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\begin_layout Title
Technical notes on quantum electromagnetic multiple scattering
\begin_layout Author
Marek Nečada
\begin_layout Affiliation
COMP Centre of Excellence, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University,
Box 15100, Fi-00076 Aalto, Finland
\begin_layout Date
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Abstract
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Theory of quantum electromagnetic multiple scattering
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Incoherent pumping
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key "wubs_multiple-scattering_2004"
, Delga
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General initial states
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Look at
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key "landau_computational_2015"
for an inspiration for solving the LS equation with an arbitrary initial
\begin_layout Section
Computing classical Green's functions
\begin_layout Subsection
Boundary element method
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T-Matrix method
\begin_layout Subsection
T-Matrix resummation (multiple scatterers)
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reference "sub:SCUFF-TMATRIX"
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Available software
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's Angular frequencies specified using the
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arguments are interpreted in units of
\begin_inset Formula $c/1\,\mathrm{μm}=3\cdot10^{14}\,\mathrm{rad/s}$
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\emph on
TODO what are the output units?
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key "mackowski_mstm_2013"
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The incident field is a gaussian beam or a plane wave in the vanilla code
(no multipole radiation as input!).
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The bulk of the useful code is in the
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For solving the interaction equations
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after "(14)"
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, the BCGM (biconjugate gradient method) is used.
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According to the manual
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after "2.3"
key "mackowski_mstm_2013"
, they use some method (rotational-axial translation decomposition of the
translation operation), which
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reduces the operation from an
\begin_inset Formula $L_{S}^{4}$
process to
\begin_inset Formula $L_{S}^{3}$
process where
\begin_inset Formula $L_{S}$
is the truncation order of the expansion
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(more details can probably be found at
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after "around (68)"
key "mackowski_calculation_1996"
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Not sure if this holds also for nonspherical particles, I should either
read carefully
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key "mackowski_calculation_1996"
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or look into
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key "mishchenko_electromagnetic_2003"
which is also cited in the manual.
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By default spheres, it is possible to add own T-Matrix coefficients instead.
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\emph on
Is it then possible to insert a T-Matrix of an arbitrary shape, or is it
somehow limited to
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\begin_layout Itemize
Why the heck are the T-matrix options listed in the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
Options for random orientation calculations
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Code integration
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