#!/bin/bash # Common parameters for a rectangular array # N.B. We put those into bc, which does not understant exponential notation export PX_nm=375 export PY_nm=375 export BG_REFINDEX=1.52 export BSPEC='[6,14]' # l = 1, m = +- 1 (i.e. xy) electric dipoles, nothing more # Input parameters for T-matrix. It shall have the following form: # '[[ T_mm, T_mp], # [ T_mp, T_pp]]' # # The following lines are used to specify parameters for the most # simplistic T-matrix that b having only diagonal elements, but T_PHASE_MM=0.1 T_PHASE_PP=0.05 # "gain" factors; values larger than 1 are unphysical, 1 conserves energy T_GAINFACTOR_MM=1 T_GAINFACTOR_PP=1 # Setup bc echo 'scale=20;pi=3.14159265358979323846;' > bc_env export BC_ENV_ARGS="bc_env" # We have only one particle per unit cell here export P1X_nm=0 export P1Y_nm=0 # Lattice vectors (for the general scripts) export A1X_nm=${PX_nm} export A1Y_nm=0 export A2X_nm=0 export A2Y_nm=${PY_nm} # Reciprocal lattice vectors export B1X_nmi=$(bc <<< '1/'${PX_nm}) export B1Y_nmi=0 export B2X_nmi=0 export B2Y_nmi=$(bc <<< '1/'${PY_nm}) # Constant T-matrix T_MM="$(bc -l <<< -.5+.5*${T_GAINFACTOR_MM}*c\(${T_PHASE_MM}\))+$(bc -l <<< .5*${T_GAINFACTOR_MM}*s\(${T_PHASE_MM}\))j" T_PP="$(bc -l <<< -.5+.5*${T_GAINFACTOR_PP}*c\(${T_PHASE_PP}\))+$(bc -l <<< .5*${T_GAINFACTOR_PP}*s\(${T_PHASE_PP}\))j" export TMATRIX="\ [[${T_MM},0],\ [0,${T_PP}]]" # note no unescaped whitespaces allowed here