ------------------- ### Infinite lattices These can contain several scatterers per unit cell. Symmetry adapted bases currently not implemented. * `lat2d_modes.py`: Search for lattice modes using Beyn's algorithm. * `lat2d_realfreqsvd.py`: Evaluate the lattice mode problem singular values at the Γ point for a real frequency interval. Useful as a starting point in lattice mode search before using Beyn's algorithm.