216 lines
7.7 KiB
216 lines
7.7 KiB
// c99 -o ew_altin -DALTIN -Wall -I ../.. -O2 -ggdb -DLATTICESUMS32 hexlattice_ewald.c ../translations.c ../ewald.c ../ewaldsf.c ../gaunt.c ../lattices2d.c -lgsl -lm -lblas
// c99 -o ew_kin -DALTIN -DKSTDIN -Wall -I ../.. -O2 -ggdb -DLATTICESUMS32 hexlattice_ewald.c ../translations.c ../ewald.c ../ewaldsf.c ../gaunt.c ../lattices2d.c -lgsl -lm -lblas
// c99 -o ew -Wall -I ../.. -O2 -ggdb -DLATTICESUMS32 hexlattice_ewald.c ../translations.c ../ewald.c ../ewaldsf.c ../gaunt.c ../lattices2d.c -lgsl -lm -lblas
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <qpms/translations.h>
#include <qpms/lattices.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_const_mksa.h>
#define MAXOMEGACOUNT 1000
#define MAXKCOUNT 200 // 200 // serves as klist default buffer size if KSTDIN is defined
#define KMINCOEFF 0.783 //0.9783 // 0.783 // not used if KSTDIN defined
#define KMAXCOEFF 1.217 //1.0217 // 1.217 // not used if KSTDIN defined
#define KLAYERS 20
#define RLAYERS 20
const double s3 = 1.732050807568877293527446341505872366942805253810380628055;
// IMPORTANT: lattice properties here
const qpms_y_t lMax = 3;
const double REFINDEX = 1.52;
const double LATTICE_H = 576e-9;
static const double SCUFF_OMEGAUNIT = 3e14;
static const double hbar = GSL_CONST_MKSA_PLANCKS_CONSTANT_HBAR;
static const double eV = GSL_CONST_MKSA_ELECTRON_CHARGE;
static const double c0 = GSL_CONST_MKSA_SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
static const TriangularLatticeOrientation rs_orientation = TRIANGULAR_VERTICAL;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
const double LATTICE_A = s3*LATTICE_H;
const double INVLATTICE_A = 4*M_PI / s3 / LATTICE_A;
if (argc < 3) abort();
// char *kfile = argv[2]; // not used
char *outfile = argv[2];
char *errfile = NULL;
if (argc > 3)
errfile = argv[3];
#ifdef ALTIN // omega is provided on command line
char *omegastr = argv[1];
const double scuffomega = strtod(omegastr, NULL);
char *omegafile = argv[1];
double scuffomegas[MAXOMEGACOUNT];
FILE *f = fopen(omegafile, "r");
size_t omegacount = 0;
while (fscanf(f, "%lf", scuffomegas + omegacount) == 1){
assert(omegacount < MAXOMEGACOUNT);
/*f = fopen(kfile, "r");
int kcount = 100;
while (fscanf(f, "%lf %lf", &(klist[kcount].x), &(klist[kcount].y)) == 2) {
assert(kcount < MAXKCOUNT);
#ifdef KSTDIN
size_t kcount = 0;
size_t klist_capacity = MAXKCOUNT;
cart2_t *klist = malloc(sizeof(cart2_t) * klist_capacity);
while (scanf("%lf %lf", &(klist[kcount].x), &(klist[kcount].y)) == 2) {
if(kcount >= klist_capacity) {
klist_capacity *= 2;
klist = realloc(klist, sizeof(cart2_t) * klist_capacity);
if (klist == NULL) abort();
cart2_t klist[MAXKCOUNT];
int kcount = MAXKCOUNT;
for (int i = 0; i < kcount; ++i) { // TODO this should depend on orientation...
klist[i].x = 0;
klist[i].y = (4.* M_PI / 3. / LATTICE_A) * (KMINCOEFF + (KMAXCOEFF-KMINCOEFF)/kcount*i);
const double refindex = REFINDEX;
const double h = LATTICE_H;
const double a = h * s3;
const double unitcell_area = s3*a*a/2.;
const double rec_a = 4*M_PI/s3/a;
//fprintf(stderr, "%.16g\n", rec_a);
triangular_lattice_gen_t *Rlg = triangular_lattice_gen_init(a, rs_orientation, true, 0);
triangular_lattice_gen_extend_to_steps(Rlg, RLAYERS);
triangular_lattice_gen_t *Klg = triangular_lattice_gen_init(rec_a, reverseTriangularLatticeOrientation(rs_orientation), true, 0);
triangular_lattice_gen_extend_to_steps(Klg, KLAYERS);
points2d_rordered_t Rselwo0 = points2d_rordered_annulus(&(Rlg->ps), 0, false, INFINITY, false);
const point2d *Rpoints = Rlg->ps.base;
size_t nR = Rlg->ps.r_offsets[Rlg->ps.nrs];
// TODO automatic skip of the zero point directly in translations.c
const point2d *Rpoints_wo0 = Rselwo0.base + Rselwo0.r_offsets[0];
size_t nR_wo0 = Rselwo0.r_offsets[Rselwo0.nrs] - Rselwo0.r_offsets[0];
assert(nR - nR_wo0 == 1);
const point2d *Kpoints = Klg->ps.base;
size_t nK = Klg->ps.r_offsets[Klg->ps.nrs];
const point2d pshift0 = {0, 0};
point2d pshiftAB = {0, 0}, pshiftBA = {0,0};
if(rs_orientation == TRIANGULAR_VERTICAL) { // CHECKSIGN
pshiftAB.x = h;///2;
pshiftBA.x = -h;///2;
} else { // CHECKSIGN
pshiftAB.y = -h;///2;
pshiftBA.y = h;///2;
qpms_trans_calculator *c = qpms_trans_calculator_init(lMax, QPMS_NORMALISATION_POWER_CS); // vai POWER_CS?
FILE *out = fopen(outfile, "w");
FILE *err = NULL;
if (errfile)
err = fopen(errfile, "w");
#ifndef ALTIN
for (size_t omegai = 0; omegai < omegacount; ++omegai) {
const double scuffomega = scuffomegas[omegai];
const double omega = scuffomega * SCUFF_OMEGAUNIT;
const double EeV = omega * hbar / eV;
const double k0_vac = omega / c0;
const double k0_eff = k0_vac * refindex;
const double eta = 5.224/a; // FIXME quite arbitrary, but this one should work
// indices : destpart (A/B-particle), srcpart (A/B-particle), coeff type (A/B- type), desty, srcy
complex double W[2][2][2][c->nelem][c->nelem];
double Werr[2][2][2][c->nelem][c->nelem];
for (size_t ki = 0; ki < kcount; ++ki) {
cart2_t beta = klist[ki];
memset(W, 0, sizeof(W));
memset(Werr, 0, sizeof(Werr));
const ptrdiff_t deststride = &(W[0][0][0][1][0]) - &(W[0][0][0][0][0]);
const ptrdiff_t srcstride = &(W[0][0][0][0][1]) - &(W[0][0][0][0][0]);
assert (srcstride == 1 && deststride == c->nelem);
// A<-A
&(W[0][0][0][0][0]), err ? &(Werr[0][0][0][0][0]) : NULL, // Adest, Aerr,
&(W[0][0][1][0][0]), err ? &(Werr[0][0][1][0][0]) : NULL, // Bdest, Berr,
deststride, srcstride,
eta, k0_eff, unitcell_area, nR_wo0, Rpoints_wo0, nK, Kpoints, beta, pshift0
// B<-B
for(qpms_y_t desty = 0; desty < c->nelem; ++desty)
for (qpms_y_t srcy = 0; srcy < c->nelem; ++srcy)
for (int t = 0; t < 2; ++t) {
W[1][1][t][desty][srcy] = W[0][0][t][desty][srcy];
if (err)
Werr[1][1][t][desty][srcy] = Werr[0][0][t][desty][srcy];
// A<-B
&(W[0][1][0][0][0]), err ? &(Werr[0][1][0][0][0]) : NULL, // Adest, Aerr,
&(W[0][1][1][0][0]), err ? &(Werr[0][1][1][0][0]) : NULL, // Bdest, Berr,
deststride, srcstride,
eta, k0_eff, unitcell_area, nR, Rpoints, nK, Kpoints, beta, pshiftAB
// B<-A
&(W[1][0][0][0][0]), err ? &(Werr[1][0][0][0][0]) : NULL, // Adest, Aerr,
&(W[1][0][1][0][0]), err ? &(Werr[1][0][1][0][0]) : NULL, // Bdest, Berr,
deststride, srcstride,
eta, k0_eff, unitcell_area, nR, Rpoints, nK, Kpoints, beta, pshiftBA
// TODO CHECK B<-A vs. A<-B relation
fprintf(out, "%.16g\t%.16g\t%.16g\t%.16g\t%.16g\t",
scuffomega, EeV, k0_eff, beta.x, beta.y);
if(err) fprintf(err, "%.16g\t%.16g\t%16g\t%.16g\t%.16g\t",
scuffomega, EeV, k0_eff, beta.x, beta.y);
size_t totalelems = sizeof(W) / sizeof(complex double);
for (size_t i = 0; i < totalelems; ++i) {
complex double w = ((complex double *)W)[i];
fprintf(out, "%.16g\t%.16g\t", creal(w), cimag(w));
if (err)
fprintf(err, "%.3g\t", ((double *)Werr)[i]);
fputc('\n', out);
if(err) fputc('\n', err);
if(err) fclose(err);
#ifdef KSTDIN