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We give a brief overview of this method in the subsections \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand ref reference "sub:The-multiple-scattering-problem" \end_inset , \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand ref reference "sub:Periodic-systems" \end_inset below. \lang finnish The top advantage of the multiple-scattering \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix approach is its computational efficiency for large finite systems of nanoparticles. In the lattice mode analysis in this work, however, we use it here for another reason, specifically the relative ease of describing symmetries \begin_inset CommandInset citation LatexCommand cite key "schulz_point-group_1999" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \lang english The \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix of a single nanoparticle was computed using the scuff-tmatrix applicatio n from the SCUFF-EM suite~ \lang finnish \begin_inset CommandInset citation LatexCommand cite key "SCUFF2,reid_efficient_2015" \end_inset \lang english and the system was solved up to the \begin_inset Formula $l_{\mathrm{max}}=3$ \end_inset (octupolar) degree of electric and magnetic spherical multipole. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \lang english We did not find any deviation from the empty lattice diffracted orders exceeding the numerical precision of the computation (about 2 meV). This is most likely due to the frequencies in our experiment being far below the resonances of the nanoparticles, with the largest elements of the \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix being of the order of \begin_inset Formula $10^{-3}$ \end_inset (for power-normalised waves). The nanoparticles are therefore almost transparent, but still suffice to provide feedback for lasing. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection The multiple-scattering problem \begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "sub:The-multiple-scattering-problem" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In the \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix approach, scattering properties of single nanoparticles are first computed in terms of vector sperical wavefunctions (VSWFs)—the field incident onto the \begin_inset Formula $n$ \end_inset -th nanoparticle from external sources can be expanded as \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \vect E_{n}^{\mathrm{inc}}(\vect r)=\sum_{l=1}^{\infty}\sum_{m=-l}^{+l}\sum_{t=\mathrm{E},\mathrm{M}}\coeffrip nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)\label{eq:E_inc} \end{equation} \end_inset where \begin_inset Formula $\vect r_{n}=\vect r-\vect R_{n}$ \end_inset , \begin_inset Formula $\vect R_{n}$ \end_inset being the position of the centre of \begin_inset Formula $n$ \end_inset -th nanoparticle and \begin_inset Formula $\svwfr lmt$ \end_inset are the regular VSWFs which can be expressed in terms of regular spherical Bessel functions of \begin_inset Formula $j_{k}\left(\left|\vect r_{n}\right|\right)$ \end_inset and spherical harmonics \begin_inset Formula $\ush km\left(\hat{\vect r}_{n}\right)$ \end_inset ; the expressions can be found e.g. in [REF] \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout few words about different conventions? \end_layout \end_inset (care must be taken because of varying normalisation and phase conventions). On the other hand, the field scattered by the particle can be (outside the particle's circumscribing sphere) expanded in terms of singular VSWFs \begin_inset Formula $\svwfs lmt$ \end_inset which differ from the regular ones by regular spherical Bessel functions being replaced with spherical Hankel functions \begin_inset Formula $h_{k}^{(1)}\left(\left|\vect r_{n}\right|\right)$ \end_inset , \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \vect E_{n}^{\mathrm{scat}}\left(\vect r\right)=\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffsip nlmt\svwfs lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right).\label{eq:E_scat} \end{equation} \end_inset The expansion coefficients \begin_inset Formula $\coeffsip nlmt$ \end_inset , \begin_inset Formula $t=\mathrm{E},\mathrm{M}$ \end_inset are related to the electric and magnetic multipole polarisation amplitudes of the nanoparticle. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard At a given frequency, assuming the system is linear, the relation between the expansion coefficients in the VSWF bases is given by the so-called \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix, \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \coeffsip nlmt=\sum_{l',m',t'}T_{n}^{lmt;l'm't'}\coeffrip n{l'}{m'}{t'}.\label{eq:Tmatrix definition} \end{equation} \end_inset The \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix is given by the shape and composition of the particle and fully describes its scattering properties. In theory it is infinite-dimensional, but in practice (at least for subwaveleng th nanoparticles) its elements drop very quickly to negligible values with growing degree indices \begin_inset Formula $l,l'$ \end_inset , enabling to take into account only the elements up to some finite degree, \begin_inset Formula $l,l'\le l_{\mathrm{max}}$ \end_inset . The \begin_inset Formula $T$ \end_inset -matrix can be calculated numerically using various methods; here we used the scuff-tmatrix tool from the SCUFF-EM suite \begin_inset CommandInset citation LatexCommand cite key "SCUFF2,reid_efficient_2015" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard The singular SVWFs originating at \begin_inset Formula $\vect R_{n}$ \end_inset can be then re-expanded around another origin (nanoparticle location) \begin_inset Formula $\vect R_{n'}$ \end_inset in terms of regular SVWFs, \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \svwfs lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)=\sum_{l',m',t'}\transop^{l'm't';lmt}\left(\vect R_{n'}-\vect R_{n}\right)\svwfr{l'}{m'}{t'}\left(\vect r_{n'}\right),\qquad\left|\vect r_{n'}\right|<\left|\vect R_{n'}-\vect R_{n}\right|.\label{eq:translation op def} \end{equation} \end_inset Analytical expressions for the translation operator \begin_inset Formula $\transop^{lmt;l'm't'}\left(\vect R_{n'}-\vect R_{n}\right)$ \end_inset can be found in \begin_inset CommandInset citation LatexCommand cite key "xu_efficient_1998" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard If we write the field incident onto \begin_inset Formula $n$ \end_inset -th nanoparticle as the sum of fields scattered from all the other nanoparticles and an external field \begin_inset Formula $\vect E_{0}$ \end_inset , \begin_inset Formula \[ \vect E_{n}^{\mathrm{inc}}\left(\vect r\right)=\vect E_{0}\left(\vect r\right)+\sum_{n'\ne n}\vect E_{n'}^{\mathrm{scat}}\left(\vect r\right) \] \end_inset and use eqs. \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:E_inc" \end_inset – \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:translation op def" \end_inset , we obtain a set of linear equations for the electromagnetic response (multiple scattering) of the whole set of nanoparticles, \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset Formula \[ \vect E_{n}^{\mathrm{inc}}\left(\vect r\right)=\vect E_{0}\left(\vect r\right)+\sum_{n'\ne n}\vect E_{n'}^{\mathrm{scat}}\left(\vect r\right) \] \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset Formula \[ \sum_{l,m,t}\coeffrip nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)=\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffripext nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)+\sum_{n'\ne n}\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffsip{n'}lmt\svwfs lmt\left(\vect r_{n'}\right) \] \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset Formula \[ \sum_{l,m,t}\coeffrip nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)=\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffripext nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)+\sum_{n'\ne n}\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffsip{n'}lmt\sum_{l',m',t'}\transop^{l'm't';lmt}\left(\vect R_{n}-\vect R_{n'}\right)\svwfr{l'}{m'}{t'}\left(\vect r_{n}\right) \] \end_inset \begin_inset Formula \[ \sum_{l,m,t}\coeffrip nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)=\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffripext nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right)+\sum_{n'\ne n}\sum_{l,m,t}\sum_{l',m',t'}\coeffsip{n'}{l'}{m'}{t'}\transop^{lmt;l'm't'}\left(\vect R_{n}-\vect R_{n'}\right)\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right) \] \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset Formula \[ \coeffrip nlmt=\coeffripext nlmt+\sum_{n'\ne n}\sum_{l',m',t'}\coeffsip{n'}{l'}{m'}{t'}\transop^{lmt;l'm't'}\left(\vect R_{n}-\vect R_{n'}\right) \] \end_inset ( \begin_inset Formula $\coeffsip{n'}{l'}{m'}{t'}=\sum_{l'',m'',t''}T_{n'}^{l'm't';l''m''t''}\coeffrip{n'}{l''}{m''}{t''}$ \end_inset ) \begin_inset Formula \[ \coeffrip nlmt=\coeffripext nlmt+\sum_{n'\ne n}\sum_{l',m',t'}\transop^{lmt;l'm't'}\left(\vect R_{n}-\vect R_{n'}\right)\sum_{l'',m'',t''}T_{n'}^{l'm't';l''m''t''}\coeffrip{n'}{l''}{m''}{t''} \] \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \coeffrip nlmt=\coeffripext nlmt+\sum_{n'\ne n}\sum_{l',m',t'}\transop^{lmt;l'm't'}\left(\vect R_{n}-\vect R_{n'}\right)\sum_{l'',m'',t''}T_{n'}^{l'm't';l''m''t''}\coeffrip{n'}{l''}{m''}{t''},\label{eq:multiplescattering element-wise} \end{equation} \end_inset where \begin_inset Formula $\coeffripext nlmt$ \end_inset are the expansion coefficients of the external field around the \begin_inset Formula $n$ \end_inset -th particle, \begin_inset Formula $\vect E_{0}\left(\vect r\right)=\sum_{l,m,t}\coeffripext nlmt\svwfr lmt\left(\vect r_{n}\right).$ \end_inset It is practical to get rid of the SVWF indices, rewriting \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:multiplescattering element-wise" \end_inset in a per-particle matrix form \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \coeffr_{n}=\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(n)}+\sum_{n'\ne n}S_{n,n'}T_{n'}p_{n'}\label{eq:multiple scattering per particle p} \end{equation} \end_inset and to reformulate the problem using \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:Tmatrix definition" \end_inset in terms of the \begin_inset Formula $\coeffs$ \end_inset -coefficients which describe the multipole excitations of the particles \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \coeffs_{n}-T_{n}\sum_{n'\ne n}S_{n,n'}\coeffs_{n'}=T_{n}\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(n)}.\label{eq:multiple scattering per particle a} \end{equation} \end_inset Knowing \begin_inset Formula $T_{n},S_{n,n'},\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(n)}$ \end_inset , the nanoparticle excitations \begin_inset Formula $a_{n}$ \end_inset can be solved by standard linear algebra methods. The total scattered field anywhere outside the particles' circumscribing spheres is then obtained by summing the contributions \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:E_scat" \end_inset from all particles. \end_layout \begin_layout Subsection Periodic systems and mode analysis \begin_inset CommandInset label LatexCommand label name "sub:Periodic-systems" \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In an infinite periodic array of nanoparticles, the excitations of the nanoparti cles take the quasiperiodic Bloch-wave form \begin_inset Formula \[ \coeffs_{i\alpha}=e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{i}}\coeffs_{\alpha} \] \end_inset (assuming the incident external field has the same periodicity, \begin_inset Formula $\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(i\alpha)}=e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{i}}p_{\mathrm{ext}\left(\alpha\right)}$ \end_inset ) where \begin_inset Formula $\alpha$ \end_inset is the index of a particle inside one unit cell and \begin_inset Formula $\vect R_{i},\vect R_{i'}\in\Lambda$ \end_inset are the lattice vectors corresponding to the sites (labeled by multiindices \begin_inset Formula $i,i'$ \end_inset ) of a Bravais lattice \begin_inset Formula $\Lambda$ \end_inset . The multiple-scattering problem \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:multiple scattering per particle a" \end_inset then takes the form \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset Formula \[ \coeffs_{i\alpha}=T_{\alpha}\left(\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(i\alpha)}+\sum_{(i',\alpha')\ne\left(i,\alpha\right)}S_{i\alpha,i'\alpha}\coeffs_{i'\alpha'}\right) \] \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset Formula \[ \coeffs_{i\alpha}-T_{\alpha}\sum_{(i',\alpha')\ne\left(i,\alpha\right)}S_{i\alpha,i'\alpha'}e^{i\vect k\cdot\left(\vect R_{i'}-\vect R_{i}\right)}\coeffs_{i\alpha'}=T_{\alpha}\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(i\alpha)} \] \end_inset or, labeling \begin_inset Formula $W_{\alpha\alpha'}=\sum_{i';(i',\alpha')\ne\left(i,\alpha\right)}S_{i\alpha,i'\alpha'}e^{i\vect k\cdot\left(\vect R_{i'}-\vect R_{i}\right)}=\sum_{i';(i',\alpha')\ne\left(0,\alpha\right)}S_{0\alpha,i'\alpha'}e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{i'}}$ \end_inset and using the quasiperiodicity, \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \sum_{\alpha'}\left(\delta_{\alpha\alpha'}\mathbb{I}-T_{\alpha}W_{\alpha\alpha'}\right)\coeffs_{\alpha'}=T_{\alpha}\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(\alpha)},\label{eq:multiple scattering per particle a periodic} \end{equation} \end_inset \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \coeffs_{\alpha}-T_{\alpha}\sum_{\alpha'}W_{\alpha\alpha'}\coeffs_{\alpha'}=T_{\alpha}\coeffr_{\mathrm{ext}(\alpha)},\label{eq:multiple scattering per particle a periodic-2} \end{equation} \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset which reduces the linear problem \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:multiple scattering per particle a" \end_inset to interactions between particles inside single unit cell. A problematic part is the evaluation of the translation operator lattice sums \begin_inset Formula $W_{\alpha\alpha'}$ \end_inset ; this is performed using exponentially convergent Ewald-type representations \begin_inset CommandInset citation LatexCommand cite key "linton_lattice_2010" \end_inset . \end_layout \begin_layout Standard In an infinite periodic system, a nonlossy mode supports itself without external driving, i.e. such mode is described by excitation coefficients \begin_inset Formula $a_{\alpha}$ \end_inset that satisfy eq. \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:multiple scattering per particle a periodic-2" \end_inset with zero right-hand side. That can happen if the block matrix \begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)=\left\{ \delta_{\alpha\alpha'}\mathbb{I}-T_{\alpha}\left(\vect{\omega}\right)W_{\alpha\alpha'}\left(\omega,\vect k\right)\right\} _{\alpha\alpha'}$ \end_inset from the left hand side of \begin_inset CommandInset ref LatexCommand eqref reference "eq:multiple scattering per particle a periodic" \end_inset is singular (here we explicitely note the \begin_inset Formula $\omega,\vect k$ \end_inset depence). \begin_inset Note Note status open \begin_layout Plain Layout In other words, the energy bands of the lattice are given by \begin_inset Formula \[ \det M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)=0. \] \end_inset \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Standard For lossy nanoparticles, however, perfect propagating modes will not exist and \begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$ \end_inset will never be perfectly singular. Therefore in practice, we get the bands by scanning over \begin_inset Formula $\omega,\vect k$ \end_inset to search for \begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$ \end_inset which have an \begin_inset Quotes sld \end_inset almost zero \begin_inset Quotes srd \end_inset singular value. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset CommandInset bibtex LatexCommand bibtex bibfiles "hexarray-theory" options "plain" \end_inset \end_layout \end_body \end_document