TODO list before 1.0 release ============================ - Tests! - Docs! - Cross section calculations. (Done in some Python scripts.) - Field calculations. (Partly done, needs more testing.) * Also test periodic vs. nonperiodic consistence (big finite lattice + absorbing medium vs. infinite lattice + absorbing medium). - Complex frequencies, n's, k's. (Mostly done.) - Transforming point (meta)generators. - Check whether moble's quaternions and my quaternions give the same results in - Ewald summations of all types of lattices (dimensionality-wise). - Split lattices.h into separate point generator and lattice vector manipulation parts. * Maybe move something from the .h to .c file. - Check exact normalisation convention of scuff-tmatrix output. - Check whether the Condon-Shortley phase affects the form of Wigner matrices. - The xflip, yflip and possible i-factor problem. - General 3D point group symmetries. * Instead the current hard-coded limited set. * The generation, finding subgroups etc. should be "easy" with quaternions and stuff, as the set is quite limited, see [Wikipedia]( * Not sure about the representations, though. * As a description of a T-matrix / particle metadata. - Nice CLI for all general enough utilities. - Remove legacy code. - Split `qpms_c.pyx`. - Reduce compiler warnings. - Serialisation (saving, loading) of `ScatteringSystem` and other structures. - Python exceptions instead of hard crashes in the C library where possible. - Scatsystem init sometimes fail due to rounding errors and hardcoded absolute tolerance in the `qpms_tmatrix_isclose()` call. - Prefix all identifiers. Maybe think about a different prefix than qpms? - Consistent indentation and style overall. - Rewrite the parallelized translation matrix, mode problem matrix generators in a way that reuses as much code as possible without copypasting Nice but less important features -------------------------------- - Static, thread-safe caches of constant coefficients + API without the current "calculators". Optimisations ------------- - Leaving out the irrelevant elements if a "rectangular" block of the translations matrix is needed. - Ewald sums with "non-parallel" shifts (are about 20 times slower than the purely parallel ones). - Reusing intermediate results (profiling needed) * Bessel, Legendre functions (see also branch `finite_lattice_speedup`) * Lattice points (sorting and scaling) * Γ/Δ functions (for periodic lattices) - More parallelisation. - Possibly pre-calculation of the (precise) coefficients in Bessel and Legendre functions (using gmp) - Asymptotic approximations of the Bessel functions for far fields.