from setuptools import setup#, Extension from Cython.Build import cythonize, build_ext from distutils.extension import Extension # setuptools DWIM monkey-patch madness # #import sys #if 'setuptools.extension' in sys.modules: # m = sys.modules['setuptools.extension'] # m.Extension.__dict__ = m._Extension.__dict__ # TODO CHECK THIS OUT # also this: import os print("You might want to add additional library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (especially if you are not using" " GNU GSL in your system library path) and if import fails. ") if("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ): print(os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':')) amos_sources = [ 'amos/d1mach.f', 'amos/dgamln.f', 'amos/i1mach.f', 'amos/xerror.f', 'amos/zabs.f', 'amos/zacai.f', 'amos/zacon.f', 'amos/zairy.f', 'amos/zasyi.f', 'amos/zbesh.f', 'amos/zbesi.f', 'amos/zbesj.f', 'amos/zbesk.f', 'amos/zbesy.f', 'amos/zbinu.f', 'amos/zbiry.f', 'amos/zbknu.f', 'amos/zbuni.f', 'amos/zbunk.f', 'amos/zdiv.f', 'amos/zexp.f', 'amos/zkscl.f', 'amos/zlog.f', 'amos/zmlri.f', 'amos/zmlt.f', 'amos/zrati.f', 'amos/zs1s2.f', 'amos/zseri.f', 'amos/zshch.f', 'amos/zsqrt.f', 'amos/zuchk.f', 'amos/zunhj.f', 'amos/zuni1.f', 'amos/zuni2.f', 'amos/zunik.f', 'amos/zunk1.f', 'amos/zunk2.f', 'amos/zuoik.f', 'amos/zwrsk.f', ] qpms_c = Extension('qpms_c', sources = ['qpms/qpms_c.pyx', #'qpms/hexpoints_c.pyx', 'qpms/gaunt.c',#'qpms/gaunt.h','qpms/vectors.h','qpms/translations.h', # FIXME 'qpms/translations.c', 'qpms/symmetries.c', 'qpms/wigner.c', 'qpms/scatsystem.c', 'qpms/vswf.c', # FIXME many things from vswf.c are not required by this module, but they have many dependencies (following in this list); maybe I want to move all the "basespec stuff" 'qpms/legendre.c', 'qpms/tmatrices.c', 'qpms/materials.c', 'qpms/error.c', 'qpms/bessel.c', 'qpms/own_zgemm.c', 'qpms/pointgroups.c', ], extra_compile_args=['-std=c99','-ggdb', '-O0', '-DQPMS_COMPILE_PYTHON_EXTENSIONS', # this is required #'-DQPMS_USE_OMP', '-DQPMS_SCATSYSTEM_USE_OWN_BLAS', '-DDISABLE_NDEBUG', # uncomment to enable assertions in the modules #'-fopenmp', ], libraries=['gsl', 'lapacke', 'blas', 'gslcblas', 'pthread', #'omp' # TODO resolve the problem with openblas (missing gotoblas symbol) and preferable use other blas library #('amos', dict(sources=amos_sources) ), ], include_dirs=['amos'], extra_link_args=['amos/libamos.a'], runtime_library_dirs=os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':') if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ else [], #extra_objects = ['amos/libamos.a'], # FIXME apparently, I would like to eliminate the need to cmake/make first ) setup(name='qpms', version = "0.2.995", packages=['qpms'], # libraries = [('amos', {'sources': amos_sources} )], setup_requires=['cython>=0.28',], install_requires=['cython>=0.28', #'quaternion','spherical_functions', 'scipy>=0.18.0', 'sympy>=1.2'], #dependency_links=['',''], ext_modules=cythonize([qpms_c], include_path=['qpms', 'amos'], gdb_debug=True), cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}, )