  File autogenerated by gengetopt version 2.22.6
  generated with the following command:
  gengetopt --file-name=transop_ewald_cmdline

  The developers of gengetopt consider the fixed text that goes in all
  gengetopt output files to be in the public domain:
  we make no copyright claims on it.

/* If we use autoconf.  */
#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifndef FIX_UNUSED
#define FIX_UNUSED(X) (void) (X) /* avoid warnings for unused params */

#include <getopt.h>

#include "transop_ewald_cmdline.h"

const char *gengetopt_args_info_purpose = "Computes Ewald-summed VSWF translation matrix elements in arbitrary 2D-periodic\ninfinite lattices.";

const char *gengetopt_args_info_usage = "Usage: qpms-translations-ewald32 [OPTIONS]...";

const char *gengetopt_args_info_versiontext = "";

const char *gengetopt_args_info_description = "";

const char *gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[] = {
  "  -h, --help                    Print help and exit",
  "      --detailed-help           Print help, including all details and hidden\n                                  options, and exit",
  "  -V, --version                 Print version and exit",
  "  -o, --output=STRING           Output file  (default=`')",
  "  Path to the output file. If not specified, print to the standard output.",
  "  -b, --base-vector=X,Y         Base vector",
  "  Single base vector (two numbers separated by comma)",
  "  -E, --error-estimate-output=STRING\n                                Path to the output with error estimates",
  "  -N, --normalisation=ENUM      VSWF normalisation convention  (possible\n                                  values=\"Power\", \"None\", \"SH\"\n                                  default=`Power')",
  "  -c, --csphase=INT             Whether the Condon-Shortley phase is included\n                                  in VSWF definition (-1) or not (+1)\n                                  (possible values=\"+1\", \"-1\" default=`-1')",
  "  -e, --Ewald-parameter=DOUBLE  The value of Ewald parameter η",
  "  -u, --frequency-unit=ENUM     Specifies the frequency unit is used for\n                                  inputs.  (possible values=\"eV\", \"scuff\"\n                                  default=`scuff')",
  "  -L, --lMax=INT                Maximum spherical multipole order to which the\n                                  translation operator elements are calculated",
  "  -n, --refractive-index=DOUBLE Medium refractive index",
  "  -p, --particle=X,Y            Specify the x and y coordinates of a single\n                                  particle; If not specified, one particle per\n                                  unit cell is assumed.",
  "\n Mode: k_omega_points\n  Specifying each (ω, k) pair separately.",
  "  -T, --pointfile=STRING        Path to a file containing frequency, k_x, k_y\n                                  triples(separated by white spaces). If not\n                                  specified, read them from stdin.\n                                  (default=`-')",
  "  -t, --point=ω,k_x,k_y        Specifies a frequency, k_x, k_y triple,\n                                  separated by commas.",
  "\n Mode: k_omega_meshgrid\n  Specifying lists of ω and k, from which all possible pairs are generated.",
  "  -F, --omegafile=STRING        Path to a file containing a list of\n                                  frequenciesseparated by whitespaces.",
  "  -f, --omega=ω1[,ω2[,...]]   Specifies frequency (or multiple frequencies\n                                  separated by commas) on the command line.",
  "  -K, --kfile=STRING            Path to a file containing a list of k_x, k_y\n                                  pairs.  (default=`-')",
  "  -k, --k=k1_x,k1_y[,k2_x,k2_y[,...]]\n                                Specifies pair(s) of k_x, k_y values",

static void
  gengetopt_args_info_help[0] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[0];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[1] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[1];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[2] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[2];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[3] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[3];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[4] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[5];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[5] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[7];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[6] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[8];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[7] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[9];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[8] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[10];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[9] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[11];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[10] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[12];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[11] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[13];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[12] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[14];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[13] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[15];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[14] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[16];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[15] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[17];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[16] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[18];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[17] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[19];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[18] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[20];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[19] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[21];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[20] = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[22];
  gengetopt_args_info_help[21] = 0; 

const char *gengetopt_args_info_help[22];

typedef enum {ARG_NO
} cmdline_parser_arg_type;

void clear_given (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);
void clear_args (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info);

static int
cmdline_parser_internal (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
                        struct cmdline_parser_params *params, const char *additional_error);

static int
cmdline_parser_required2 (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, const char *prog_name, const char *additional_error);

const char *cmdline_parser_normalisation_values[] = {"Power", "None", "SH", 0}; /*< Possible values for normalisation. */
const char *cmdline_parser_csphase_values[] = {"+1", "-1", 0}; /*< Possible values for csphase. */
const char *cmdline_parser_frequency_unit_values[] = {"eV", "scuff", 0}; /*< Possible values for frequency-unit. */

static char *
gengetopt_strdup (const char *s);

void clear_given (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  args_info->help_given = 0 ;
  args_info->detailed_help_given = 0 ;
  args_info->version_given = 0 ;
  args_info->output_given = 0 ;
  args_info->base_vector_given = 0 ;
  args_info->error_estimate_output_given = 0 ;
  args_info->normalisation_given = 0 ;
  args_info->csphase_given = 0 ;
  args_info->Ewald_parameter_given = 0 ;
  args_info->frequency_unit_given = 0 ;
  args_info->lMax_given = 0 ;
  args_info->refractive_index_given = 0 ;
  args_info->particle_given = 0 ;
  args_info->pointfile_given = 0 ;
  args_info->point_given = 0 ;
  args_info->omegafile_given = 0 ;
  args_info->omega_given = 0 ;
  args_info->kfile_given = 0 ;
  args_info->k_given = 0 ;
  args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter = 0 ;
  args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter = 0 ;

void clear_args (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  FIX_UNUSED (args_info);
  args_info->output_arg = gengetopt_strdup ("");
  args_info->output_orig = NULL;
  args_info->base_vector_arg = NULL;
  args_info->base_vector_orig = NULL;
  args_info->error_estimate_output_arg = NULL;
  args_info->error_estimate_output_orig = NULL;
  args_info->normalisation_arg = normalisation_arg_Power;
  args_info->normalisation_orig = NULL;
  args_info->csphase_arg = -1;
  args_info->csphase_orig = NULL;
  args_info->Ewald_parameter_orig = NULL;
  args_info->frequency_unit_arg = frequency_unit_arg_scuff;
  args_info->frequency_unit_orig = NULL;
  args_info->lMax_orig = NULL;
  args_info->refractive_index_orig = NULL;
  args_info->particle_arg = NULL;
  args_info->particle_orig = NULL;
  args_info->pointfile_arg = NULL;
  args_info->pointfile_orig = NULL;
  args_info->point_arg = NULL;
  args_info->point_orig = NULL;
  args_info->omegafile_arg = NULL;
  args_info->omegafile_orig = NULL;
  args_info->omega_arg = NULL;
  args_info->omega_orig = NULL;
  args_info->kfile_arg = NULL;
  args_info->kfile_orig = NULL;
  args_info->k_arg = NULL;
  args_info->k_orig = NULL;

void init_args_info(struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)

  args_info->help_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[0] ;
  args_info->detailed_help_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[1] ;
  args_info->version_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[2] ;
  args_info->output_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[3] ;
  args_info->base_vector_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[5] ;
  args_info->base_vector_min = 2;
  args_info->base_vector_max = 2;
  args_info->error_estimate_output_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[7] ;
  args_info->normalisation_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[8] ;
  args_info->csphase_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[9] ;
  args_info->Ewald_parameter_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[10] ;
  args_info->frequency_unit_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[11] ;
  args_info->lMax_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[12] ;
  args_info->refractive_index_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[13] ;
  args_info->particle_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[14] ;
  args_info->particle_min = 0;
  args_info->particle_max = 0;
  args_info->pointfile_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[16] ;
  args_info->pointfile_min = 0;
  args_info->pointfile_max = 0;
  args_info->point_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[17] ;
  args_info->point_min = 0;
  args_info->point_max = 0;
  args_info->omegafile_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[19] ;
  args_info->omegafile_min = 0;
  args_info->omegafile_max = 0;
  args_info->omega_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[20] ;
  args_info->omega_min = 0;
  args_info->omega_max = 0;
  args_info->kfile_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[21] ;
  args_info->kfile_min = 0;
  args_info->kfile_max = 0;
  args_info->k_help = gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[22] ;
  args_info->k_min = 0;
  args_info->k_max = 0;

cmdline_parser_print_version (void)
  printf ("%s %s\n",

  if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_versiontext) > 0)
    printf("\n%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_versiontext);

static void print_help_common(void) {
  cmdline_parser_print_version ();

  if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_purpose) > 0)
    printf("\n%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_purpose);

  if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_usage) > 0)
    printf("\n%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_usage);


  if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_description) > 0)
    printf("%s\n\n", gengetopt_args_info_description);

cmdline_parser_print_help (void)
  int i = 0;
  while (gengetopt_args_info_help[i])
    printf("%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_help[i++]);

cmdline_parser_print_detailed_help (void)
  int i = 0;
  while (gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[i])
    printf("%s\n", gengetopt_args_info_detailed_help[i++]);

cmdline_parser_init (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  clear_given (args_info);
  clear_args (args_info);
  init_args_info (args_info);

cmdline_parser_params_init(struct cmdline_parser_params *params)
  if (params)
      params->override = 0;
      params->initialize = 1;
      params->check_required = 1;
      params->check_ambiguity = 0;
      params->print_errors = 1;

struct cmdline_parser_params *
  struct cmdline_parser_params *params = 
    (struct cmdline_parser_params *)malloc(sizeof(struct cmdline_parser_params));
  return params;

static void
free_string_field (char **s)
  if (*s)
      free (*s);
      *s = 0;

/** @brief generic value variable */
union generic_value {
    int int_arg;
    double double_arg;
    char *string_arg;
    const char *default_string_arg;

/** @brief holds temporary values for multiple options */
struct generic_list
  union generic_value arg;
  char *orig;
  struct generic_list *next;

 * @brief add a node at the head of the list 
static void add_node(struct generic_list **list) {
  struct generic_list *new_node = (struct generic_list *) malloc (sizeof (struct generic_list));
  new_node->next = *list;
  *list = new_node;
  new_node->arg.string_arg = 0;
  new_node->orig = 0;

static void
free_multiple_string_field(unsigned int len, char ***arg, char ***orig)
  unsigned int i;
  if (*arg) {
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
    free_string_field(&((*arg)[0])); /* free default string */

    free (*arg);
    *arg = 0;
    free (*orig);
    *orig = 0;

static void
cmdline_parser_release (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)

  free_string_field (&(args_info->output_arg));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->output_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->base_vector_given, &(args_info->base_vector_arg), &(args_info->base_vector_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->error_estimate_output_arg));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->error_estimate_output_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->normalisation_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->csphase_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->Ewald_parameter_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->frequency_unit_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->lMax_orig));
  free_string_field (&(args_info->refractive_index_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->particle_given, &(args_info->particle_arg), &(args_info->particle_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->pointfile_given, &(args_info->pointfile_arg), &(args_info->pointfile_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->point_given, &(args_info->point_arg), &(args_info->point_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->omegafile_given, &(args_info->omegafile_arg), &(args_info->omegafile_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->omega_given, &(args_info->omega_arg), &(args_info->omega_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->kfile_given, &(args_info->kfile_arg), &(args_info->kfile_orig));
  free_multiple_string_field (args_info->k_given, &(args_info->k_arg), &(args_info->k_orig));

  clear_given (args_info);

 * @param val the value to check
 * @param values the possible values
 * @return the index of the matched value:
 * -1 if no value matched,
 * -2 if more than one value has matched
static int
check_possible_values(const char *val, const char *values[])
  int i, found, last;
  size_t len;

  if (!val)   /* otherwise strlen() crashes below */
    return -1; /* -1 means no argument for the option */

  found = last = 0;

  for (i = 0, len = strlen(val); values[i]; ++i)
      if (strncmp(val, values[i], len) == 0)
          last = i;
          if (strlen(values[i]) == len)
            return i; /* exact macth no need to check more */

  if (found == 1) /* one match: OK */
    return last;

  return (found ? -2 : -1); /* return many values or none matched */

static void
write_into_file(FILE *outfile, const char *opt, const char *arg, const char *values[])
  int found = -1;
  if (arg) {
    if (values) {
      found = check_possible_values(arg, values);      
    if (found >= 0)
      fprintf(outfile, "%s=\"%s\" # %s\n", opt, arg, values[found]);
      fprintf(outfile, "%s=\"%s\"\n", opt, arg);
  } else {
    fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", opt);

static void
write_multiple_into_file(FILE *outfile, int len, const char *opt, char **arg, const char *values[])
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
    write_into_file(outfile, opt, (arg ? arg[i] : 0), values);

cmdline_parser_dump(FILE *outfile, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  int i = 0;

  if (!outfile)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot dump options to stream\n", CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (args_info->help_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "help", 0, 0 );
  if (args_info->detailed_help_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "detailed-help", 0, 0 );
  if (args_info->version_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "version", 0, 0 );
  if (args_info->output_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "output", args_info->output_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->base_vector_given, "base-vector", args_info->base_vector_orig, 0);
  if (args_info->error_estimate_output_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "error-estimate-output", args_info->error_estimate_output_orig, 0);
  if (args_info->normalisation_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "normalisation", args_info->normalisation_orig, cmdline_parser_normalisation_values);
  if (args_info->csphase_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "csphase", args_info->csphase_orig, cmdline_parser_csphase_values);
  if (args_info->Ewald_parameter_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "Ewald-parameter", args_info->Ewald_parameter_orig, 0);
  if (args_info->frequency_unit_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "frequency-unit", args_info->frequency_unit_orig, cmdline_parser_frequency_unit_values);
  if (args_info->lMax_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "lMax", args_info->lMax_orig, 0);
  if (args_info->refractive_index_given)
    write_into_file(outfile, "refractive-index", args_info->refractive_index_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->particle_given, "particle", args_info->particle_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->pointfile_given, "pointfile", args_info->pointfile_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->point_given, "point", args_info->point_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->omegafile_given, "omegafile", args_info->omegafile_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->omega_given, "omega", args_info->omega_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->kfile_given, "kfile", args_info->kfile_orig, 0);
  write_multiple_into_file(outfile, args_info->k_given, "k", args_info->k_orig, 0);

  return i;

cmdline_parser_file_save(const char *filename, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  FILE *outfile;
  int i = 0;

  outfile = fopen(filename, "w");

  if (!outfile)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open file for writing: %s\n", CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE, filename);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  i = cmdline_parser_dump(outfile, args_info);
  fclose (outfile);

  return i;

cmdline_parser_free (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  cmdline_parser_release (args_info);

/** @brief replacement of strdup, which is not standard */
char *
gengetopt_strdup (const char *s)
  char *result = 0;
  if (!s)
    return result;

  result = (char*)malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
  if (result == (char*)0)
    return (char*)0;
  strcpy(result, s);
  return result;

static char *
get_multiple_arg_token(const char *arg)
  const char *tok;
  char *ret;
  size_t len, num_of_escape, i, j;

  if (!arg)
    return 0;

  tok = strchr (arg, ',');
  num_of_escape = 0;

  /* make sure it is not escaped */
  while (tok)
      if (*(tok-1) == '\\')
          /* find the next one */
          tok = strchr (tok+1, ',');

  if (tok)
    len = (size_t)(tok - arg + 1);
    len = strlen (arg) + 1;

  len -= num_of_escape;

  ret = (char *) malloc (len);

  i = 0;
  j = 0;
  while (arg[i] && (j < len-1))
      if (arg[i] == '\\' && 
	  arg[ i + 1 ] && 
	  arg[ i + 1 ] == ',')

      ret[j++] = arg[i++];

  ret[len-1] = '\0';

  return ret;

static const char *
get_multiple_arg_token_next(const char *arg)
  const char *tok;

  if (!arg)
    return 0;

  tok = strchr (arg, ',');

  /* make sure it is not escaped */
  while (tok)
      if (*(tok-1) == '\\')
          /* find the next one */
          tok = strchr (tok+1, ',');

  if (! tok || strlen(tok) == 1)
    return 0;

  return tok+1;

static int
check_multiple_option_occurrences(const char *prog_name, unsigned int option_given, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const char *option_desc);

check_multiple_option_occurrences(const char *prog_name, unsigned int option_given, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, const char *option_desc)
  int error_occurred = 0;

  if (option_given && (min > 0 || max > 0))
      if (min > 0 && max > 0)
          if (min == max)
              /* specific occurrences */
              if (option_given != (unsigned int) min)
                  fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s option occurrences must be %d\n",
                    prog_name, option_desc, min);
                  error_occurred = 1;
          else if (option_given < (unsigned int) min
                || option_given > (unsigned int) max)
              /* range occurrences */
              fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s option occurrences must be between %d and %d\n",
                prog_name, option_desc, min, max);
              error_occurred = 1;
      else if (min > 0)
          /* at least check */
          if (option_given < min)
              fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s option occurrences must be at least %d\n",
                prog_name, option_desc, min);
              error_occurred = 1;
      else if (max > 0)
          /* at most check */
          if (option_given > max)
              fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s option occurrences must be at most %d\n",
                prog_name, option_desc, max);
              error_occurred = 1;
  return error_occurred;
cmdline_parser (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info)
  return cmdline_parser2 (argc, argv, args_info, 0, 1, 1);

cmdline_parser_ext (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
                   struct cmdline_parser_params *params)
  int result;
  result = cmdline_parser_internal (argc, argv, args_info, params, 0);

  if (result == EXIT_FAILURE)
      cmdline_parser_free (args_info);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  return result;

cmdline_parser2 (int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, int override, int initialize, int check_required)
  int result;
  struct cmdline_parser_params params;
  params.override = override;
  params.initialize = initialize;
  params.check_required = check_required;
  params.check_ambiguity = 0;
  params.print_errors = 1;

  result = cmdline_parser_internal (argc, argv, args_info, &params, 0);

  if (result == EXIT_FAILURE)
      cmdline_parser_free (args_info);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  return result;

cmdline_parser_required (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, const char *prog_name)
  int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;

  if (cmdline_parser_required2(args_info, prog_name, 0) > 0)
    result = EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (result == EXIT_FAILURE)
      cmdline_parser_free (args_info);
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
  return result;

cmdline_parser_required2 (struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info, const char *prog_name, const char *additional_error)
  int error_occurred = 0;
  FIX_UNUSED (additional_error);

  /* checks for required options */
  if (! args_info->base_vector_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--base-vector' ('-b') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->base_vector_given, args_info->base_vector_min, args_info->base_vector_max, "'--base-vector' ('-b')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (! args_info->normalisation_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--normalisation' ('-N') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (! args_info->csphase_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--csphase' ('-c') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (! args_info->frequency_unit_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--frequency-unit' ('-u') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (! args_info->lMax_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--lMax' ('-L') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (! args_info->refractive_index_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--refractive-index' ('-n') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->particle_given, args_info->particle_min, args_info->particle_max, "'--particle' ('-p')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter && ! args_info->pointfile_given)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: '--pointfile' ('-T') option required%s\n", prog_name, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter && check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->pointfile_given, args_info->pointfile_min, args_info->pointfile_max, "'--pointfile' ('-T')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter && check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->point_given, args_info->point_min, args_info->point_max, "'--point' ('-t')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter && check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->omegafile_given, args_info->omegafile_min, args_info->omegafile_max, "'--omegafile' ('-F')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter && check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->omega_given, args_info->omega_min, args_info->omega_max, "'--omega' ('-f')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter && check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->kfile_given, args_info->kfile_min, args_info->kfile_max, "'--kfile' ('-K')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  if (args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter && check_multiple_option_occurrences(prog_name, args_info->k_given, args_info->k_min, args_info->k_max, "'--k' ('-k')"))
     error_occurred = 1;
  /* checks for dependences among options */

  return error_occurred;

static char *package_name = 0;

 * @brief updates an option
 * @param field the generic pointer to the field to update
 * @param orig_field the pointer to the orig field
 * @param field_given the pointer to the number of occurrence of this option
 * @param prev_given the pointer to the number of occurrence already seen
 * @param value the argument for this option (if null no arg was specified)
 * @param possible_values the possible values for this option (if specified)
 * @param default_value the default value (in case the option only accepts fixed values)
 * @param arg_type the type of this option
 * @param check_ambiguity @see cmdline_parser_params.check_ambiguity
 * @param override @see cmdline_parser_params.override
 * @param no_free whether to free a possible previous value
 * @param multiple_option whether this is a multiple option
 * @param long_opt the corresponding long option
 * @param short_opt the corresponding short option (or '-' if none)
 * @param additional_error possible further error specification
int update_arg(void *field, char **orig_field,
               unsigned int *field_given, unsigned int *prev_given, 
               char *value, const char *possible_values[],
               const char *default_value,
               cmdline_parser_arg_type arg_type,
               int check_ambiguity, int override,
               int no_free, int multiple_option,
               const char *long_opt, char short_opt,
               const char *additional_error)
  char *stop_char = 0;
  const char *val = value;
  int found;
  char **string_field;
  FIX_UNUSED (field);

  stop_char = 0;
  found = 0;

  if (!multiple_option && prev_given && (*prev_given || (check_ambiguity && *field_given)))
      if (short_opt != '-')
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--%s' (`-%c') option given more than once%s\n", 
               package_name, long_opt, short_opt,
               (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: `--%s' option given more than once%s\n", 
               package_name, long_opt,
               (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      return 1; /* failure */

  if (possible_values && (found = check_possible_values((value ? value : default_value), possible_values)) < 0)
      if (short_opt != '-')
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s argument, \"%s\", for option `--%s' (`-%c')%s\n", 
          package_name, (found == -2) ? "ambiguous" : "invalid", value, long_opt, short_opt,
          (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s argument, \"%s\", for option `--%s'%s\n", 
          package_name, (found == -2) ? "ambiguous" : "invalid", value, long_opt,
          (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
      return 1; /* failure */
  if (field_given && *field_given && ! override)
    return 0;
  if (prev_given)
  if (field_given)
  if (possible_values)
    val = possible_values[found];

  switch(arg_type) {
  case ARG_INT:
    if (val) *((int *)field) = strtol (val, &stop_char, 0);
  case ARG_DOUBLE:
    if (val) *((double *)field) = strtod (val, &stop_char);
  case ARG_ENUM:
    if (val) *((int *)field) = found;
  case ARG_STRING:
    if (val) {
      string_field = (char **)field;
      if (!no_free && *string_field)
        free (*string_field); /* free previous string */
      *string_field = gengetopt_strdup (val);

  /* check numeric conversion */
  switch(arg_type) {
  case ARG_INT:
  case ARG_DOUBLE:
    if (val && !(stop_char && *stop_char == '\0')) {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid numeric value: %s\n", package_name, val);
      return 1; /* failure */

  /* store the original value */
  switch(arg_type) {
  case ARG_NO:
    if (value && orig_field) {
      if (no_free) {
        *orig_field = value;
      } else {
        if (*orig_field)
          free (*orig_field); /* free previous string */
        *orig_field = gengetopt_strdup (value);

  return 0; /* OK */

 * @brief store information about a multiple option in a temporary list
 * @param list where to (temporarily) store multiple options
int update_multiple_arg_temp(struct generic_list **list,
               unsigned int *prev_given, const char *val,
               const char *possible_values[], const char *default_value,
               cmdline_parser_arg_type arg_type,
               const char *long_opt, char short_opt,
               const char *additional_error)
  /* store single arguments */
  char *multi_token;
  const char *multi_next;

  if (arg_type == ARG_NO) {
    return 0; /* OK */

  multi_token = get_multiple_arg_token(val);
  multi_next = get_multiple_arg_token_next (val);

  while (1)
      add_node (list);
      if (update_arg((void *)&((*list)->arg), &((*list)->orig), 0,
          prev_given, multi_token, possible_values, default_value, 
          arg_type, 0, 1, 1, 1, long_opt, short_opt, additional_error)) {
        if (multi_token) free(multi_token);
        return 1; /* failure */

      if (multi_next)
          multi_token = get_multiple_arg_token(multi_next);
          multi_next = get_multiple_arg_token_next (multi_next);

  return 0; /* OK */

 * @brief free the passed list (including possible string argument)
void free_list(struct generic_list *list, short string_arg)
  if (list) {
    struct generic_list *tmp;
    while (list)
        tmp = list;
        if (string_arg && list->arg.string_arg)
          free (list->arg.string_arg);
        if (list->orig)
          free (list->orig);
        list = list->next;
        free (tmp);

 * @brief updates a multiple option starting from the passed list
void update_multiple_arg(void *field, char ***orig_field,
               unsigned int field_given, unsigned int prev_given, union generic_value *default_value,
               cmdline_parser_arg_type arg_type,
               struct generic_list *list)
  int i;
  struct generic_list *tmp;

  if (prev_given && list) {
    *orig_field = (char **) realloc (*orig_field, (field_given + prev_given) * sizeof (char *));

    switch(arg_type) {
    case ARG_INT:
    case ARG_ENUM:
      *((int **)field) = (int *)realloc (*((int **)field), (field_given + prev_given) * sizeof (int)); break;
    case ARG_DOUBLE:
      *((double **)field) = (double *)realloc (*((double **)field), (field_given + prev_given) * sizeof (double)); break;
    case ARG_STRING:
      *((char ***)field) = (char **)realloc (*((char ***)field), (field_given + prev_given) * sizeof (char *)); break;
    for (i = (prev_given - 1); i >= 0; --i)
        tmp = list;
        switch(arg_type) {
        case ARG_INT:
          (*((int **)field))[i + field_given] = tmp->arg.int_arg; break;
        case ARG_DOUBLE:
          (*((double **)field))[i + field_given] = tmp->arg.double_arg; break;
        case ARG_ENUM:
          (*((int **)field))[i + field_given] = tmp->arg.int_arg; break;
        case ARG_STRING:
          (*((char ***)field))[i + field_given] = tmp->arg.string_arg; break;
        (*orig_field) [i + field_given] = list->orig;
        list = list->next;
        free (tmp);
  } else { /* set the default value */
    if (default_value && ! field_given) {
      switch(arg_type) {
      case ARG_INT:
      case ARG_ENUM:
        if (! *((int **)field)) {
          *((int **)field) = (int *)malloc (sizeof (int));
          (*((int **)field))[0] = default_value->int_arg; 
      case ARG_DOUBLE:
        if (! *((double **)field)) {
          *((double **)field) = (double *)malloc (sizeof (double));
          (*((double **)field))[0] = default_value->double_arg;
      case ARG_STRING:
        if (! *((char ***)field)) {
          *((char ***)field) = (char **)malloc (sizeof (char *));
          (*((char ***)field))[0] = gengetopt_strdup(default_value->string_arg);
      default: break;
      if (!(*orig_field)) {
        *orig_field = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *));
        (*orig_field)[0] = 0;

static int check_modes(
  int given1[], const char *options1[],
                       int given2[], const char *options2[])
  int i = 0, j = 0, errors = 0;
  while (given1[i] >= 0) {
    if (given1[i]) {
      while (given2[j] >= 0) {
        if (given2[j]) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s: option %s conflicts with option %s\n",
                  package_name, options1[i], options2[j]);
  return errors;

cmdline_parser_internal (
  int argc, char **argv, struct gengetopt_args_info *args_info,
                        struct cmdline_parser_params *params, const char *additional_error)
  int c;	/* Character of the parsed option.  */
  union generic_value multiple_default_value;

  struct generic_list * base_vector_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * particle_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * pointfile_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * point_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * omegafile_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * omega_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * kfile_list = NULL;
  struct generic_list * k_list = NULL;
  int error_occurred = 0;
  struct gengetopt_args_info local_args_info;
  int override;
  int initialize;
  int check_required;
  int check_ambiguity;
  package_name = argv[0];
  override = params->override;
  initialize = params->initialize;
  check_required = params->check_required;
  check_ambiguity = params->check_ambiguity;

  if (initialize)
    cmdline_parser_init (args_info);

  cmdline_parser_init (&local_args_info);

  optarg = 0;
  optind = 0;
  opterr = params->print_errors;
  optopt = '?';

  while (1)
      int option_index = 0;

      static struct option long_options[] = {
        { "help",	0, NULL, 'h' },
        { "detailed-help",	0, NULL, 0 },
        { "version",	0, NULL, 'V' },
        { "output",	1, NULL, 'o' },
        { "base-vector",	1, NULL, 'b' },
        { "error-estimate-output",	1, NULL, 'E' },
        { "normalisation",	1, NULL, 'N' },
        { "csphase",	1, NULL, 'c' },
        { "Ewald-parameter",	1, NULL, 'e' },
        { "frequency-unit",	1, NULL, 'u' },
        { "lMax",	1, NULL, 'L' },
        { "refractive-index",	1, NULL, 'n' },
        { "particle",	1, NULL, 'p' },
        { "pointfile",	1, NULL, 'T' },
        { "point",	1, NULL, 't' },
        { "omegafile",	1, NULL, 'F' },
        { "omega",	1, NULL, 'f' },
        { "kfile",	1, NULL, 'K' },
        { "k",	1, NULL, 'k' },
        { 0,  0, 0, 0 }

      c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVo:b:E:N:c:e:u:L:n:p:T:t:F:f:K:k:", long_options, &option_index);

      if (c == -1) break;	/* Exit from `while (1)' loop.  */

      switch (c)
        case 'h':	/* Print help and exit.  */
          cmdline_parser_print_help ();
          cmdline_parser_free (&local_args_info);
          exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

        case 'V':	/* Print version and exit.  */
          cmdline_parser_print_version ();
          cmdline_parser_free (&local_args_info);
          exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

        case 'o':	/* Output file.  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->output_arg), 
               &(args_info->output_orig), &(args_info->output_given),
              &(local_args_info.output_given), optarg, 0, "", ARG_STRING,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "output", 'o',
            goto failure;
        case 'b':	/* Base vector.  */
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&base_vector_list, 
              &(local_args_info.base_vector_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              "base-vector", 'b',
            goto failure;
        case 'E':	/* Path to the output with error estimates.  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->error_estimate_output_arg), 
               &(args_info->error_estimate_output_orig), &(args_info->error_estimate_output_given),
              &(local_args_info.error_estimate_output_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "error-estimate-output", 'E',
            goto failure;
        case 'N':	/* VSWF normalisation convention.  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->normalisation_arg), 
               &(args_info->normalisation_orig), &(args_info->normalisation_given),
              &(local_args_info.normalisation_given), optarg, cmdline_parser_normalisation_values, "Power", ARG_ENUM,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "normalisation", 'N',
            goto failure;
        case 'c':	/* Whether the Condon-Shortley phase is included in VSWF definition (-1) or not (+1).  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->csphase_arg), 
               &(args_info->csphase_orig), &(args_info->csphase_given),
              &(local_args_info.csphase_given), optarg, cmdline_parser_csphase_values, "-1", ARG_INT,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "csphase", 'c',
            goto failure;
        case 'e':	/* The value of Ewald parameter η.  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->Ewald_parameter_arg), 
               &(args_info->Ewald_parameter_orig), &(args_info->Ewald_parameter_given),
              &(local_args_info.Ewald_parameter_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_DOUBLE,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "Ewald-parameter", 'e',
            goto failure;
        case 'u':	/* Specifies the frequency unit is used for inputs..  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->frequency_unit_arg), 
               &(args_info->frequency_unit_orig), &(args_info->frequency_unit_given),
              &(local_args_info.frequency_unit_given), optarg, cmdline_parser_frequency_unit_values, "scuff", ARG_ENUM,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "frequency-unit", 'u',
            goto failure;
        case 'L':	/* Maximum spherical multipole order to which the translation operator elements are calculated.  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->lMax_arg), 
               &(args_info->lMax_orig), &(args_info->lMax_given),
              &(local_args_info.lMax_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_INT,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "lMax", 'L',
            goto failure;
        case 'n':	/* Medium refractive index.  */
          if (update_arg( (void *)&(args_info->refractive_index_arg), 
               &(args_info->refractive_index_orig), &(args_info->refractive_index_given),
              &(local_args_info.refractive_index_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_DOUBLE,
              check_ambiguity, override, 0, 0,
              "refractive-index", 'n',
            goto failure;
        case 'p':	/* Specify the x and y coordinates of a single particle; If not specified, one particle per unit cell is assumed..  */
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&particle_list, 
              &(local_args_info.particle_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              "particle", 'p',
            goto failure;
        case 'T':	/* Path to a file containing frequency, k_x, k_y triples(separated by white spaces). If not specified, read them from stdin..  */
          args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter += 1;
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&pointfile_list, 
              &(local_args_info.pointfile_given), optarg, 0, "-", ARG_STRING,
              "pointfile", 'T',
            goto failure;
        case 't':	/* Specifies a frequency, k_x, k_y triple, separated by commas..  */
          args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter += 1;
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&point_list, 
              &(local_args_info.point_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              "point", 't',
            goto failure;
        case 'F':	/* Path to a file containing a list of frequenciesseparated by whitespaces..  */
          args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter += 1;
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&omegafile_list, 
              &(local_args_info.omegafile_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              "omegafile", 'F',
            goto failure;
        case 'f':	/* Specifies frequency (or multiple frequencies separated by commas) on the command line..  */
          args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter += 1;
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&omega_list, 
              &(local_args_info.omega_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              "omega", 'f',
            goto failure;
        case 'K':	/* Path to a file containing a list of k_x, k_y pairs..  */
          args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter += 1;
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&kfile_list, 
              &(local_args_info.kfile_given), optarg, 0, "-", ARG_STRING,
              "kfile", 'K',
            goto failure;
        case 'k':	/* Specifies pair(s) of k_x, k_y values.  */
          args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter += 1;
          if (update_multiple_arg_temp(&k_list, 
              &(local_args_info.k_given), optarg, 0, 0, ARG_STRING,
              "k", 'k',
            goto failure;

        case 0:	/* Long option with no short option */
          if (strcmp (long_options[option_index].name, "detailed-help") == 0) {
            cmdline_parser_print_detailed_help ();
            cmdline_parser_free (&local_args_info);
            exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

        case '?':	/* Invalid option.  */
          /* `getopt_long' already printed an error message.  */
          goto failure;

        default:	/* bug: option not considered.  */
          fprintf (stderr, "%s: option unknown: %c%s\n", CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE, c, (additional_error ? additional_error : ""));
          abort ();
        } /* switch */
    } /* while */

  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->base_vector_arg),
    &(args_info->base_vector_orig), args_info->base_vector_given,
    local_args_info.base_vector_given, 0,
    ARG_STRING, base_vector_list);
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->particle_arg),
    &(args_info->particle_orig), args_info->particle_given,
    local_args_info.particle_given, 0,
    ARG_STRING, particle_list);
  multiple_default_value.default_string_arg = "-";
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->pointfile_arg),
    &(args_info->pointfile_orig), args_info->pointfile_given,
    local_args_info.pointfile_given, &multiple_default_value,
    ARG_STRING, pointfile_list);
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->point_arg),
    &(args_info->point_orig), args_info->point_given,
    local_args_info.point_given, 0,
    ARG_STRING, point_list);
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->omegafile_arg),
    &(args_info->omegafile_orig), args_info->omegafile_given,
    local_args_info.omegafile_given, 0,
    ARG_STRING, omegafile_list);
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->omega_arg),
    &(args_info->omega_orig), args_info->omega_given,
    local_args_info.omega_given, 0,
    ARG_STRING, omega_list);
  multiple_default_value.default_string_arg = "-";
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->kfile_arg),
    &(args_info->kfile_orig), args_info->kfile_given,
    local_args_info.kfile_given, &multiple_default_value,
    ARG_STRING, kfile_list);
  update_multiple_arg((void *)&(args_info->k_arg),
    &(args_info->k_orig), args_info->k_given,
    local_args_info.k_given, 0,
    ARG_STRING, k_list);

  args_info->base_vector_given += local_args_info.base_vector_given;
  local_args_info.base_vector_given = 0;
  args_info->particle_given += local_args_info.particle_given;
  local_args_info.particle_given = 0;
  args_info->pointfile_given += local_args_info.pointfile_given;
  local_args_info.pointfile_given = 0;
  args_info->point_given += local_args_info.point_given;
  local_args_info.point_given = 0;
  args_info->omegafile_given += local_args_info.omegafile_given;
  local_args_info.omegafile_given = 0;
  args_info->omega_given += local_args_info.omega_given;
  local_args_info.omega_given = 0;
  args_info->kfile_given += local_args_info.kfile_given;
  local_args_info.kfile_given = 0;
  args_info->k_given += local_args_info.k_given;
  local_args_info.k_given = 0;
  if (args_info->k_omega_meshgrid_mode_counter && args_info->k_omega_points_mode_counter) {
    int k_omega_meshgrid_given[] = {args_info->omegafile_given, args_info->omega_given, args_info->kfile_given, args_info->k_given,  -1};
    const char *k_omega_meshgrid_desc[] = {"--omegafile", "--omega", "--kfile", "--k",  0};
    int k_omega_points_given[] = {args_info->pointfile_given, args_info->point_given,  -1};
    const char *k_omega_points_desc[] = {"--pointfile", "--point",  0};
    error_occurred += check_modes(k_omega_meshgrid_given, k_omega_meshgrid_desc, k_omega_points_given, k_omega_points_desc);
  if (check_required)
      error_occurred += cmdline_parser_required2 (args_info, argv[0], additional_error);

  cmdline_parser_release (&local_args_info);

  if ( error_occurred )
    return (EXIT_FAILURE);

  return 0;

  free_list (base_vector_list, 1 );
  free_list (particle_list, 1 );
  free_list (pointfile_list, 1 );
  free_list (point_list, 1 );
  free_list (omegafile_list, 1 );
  free_list (omega_list, 1 );
  free_list (kfile_list, 1 );
  free_list (k_list, 1 );
  cmdline_parser_release (&local_args_info);
  return (EXIT_FAILURE);