QPMS README =========== QPMS is a toolkit for frequency-domain simulations of photonic systems consisting of compact objects (particles) inside a homogeneous medium. Scattering properties of the individual particles are described by their T-matrices (which can be obtained e.g. with the `scuff-tmatrix` tool from the [SCUFF-EM] suite). QPMS handles the multiple scattering of electromagnetic radiation between the particles. The system can consist either of a finite number of particles or an infinite number of periodically arranged lattices (with finite number of particles in a single unit cell). Features ======== Finite systems -------------- * Computing multipole excitations *and fields (TODO)* scattered from nanoparticle clusters illuminated by plane, spherical or *cylindrical (TODO)* waves. * Finding eigenmodes. * *Calculating cross sections (TODO).* * Reducing numerical complexity of the computations by exploiting symmetries of the cluster (decomposition to irreducible representations). Infinite systems (lattices) --------------------------- * 2D-periodic systems supported. (TODO 1D and 3D.) * *Calculation of transmission and reflection properties (TODO).* * Finding eigenmodes and calculating dispersion relations. * *Calculation of far-field radiation patterns of an excited array (TODO).* * Reducing numerical complexity of the computations by exploiting symmetries of the lattice (decomposition to irreducible representations). Installation ============ The package depends on several python modules and GSL (>= 2.0). The python module dependencies should be installed automatically when running the installation script. If you have a recent enough OS, you can get GSL easily from the repositories; on Debian and derivatives, just run `apt-get install libgsl-dev` under root. Alternatively, you can [get the source and compile it yourself][GSL]. You also need a fresh enough version of [cmake][]. After GSL is installed, you can install qpms to your local python library using:: ``` cmake . make amos python3 setup.py install --user ``` If GSL is not installed the standard library path on your system, you might need to pass it to the installation script using the `LIBRARY_PATH` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variables. Special care has often be taken when installing QPMS in cluster environments. Specific installation instructions for Aalto University's Triton cluster can be found in a [separate document][TRITON-README]. Documentation ============= Documentation of QPMS is a work in progress. Most of the newer code is documented using doxygen comments. To build the documentation, just run `doxygen` in the root directory; the documentation will then be found in `docs/html/index.html`. Of course, the prerequisite of this is having doxygen installed. If you don't, you will probably find it easily in your OS's repositories. On Debian and derivatives, simply run `apt-get install doxygen` under root. Tutorials --------- * [Infinite system (lattice) tutorial][tutorial-infinite] * [Finite system tutorial][tutorial-finite] [SCUFF-EM]: https://homerreid.github.io/scuff-em-documentation/ [GSL]: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ [cmake]: https://cmake.org [TRITON-README]: README.Triton.md [tutorial-finite]: finite_systems.md [tutorial-infinite]: lattices.md