#include #include "qpms_specfunc.h" #include #include #include #include "kahansum.h" #include #include #include "qpms_error.h" #include #include #ifndef M_LN2 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 /* log_e 2 */ #endif static inline complex double ipow(int x) { return cpow(I,x); } #if 0 // Inspired by scipy/special/_spherical_bessel.pxd static inline complex double spherical_jn(qpms_l_t l, complex double z) { if (isnan(creal(z)) || isnan(cimag(z))) return NAN+I*NAN; if (l < 0) QPMS_WTF; if (fpclassify(creal(z)) == FP_INFINITE) if(0 == cimag(z)) return 0; else return INFINITY + I * INFINITY; if (z == 0) if (l == 0) return 1; else return 0; return csqrt(M_PI_2/z) * zbesj(l + .5, z); } static inline complex double spherical_yn(qpms_l_t l, complex double z) { if (isnan(creal(z)) || isnan(cimag(z))) return NAN+I*NAN; if (l < 0) QPMS_WTF; if (fpclassify(creal(z)) == FP_INFINITE) if(0 == cimag(z)) return 0; else return INFINITY + I * INFINITY; if (z == 0) return NAN; return csqrt(M_PI_2/z) * zbesy(l + .5, z); } #endif // There is a big issue with gsl's precision of spherical bessel function; these have to be implemented differently qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_realx_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, double x, complex double *result_array) { int retval; double tmparr[lmax+1]; switch(typ) { case QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR: retval = gsl_sf_bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, tmparr); for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] = tmparr[l]; return retval; break; case QPMS_BESSEL_SINGULAR: //FIXME: is this precise enough? Would it be better to do it one-by-one? retval = gsl_sf_bessel_yl_array(lmax,x,tmparr); for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] = tmparr[l]; return retval; break; case QPMS_HANKEL_PLUS: case QPMS_HANKEL_MINUS: retval = gsl_sf_bessel_jl_steed_array(lmax, x, tmparr); for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] = tmparr[l]; if(retval) return retval; retval = gsl_sf_bessel_yl_array(lmax, x, tmparr); if (typ==QPMS_HANKEL_PLUS) for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] += I * tmparr[l]; else for (int l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) result_array[l] +=-I * tmparr[l]; return retval; break; default: abort(); //return GSL_EDOM; } assert(0); } // TODO DOC qpms_errno_t qpms_sph_bessel_fill(qpms_bessel_t typ, qpms_l_t lmax, complex double x, complex double *res) { if(!cimag(x)) return qpms_sph_bessel_realx_fill(typ, lmax, creal(x), res); else if (isnan(creal(x)) || isnan(cimag(x))) for(qpms_l_t l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) res[l] = NAN + I*NAN; else if (lmax < 0) QPMS_WTF; else if (fpclassify(creal(x)) == FP_INFINITE) for(qpms_l_t l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) res[l] = INFINITY + I * INFINITY; else { const DOUBLE_PRECISION_t zr = creal(x), zi = cimag(x), fnu = 0.5; const INTEGER_t n = lmax + 1, kode = 1 /* No exponential scaling */; DOUBLE_PRECISION_t cyr[n], cyi[n]; INTEGER_t ierr, nz; unsigned int kindchar; // Only for error output const complex double prefac = csqrt(M_PI_2/x); switch(typ) { case QPMS_BESSEL_REGULAR: kindchar = 'j'; amos_zbesj(&zr, &zi, &fnu, &kode, &n, cyr, cyi, &nz, &ierr); break; case QPMS_BESSEL_SINGULAR: kindchar = 'y'; { DOUBLE_PRECISION_t cwrkr[lmax + 1], cwrki[lmax + 1]; amos_zbesy(&zr, &zi, &fnu, &kode, &n, cyr, cyi, &nz, cwrkr, cwrki, &ierr); } break; case QPMS_HANKEL_PLUS: case QPMS_HANKEL_MINUS: kindchar = 'h'; { const INTEGER_t m = (typ == QPMS_HANKEL_PLUS) ? 1 : 2; amos_zbesh(&zr, &zi, &fnu, &kode, &m, &n, cyr, cyi, &nz, &ierr); } break; default: QPMS_WTF; } // TODO check for underflows? (nz != 0) if (ierr == 0 || ierr == 3) { for (qpms_l_t l = 0; l <= lmax; ++l) res[l] = prefac * (cyr[l] + I * cyi[l]); if (ierr == 3) QPMS_WARN("Amos's zbes%c computation done but losses of significance " "by argument reduction produce less than half of machine accuracy.", kindchar); return QPMS_SUCCESS; //TODO maybe something else if ierr == 3 } else QPMS_PR_ERROR("Amos's zbes%c failed with ierr == %d.", kindchar, (int) ierr); } return QPMS_SUCCESS; } static inline ptrdiff_t akn_index(qpms_l_t n, qpms_l_t k) { assert(k <= n); return ((ptrdiff_t) n + 1) * n / 2 + k; } static inline ptrdiff_t bkn_index(qpms_l_t n, qpms_l_t k) { assert(k <= n+1); return ((ptrdiff_t) n + 2) * (n + 1) / 2 - 1 + k; } static inline qpms_errno_t qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *c, qpms_l_t lMax) { if (lMax <= c->lMax) return QPMS_SUCCESS; else { if ( NULL == (c->akn = realloc(c->akn, sizeof(double) * akn_index(lMax + 2, 0)))) abort(); //if ( NULL == (c->bkn = realloc(c->bkn, sizeof(complex double) * bkn_index(lMax + 1, 0)))) // abort(); for(qpms_l_t n = c->lMax+1; n <= lMax + 1; ++n) for(qpms_l_t k = 0; k <= n; ++k) c->akn[akn_index(n,k)] = exp(lgamma(n + k + 1) - k*M_LN2 - lgamma(k + 1) - lgamma(n - k + 1)); // ... TODO derivace c->lMax = lMax; return QPMS_SUCCESS; } } complex double qpms_sbessel_calc_h1(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *c, qpms_l_t n, complex double x) { if(QPMS_SUCCESS != qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(c, n)) abort(); complex double z = I/x; complex double result = 0; for (qpms_l_t k = n; k >= 0; --k) // can we use fma for complex? //result = fma(result, z, c->akn(n, k)); result = result * z + c->akn[akn_index(n,k)]; result *= z * ipow(-n-2) * cexp(I * x); return result; } qpms_errno_t qpms_sbessel_calc_h1_fill(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t * const c, const qpms_l_t lMax, const complex double x, complex double * const target) { if(QPMS_SUCCESS != qpms_sbessel_calculator_ensure_lMax(c, lMax)) abort(); memset(target, 0, sizeof(complex double) * lMax); complex double kahancomp[lMax]; memset(kahancomp, 0, sizeof(complex double) * lMax); for(qpms_l_t k = 0; k <= lMax; ++k){ double xp = cpow(x, -k-1); for(qpms_l_t l = k; l <= lMax; ++l) ckahanadd(target + l, kahancomp + l, c->akn[akn_index(l,k)] * xp * ipow(k-l-1)); } complex double eix = cexp(I * x); for (qpms_l_t l = 0; l <= lMax; ++l) target[l] *= eix; return QPMS_SUCCESS; } qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *qpms_sbessel_calculator_init() { qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *c = malloc(sizeof(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t)); c->akn = NULL; //c->bkn = NULL; c->lMax = -1; return c; } void qpms_sbessel_calculator_pfree(qpms_sbessel_calculator_t *c) { if(c->akn) free(c->akn); //if(c->bkn) free(c->bkn); free(c); }