  title = {Efficient {{Evaluation}} of {{Vector Translation Coefficients}} in {{Multiparticle Light}}-{{Scattering Theories}}},
  volume = {139},
  issn = {0021-9991},
  abstract = {Vector addition theorems are a necessary ingredient in the analytical solution of electromagnetic multiparticle-scattering problems. These theorems include a large number of vector addition coefficients. There exist three basic types of analytical expressions for vector translation coefficients: Stein's (Quart. Appl. Math.19, 15 (1961)), Cruzan's (Quart. Appl. Math.20, 33 (1962)), and Xu's (J. Comput. Phys.127, 285 (1996)). Stein's formulation relates vector translation coefficients with scalar translation coefficients. Cruzan's formulas use the Wigner 3jm symbol. Xu's expressions are based on the Gaunt coefficient. Since the scalar translation coefficient can also be expressed in terms of the Gaunt coefficient, the key to the expeditious and reliable calculation of vector translation coefficients is the fast and accurate evaluation of the Wigner 3jm symbol or the Gaunt coefficient. We present highly efficient recursive approaches to accurately evaluating Wigner 3jm symbols and Gaunt coefficients. Armed with these recursive approaches, we discuss several schemes for the calculation of the vector translation coefficients, using the three general types of formulation, respectively. Our systematic test calculations show that the three types of formulas produce generally the same numerical results except that the algorithm of Stein's type is less accurate in some particular cases. These extensive test calculations also show that the scheme using the formulation based on the Gaunt coefficient is the most efficient in practical computations.},
  number = {1},
  journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
  doi = {10.1006/jcph.1997.5867},
  author = {Xu, Yu-lin},
  month = jan,
  year = {1998},
  pages = {137-165},
  file = {/u/46/necadam1/unix/.mozilla/firefox/6m8fw48s.default/zotero/storage/STV5263F/Xu - 1998 - Efficient Evaluation of Vector Translation Coeffic.pdf;/u/46/necadam1/unix/.mozilla/firefox/6m8fw48s.default/zotero/storage/VMGZRSAA/S0021999197958678.html}

  address = {{New York}},
  edition = {3 edition},
  title = {Classical {{Electrodynamics Third Edition}}},
  isbn = {978-0-471-30932-1},
  abstract = {A revision of the defining book covering the physics and classical mathematics necessary to understand electromagnetic fields in materials and at surfaces and interfaces. The third edition has been revised to address the changes in emphasis and applications that have occurred in the past twenty years.},
  language = {English},
  publisher = {{Wiley}},
  author = {Jackson, John David},
  month = aug,
  year = {1998},
  file = {/u/46/necadam1/unix/.mozilla/firefox/6m8fw48s.default/zotero/storage/3BWPD4BK/John David Jackson-Classical Electrodynamics-Wiley (1999).djvu}

  title = {Beitr{\"a}ge Zur {{Optik}} Tr{\"u}ber {{Medien}}, Speziell Kolloidaler {{Metall{\"o}sungen}}},
  volume = {330},
  copyright = {Copyright \textcopyright{} 1908 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH \& Co. KGaA, Weinheim},
  issn = {1521-3889},
  language = {en},
  number = {3},
  journal = {Ann. Phys.},
  doi = {10.1002/andp.19083300302},
  author = {Mie, Gustav},
  month = jan,
  year = {1908},
  pages = {377-445},
  file = {/u/46/necadam1/unix/.mozilla/firefox/6m8fw48s.default/zotero/storage/RM9J9RYH/Mie - 1908 - Beiträge zur Optik trüber Medien, speziell kolloid.pdf;/u/46/necadam1/unix/.mozilla/firefox/6m8fw48s.default/zotero/storage/F5A7EX6R/abstract.html}

  address = {{Edison, NJ}},
  title = {Scattering of {{Electromagnetic Waves}} by {{Obstacles}}},
  isbn = {978-1-61353-221-8},
  abstract = {This book is an introduction to some of the most important properties of electromagnetic waves and their interaction with passive materials and scatterers. The main purpose of the book is to give a theoretical treatment of these scattering phenomena, and to illustrate numerical computations of some canonical scattering problems for different geometries and materials. The scattering theory is also important in the theory of passive antennas, and this book gives several examples on this topic. Topics covered include an introduction to the basic equations used in scattering; the Green functions and dyadics; integral representation of fields; introductory scattering theory; scattering in the time domain; approximations and applications; spherical vector waves; scattering by spherical objects; the null-field approach; and propagation in stratified media. The book is organised along two tracks, which can be studied separately or together. Track 1 material is appropriate for a first reading of the textbook, while Track 2 contains more advanced material suited for the second reading and for reference. Exercises are included for each chapter.},
  language = {English},
  publisher = {{Scitech Publishing}},
  author = {Kristensson, Gerhard},
  month = jul,
  year = {2016},
  file = {/u/46/necadam1/unix/.mozilla/firefox/6m8fw48s.default/zotero/storage/3R7VYZUK/Kristensson - 2016 - Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Obstacles.pdf}