package "qpms-translations-ewald32" version "dev" purpose "Computes Ewald-summed VSWF translation matrix elements in arbitrary 2D-periodic infinite lattices." #versiontext "" #args "<command line options>" args "--file-name=transop_ewald_cmdline" # Options option "output" o "Output file" details="Path to the output file. If not specified, print to the standard output." string default="" optional option "base-vector" b "Base vector" details="Single base vector (two numbers separated by comma)" string typestr="X,Y" multiple(2) required # will be multiple(-3) when implemented 1d, 3d option "error-estimate-output" E "Path to the output with error estimates" string optional option "normalisation" N "VSWF normalisation convention" values="Power","None","SH" enum default="Power" option "csphase" c "Whether the Condon-Shortley phase is included in VSWF definition (-1) or not (+1)" int values="+1","-1" default="-1" option "Ewald-parameter" e "The value of Ewald parameter η" double optional option "frequency-unit" u "Specifies the frequency unit is used for inputs." values="eV","scuff" enum default="scuff" option "lMax" L "Maximum spherical multipole order to which the translation operator elements are calculated" int required option "refractive-index" n "Medium refractive index" double required option "particle" p "Specify the x and y coordinates of a single particle; If not specified, one particle per unit cell is assumed." string typestr="X,Y" multiple optional defmode "k_omega_points" modedesc="Specifying each (ω, k) pair separately." defmode "k_omega_meshgrid" modedesc="Specifying lists of ω and k, from which all possible pairs are generated." modeoption "pointfile" T "Path to a file containing frequency, k_x, k_y triples\ (separated by white spaces). If not specified, read them from stdin." mode="k_omega_points" string multiple default="-" modeoption "point" t "Specifies a frequency, k_x, k_y triple, separated by commas." mode="k_omega_points" string typestr="ω,k_x,k_y" multiple optional modeoption "omegafile" F "Path to a file containing a list of frequencies\ separated by whitespaces." mode="k_omega_meshgrid" string multiple optional modeoption "omega" f "Specifies frequency (or multiple frequencies separated by commas) on the command line." mode="k_omega_meshgrid" string typestr="ω1[,ω2[,...]]" multiple optional modeoption "kfile" K "Path to a file containing a list of k_x, k_y pairs." mode="k_omega_meshgrid" string multiple optional default="-" modeoption "k" k "Specifies pair(s) of k_x, k_y values" mode="k_omega_meshgrid" string typestr="k1_x,k1_y[,k2_x,k2_y[,...]]" multiple optional #option <long> <short> "<desc>" # {details="<detailed description>"} # {argtype} {typestr="<type descr>"} # {values="<value1>","<value2>",...} # {default="<default value>"} # {dependon="<other option>"} # {required} {argoptional} {multiple} # {hidden} #option <long> <short> "<desc>" flag <on/off> #section "section name" {sectiondesc="optional section description"} #text "a textual sentence"