
124 lines
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/** \file polynomials.h
* \brief Basic operations with polynomials.
#include <gmp.h>
/// Polynomial with rational coeffs.
// TODO more docs about initialisation etc.
typedef struct qpq_t {
int order;
int offset;
int capacity;
mpq_t *coeffs;
} qpq_t;
const static qpq_t QPQ_ZERO = {-1, 0, 0, NULL};
/// Initiasise the coefficients array in qpq_t.
/** Do not use on qpq_t that has already been initialised
* (and not recently cleared),
* otherwise you can get a memory leak.
void qpq_init(qpq_t *p, int capacity);
/// Extend capacity of a qpq_t instance.
/** If the requested new_capacity is larger than the qpq_t's
* capacity, the latter is extended to match new_capacity.
* Otherwise, nothing happend (this function does _not_ trim
* the capacity).
void qpq_extend(qpq_t *p, int new_capacity);
/// Shrinks the capacity to the minimum that can store the current polynomial.
void qpq_shrink(qpq_t *p);
/// Canonicalises the coefficients and (re)sets the correct degree.
void qpq_canonicalise(qpq_t *p);
void qpq_set(qpq_t *copy, const qpq_t *orig);
void qpq_set_elem(qpq_t *p, int exponent, const mpq_t coeff);
void qpq_set_elem_si(qpq_t *p, int exponent, long numerator, unsigned long denominator);
void qpq_get_elem(mpq_t coeff, const qpq_t *p, int exponent);
/** \returns zero if the result fits into long / unsigned long; non-zero otherwise. */
int qpq_get_elem_si(long *numerator, unsigned long *denominator, const qpq_t *p, int exponent);
/// Deinitialise the coefficients array in qpq_t.
void qpq_clear(qpq_t *p);
/// Polynomial addition.
/** Supports operand and result pointer mixing. */
void qpq_add(qpq_t *sum, const qpq_t *addend1, const qpq_t *addend2);
/// Polynomial substraction.
/** Supports operand and result pointer mixing. */
void qpq_sub(qpq_t *difference, const qpq_t *minuend, const qpq_t *substrahend);
/// Polynomial multiplication.
/** Does not support operand and result pointer mixing. */
void qpq_mul(qpq_t *product, const qpq_t *multiplier, const qpq_t *multiplicand);
/// Polynomial division with remainder.
/** Does not support operand and result pointer mixing. */
void qpq_div(qpq_t *quotient, qpq_t *remainder, const qpq_t *dividend, const qpq_t *divisor);
/// Polynomial derivative.
/** Supports operand and result pointer mixing. */
void qpq_deriv(qpq_t *dPdx, const qpq_t *P);
/// Tests whether a polynomial is non-zero.
_Bool qpq_nonzero(const qpq_t *);
/// Polynomial with double coeffs.
typedef struct qpz_t {
int order;
int offset;
int capacity;
double *coeffs;
} qpz_t;
/// Initiasise the coefficients array in qpz_t.
void qpz_init(qpz_t *p, int maxorder);
/// Deinitialise the coefficients array in qpz_t.
void qpz_clear(qpz_t *p);
/// Polynomial addition.
void qpz_add(qpz_t *sum, const qpz_t *addend1, const qpz_t *addend2);
/// Polynomial substraction.
void qpz_sub(qpz_t *difference, const qpz_t *minuend, const qpz_t *substrahend);
/// Polynomial multiplication.
void qpz_mul(qpz_t product, const qpz_t *multiplier, const qpz_t *multiplicand);
/// Convert rational coefficient polynomial to double coefficient polynomial
void qpz_from_qpq(qpz_t *target, const qpq_t *src);
#if 0 // This will go elsewhere
/// Table with pre-calculated Ferrers function coeffs.
typedef struct qpms_legendre_table_t {
qpms_l_t lMax;
} qpms_legendre_table_t;
/// Constructor for qpms_legendre_table_t.
qpms_legendre_table_t *qpms_legendre_table_init(qpms_l_t lMax);
/// Destructor for qpms_legendre_table_t.
void qpms_legendre_table_free(qpms_legendre_table_t *);
/// Evaluates a Ferrers function.
double qpms_legendre_table_eval(const qpms_legendre_table_t *,
qpms_l_t l, qpms_m_t m, double x);
// TODO pre-calculate also the products??