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\begin_layout Section
Infinite periodic systems
\begin_inset CommandInset label
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name "sec:Infinite"
\begin_inset FormulaMacro
\newcommand{\dlv}{\vect a}
\begin_inset FormulaMacro
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\begin_layout Standard
Although large finite systems are where MSTMM excels the most, there are
several reasons that makes its extension to infinite lattices (where periodic
boundary conditions might be applied) desirable as well.
Other methods might be already fast enough, but MSTMM will be faster in
most cases in which there is enough spacing between the neighboring particles.
MSTMM works well with any space group symmetry the system might have (as
opposed to, for example, FDTD with a cubic mesh applied to a honeycomb
lattice), which makes e.g.
application of group theory in mode analysis quite easy.
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Topology anoyne?
And finally, having a method that handles well both infinite and large
finite systems gives a possibility to study finite-size effects in periodic
scatterer arrays.
\begin_layout Subsection
Formulation of the problem
\begin_layout Standard
Let us have a linear system of compact EM scatterers on a homogeneous background
as in Section
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "subsec:Multiple-scattering"
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, but this time, the system shall be periodic: let there be a
\begin_inset Formula $d$
-dimensional (
\begin_inset Formula $d$
can be 1, 2 or 3) Bravais lattice embedded into the three-dimensional real
space, with lattice vectors
\begin_inset Formula $\left\{ \dlv_{i}\right\} _{i=1}^{d}$
, and let the lattice points be labeled with an
\begin_inset Formula $d$
-dimensional integer multi-index
\begin_inset Formula $\vect n\in\ints^{d}$
, so the lattice points have cartesian coordinates
\begin_inset Formula $\vect R_{\vect n}=\sum_{i=1}^{d}n_{i}\vect a_{i}$
There can be several scatterers per unit cell with indices
\begin_inset Formula $\alpha$
from set
\begin_inset Formula $\mathcal{P}_{1}$
and (relative) positions inside the unit cell
\begin_inset Formula $\vect r_{\alpha}$
; any particle of the periodic system can thus be labeled by a multiindex
\begin_inset Formula $\mathcal{P}=\ints^{d}\times\mathcal{P}_{1}$
The scatterers are located at positions
\begin_inset Formula $\vect r_{\vect n,\alpha}=\vect R_{\vect n}+\vect r_{\alpha}$
and their
\begin_inset Formula $T$
-matrices are periodic,
\begin_inset Formula $T_{\vect n,\alpha}=T_{\alpha}$
In such system, the multiple-scattering problem
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
can be rewritten as
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\outcoeffp{\vect n,\alpha}-T_{\alpha}\sum_{\left(\vect m,\beta\right)\in\mathcal{P}\backslash\left\{ \left(\vect n,\alpha\right)\right\} }\tropsp{\vect n,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}\outcoeffp{\vect m,\beta}=T_{\alpha}\rcoeffincp{\vect n,\alpha}.\quad\left(\vect n,\alpha\right)\in\mathcal{P}\label{eq:Multiple-scattering problem periodic}
\begin_layout Standard
Due to periodicity, we can also write
\begin_inset Formula $\tropsp{\vect n,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}=\tropsp{\alpha}{\beta}\left(\vect R_{\vect m}-\vect R_{\vect n}\right)=\tropsp{\alpha}{\beta}\left(\vect R_{\vect m-\vect n}\right)=\tropsp{\vect 0,\alpha}{\vect m-\vect n,\beta}$
Assuming quasi-periodic right-hand side with quasi-momentum
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k$
\begin_inset Formula $\rcoeffincp{\vect n,\alpha}=\rcoeffincp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect n}}$
, the solutions of
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem periodic"
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will be also quasi-periodic according to Bloch theorem,
\begin_inset Formula $\outcoeffp{\vect n,\alpha}=\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect n}}$
, and eq.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem periodic"
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can be rewritten as follows
\begin_inset Formula
\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect n}}-T_{\alpha}\sum_{\left(\vect m,\beta\right)\in\mathcal{P}\backslash\left\{ \left(\vect n,\alpha\right)\right\} }\tropsp{\vect n,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\beta}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect m}} & =T_{\alpha}\rcoeffincp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect n}},\nonumber \\
\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)-T_{\alpha}\sum_{\left(\vect m,\beta\right)\in\mathcal{P}\backslash\left\{ \left(\vect n,\alpha\right)\right\} }\tropsp{\vect 0,\alpha}{\vect m-\vect n,\beta}\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\beta}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect m-\vect n}} & =T_{\alpha}\rcoeffincp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right),\nonumber \\
\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)-T_{\alpha}\sum_{\left(\vect m,\beta\right)\in\mathcal{P}\backslash\left\{ \left(\vect 0,\alpha\right)\right\} }\tropsp{\vect 0,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\beta}\left(\vect k\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect m}} & =T_{\alpha}\rcoeffincp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right),\nonumber \\
\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right)-T_{\alpha}\sum_{\beta\in\mathcal{P}}W_{\alpha\beta}\left(\vect k\right)\outcoeffp{\vect 0,\beta}\left(\vect k\right) & =T_{\alpha}\rcoeffincp{\vect 0,\alpha}\left(\vect k\right),\label{eq:Multiple-scattering problem unit cell}
so we reduced the initial scattering problem to one involving only the field
expansion coefficients from a single unit cell, but we need to compute
\begin_inset Quotes eld
lattice Fourier transform
\begin_inset Quotes erd
of the translation operator,
\begin_inset Formula
W_{\alpha\beta}(\vect k)\equiv\sum_{\vect m\in\ints^{d}}\left(1-\delta_{\alpha\beta}\delta_{\vect m\vect 0}\right)\tropsp{\vect 0,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect m}},\label{eq:W definition}
evaluation of which is possible but quite non-trivial due to the infinite
lattice sum, so we explain it separately in Sect.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "subsec:W operator evaluation"
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\begin_layout Standard
As in the case of a finite system, eq.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem unit cell"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
can be written in a shorter block-matrix form,
\begin_inset Formula
\left(I-TW\right)\outcoeffp{\vect 0}\left(\vect k\right)=T\rcoeffincp{\vect 0}\left(\vect k\right)\label{eq:Multiple-scattering problem unit cell block form}
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem unit cell"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
can be used to calculate electromagnetic response of the structure to external
quasiperiodic driving field most notably a plane wave.
However, the non-trivial solutions of the equation with right hand side
the external driving) set to zero,
\begin_inset Formula
\left(I-TW\right)\outcoeffp{\vect 0}\left(\vect k\right)=0,\label{eq:lattice mode equation}
describes the
\emph on
lattice modes.
\emph default
Non-trivial solutions to
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:lattice mode equation"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
exist if the matrix on the left-hand side
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)=\left(I-T\left(\omega\right)W\left(\omega,\vect k\right)\right)$
is singular this condition gives the
\emph on
dispersion relation
\emph default
for the periodic structure.
Note that in realistic (lossy) systems, at least one of the pair
\begin_inset Formula $\omega,\vect k$
will acquire complex values.
The solution
\begin_inset Formula $\outcoeffp{\vect 0}\left(\vect k\right)$
is then obtained as the right
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
singular vector of
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
corresponding to the zero singular value.
\begin_layout Subsection
Numerical solution
\begin_layout Standard
In practice, equation
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem unit cell block form"
plural "false"
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noprefix "false"
is solved in the same way as eq.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem block form"
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noprefix "false"
in the multipole degree truncated form.
\begin_layout Standard
The lattice mode problem
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:lattice mode equation"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
is (after multipole degree truncation) solved by finding
\begin_inset Formula $\omega,\vect k$
for which the matrix
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
has a zero singular value.
A naïve approach to do that is to sample a volume with a grid in the
\begin_inset Formula $\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
space, performing a singular value decomposition of
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
at each point and finding where the lowest singular value of
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
is close enough to zero.
However, this approach is quite expensive, since
\begin_inset Formula $W\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
has to be evaluated for each
\begin_inset Formula $\omega,\vect k$
pair separately (unlike the original finite case
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Multiple-scattering problem block form"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
translation operator
\begin_inset Formula $\trops$
, which, for a given geometry, depends only on frequency).
Therefore, a much more efficient but not completely robust approach to
determine the photonic bands is to sample the
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k$
-space (a whole Brillouin zone or its part) and for each fixed
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k$
to find a corresponding frequency
\begin_inset Formula $\omega$
with zero singular value of
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
using a minimisation algorithm (two- or one-dimensional, depending on whether
one needs the exact complex-valued
\begin_inset Formula $\omega$
or whether the its real-valued approximation is satisfactory).
Typically, a good initial guess for
\begin_inset Formula $\omega\left(\vect k\right)$
is obtained from the empty lattice approximation,
\begin_inset Formula $\left|\vect k\right|=\sqrt{\epsilon\mu}\omega/c_{0}$
(modulo reciprocal lattice points
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
TODO write this in a clean way
A somehow challenging step is to distinguish the different bands that can
all be very close to the empty lattice approximation, especially if the
particles in the system are small.
In high-symmetry points of the Brilloin zone, this can be solved by factorising
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
into irreducible representations
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma_{i}$
and performing the minimisation in each irrep separately, cf.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sec:Symmetries"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
, and using the different
\begin_inset Formula $\omega_{\Gamma_{i}}\left(\vect k\right)$
to obtain the initial guesses for the nearby points
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k+\delta\vect k$
\begin_layout Standard
An alternative, more robust approach to generic minimisation algorithms
is Beyn's contour integral method
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "beyn_integral_2012"
literal "false"
which finds the roots of
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)=0$
inside an area enclosed by a given complex frequency plane contour, assuming
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
is an analytical function of
\begin_inset Formula $\omega$
inside the contour.
A necessary prerequisite for this is that all the ingredients of
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
are analytical as well.
It practice, this usually means that interpolation cannot be used in a
straightforward way for material properties or
\begin_inset Formula $T$
For material response, constant permittivity or Drude-Lorentz models suit
this purpose well.
The need to evaluate the
\begin_inset Formula $T$
-matrices precisely (without the speedup provided by interpolation) at many
points might cause a performance bottleneck for scatterers with more complicate
d shapes.
And finally, the integration contour has to evade any branch cuts appearing
in the lattice-summed translation operator
\begin_inset Formula $W\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
, as described in the following and illustrated in Fig.
\begin_inset space \space{}
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:ewald branch cuts"
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Caption Standard
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Left: Illustration of branch cuts in
\begin_inset Formula $M\left(\omega,\vect k\right)$
obtained using Ewald summation over two-dimensional square lattice in three-dim
ensional space filled with dielectric medium with constant real refraction
\begin_inset Formula $n$
and wavenumber
\begin_inset Formula $\kappa\left(\omega\right)=\omega n/c$
The function is holomorphic in the positive imaginary half-plane.
The points corresponding to the diffraction orders of an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
lattice lie on the real axis (pink), and from each of them two branch cuts
originate: one due to the branch cut in the incomplete
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma$
function (orange, hyperbolic shape), and another due to the branch cut
\begin_inset Formula $\gamma(z)$
as defined in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:lilgamma"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
(blue, circular shape).
Further non-analyticities might stem from the material model: the violet
curve represents a branch cut originating from a complex square root in
the refractive index
\begin_inset Formula $n_{\mathrm{Au}}\left(\omega\right)=\sqrt{\varepsilon_{\mathrm{Au}}\left(\omega\right)}$
, where
\begin_inset Formula $\varepsilon_{\mathrm{Au}}\left(\omega\right)$
is the Drude-Lorentz permittivity model of gold used for the scatterers.
The other parameters used here are
\begin_inset Formula $p_{x}=580\,\mathrm{nm}$
(lattice period),
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k=\left(0.2\pi/p_{x},0\right)$
\begin_inset Formula $n=1.52$
The plot on the right shows the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
lattice diffraction orders on the line
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k=\left(k_{x},0\right),k_{x}\in\left[0,\pi/p_{x}\right].$
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "fig:ewald branch cuts"
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Subsection
Computing the lattice sum of the translation operator
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "subsec:W operator evaluation"
\begin_layout Standard
The problem in evaluating
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:W definition"
is the asymptotic behaviour of the translation operator,
\begin_inset Formula $\tropsp{\vect 0,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}\sim\left|\vect R_{\vect m}\right|^{-1}e^{i\kappa\left|\vect R_{\vect m}\right|}$
, so that its lattice sum does not in the strict sense converge for any
\begin_inset Formula $d>1$
-dimensional lattice unless
\begin_inset Formula $\Im\kappa>0$
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Note that
\begin_inset Formula $d$
here is dimensionality of the lattice, not the space it lies in, which
I for certain reasons assume to be three.
(TODO few notes on integration and reciprocal lattices in some appendix)
The problem of poorly converging lattice sums has been originally solved
for electrostatic potentials with Ewald summation
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "ewald_berechnung_1921"
literal "false"
Its basic idea is to decompose the lattice-summed function in two parts:
a short-range part that decays fast and can be summed directly, and a long-rang
e part which decays poorly but is fairly smooth everywhere, so that its
Fourier transform decays fast enough, and to deal with the long range part
by Poisson summation over the reciprocal lattice.
The same idea can be used also in the case of linear electrodynamic problems,
just the technical details are more complicated than in electrostatics.
\begin_layout Standard
In eq.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:translation operator singular"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
we demonstratively expressed the translation operator elements as linear
combinations of (outgoing) scalar spherical wavefunctions
\begin_inset Formula $\sswfoutlm lm\left(\vect r\right)=h_{l}^{\left(1\right)}\left(r\right)\ush lm\left(\uvec r\right)$
, because for them, fortunately, exponentially convergent Ewald-type summation
formulae have been already developed
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
add refs
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "moroz_quasi-periodic_2006,linton_one-_2009,linton_lattice_2010"
literal "false"
and can be applied to our case.
If we formally label
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Marginal
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
FP: Check signs.
\begin_inset Formula
\sigma_{l,m}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)=\sum_{\vect n\in\ints^{d}}\left(1-\delta_{\vect{R_{n}},\vect s}\right)e^{i\vect{\vect k}\cdot\left(\vect R_{\vect n}-\vect s\right)}\sswfoutlm lm\left(\vect{R_{n}}-\vect s\right),\label{eq:sigma lattice sums}
we see from eqs.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:translation operator singular"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:W definition"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
that the matrix elements of
\begin_inset Formula $W_{\alpha\beta}(\vect k)$
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula
W_{\alpha\beta}(\vect k)\equiv\sum_{\vect m\in\ints^{d}}\left(1-\delta_{\alpha\beta}\right)\tropsp{\vect 0,\alpha}{\vect m,\beta}e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect R_{\vect m}},
\begin_inset Formula
W_{\alpha,\tau lm;\beta,\tau l'm'}(\vect k) & =\sum_{\lambda=\left|l-l'\right|}^{l+l'}C_{lm;l'm'}^{\lambda}\sigma_{\lambda,m-m'}\left(\vect k,\vect r_{\beta}-\vect r_{\alpha}\right),\\
W_{\alpha,\tau lm;\beta,\tau'l'm'}(\vect k) & =\sum_{\lambda=\left|l-l'\right|+1}^{l+l'}D_{lm;l'm'}^{\lambda}\sigma_{\lambda,m-m'}\left(\vect k,\vect r_{\beta}-\vect r_{\alpha}\right),\quad\tau'\ne\tau,
\begin_inset Note Note
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Marginal
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Check signs
where the constant factors are exactly the same as in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:translation operator constant factors"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_layout Standard
For reader's reference, we list the Ewald-type formulae for lattice sums
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{l,m}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)$
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "linton_lattice_2010"
literal "false"
rewritten in a way that is independent on particular phase or normalisation
conventions of vector spherical harmonics.
\begin_layout Standard
In all three dimensionality cases, the lattice sums are divided into short-range
and long-range parts,
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{l,m}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)=\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{S},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)+\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{L},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)$
depending on a positive parameter
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
The short-range part has in all three cases the same form:
\begin_inset Note Note
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
FP: Check sign of s
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{S},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)=-\frac{2^{l+1}i}{\kappa^{l+1}\sqrt{\pi}}\sum_{\vect n\in\ints^{d}}\left(1-\delta_{\vect{R_{n}},-\vect s}\right)\left|\vect{R_{n}+\vect s}\right|^{l}\ush lm\left(\vect{R_{n}+\vect s}\right)e^{i\vect k\cdot\left(\vect{R_{n}+\vect s}\right)}\\
\times\int_{\eta}^{\infty}e^{-\left|\vect{R_{n}+\vect s}\right|^{2}\xi^{2}}e^{-\kappa/4\xi^{2}}\xi^{2l}\ud\xi\\
+\delta_{\vect{R_{n}},-\vect s}\frac{\delta_{l0}\delta_{m0}}{\sqrt{4\pi}}\Gamma\left(-\frac{1}{2},-\frac{\kappa}{4\eta^{2}}\right)\ush lm\left(\vect{R_{n}+\vect s}\right).\label{eq:Ewald in 3D short-range part}
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma(a,z)$
is the incomplete Gamma function.
The last (
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
) term in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Ewald in 3D short-range part"
plural "false"
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, which appears only when the displacement vector
\begin_inset Formula $\vect s$
coincides with a lattice point, is often noted separately in the literature.
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Poznámka ohledně zahození radiální části u kulových fcí?
The long-range part for cases
\begin_inset Formula $d=1,2$
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
FP: check sign of
\begin_inset Formula $\vect k$
\begin_inset Formula
\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{L},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)=-\frac{i^{l+1}}{\kappa^{d}\mathcal{A}}\pi^{2+\left(3-d\right)/2}2\left(\left(l-m\right)/2\right)!\left(\left(l+m\right)/2\right)!\times\\
\times\sum_{\vect K\in\Lambda^{*}}\ush lm\left(\vect k+\vect K\right)\sum_{j=0}^{\left[\left(l-\left|m\right|/2\right)\right]}\frac{\left(-1\right)^{j}\left(\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|/\kappa\right)^{l-2j}\Gamma\left(\frac{d-1}{2}-j,\frac{\kappa^{2}\gamma\left(\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|/\kappa\right)}{4\eta^{2}}\right)}{j!\left(\frac{1}{2}\left(l-m\right)-j\right)!\left(\frac{1}{2}\left(l+m\right)-j\right)!}\times\\
\times\left(\gamma\left(\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|/\kappa\right)\right)^{2j+3-d}\label{eq:Ewald in 3D long-range part 1D 2D}
and for
\begin_inset Formula $d=3$
\begin_inset Formula
\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{L},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)=\frac{4\pi i^{l+1}}{\kappa\mathcal{A}}\sum_{\vect K\in\Lambda^{*}}\frac{\left(\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|/\kappa\right)^{l}}{\kappa^{2}-\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|^{2}}e^{\left(\kappa^{2}-\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|^{2}\right)/4\eta^{2}}\ush lm\left(\vect k+\vect K\right).\label{eq:Ewald in 3D long-range part 3D}
\begin_inset Formula $\mathcal{A}$
is the unit cell volume (or length/area in the 1D/2D lattice cases).
The sums are taken over the reciprocal lattice
\begin_inset Formula $\Lambda^{*}$
with lattice vectors
\begin_inset Formula $\left\{ \vect b_{i}\right\} _{i=1}^{d}$
\begin_inset Formula $\vect a_{i}\cdot\vect b_{j}=\delta_{ij}$
The function
\begin_inset Formula $\gamma\left(z\right)$
used in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Ewald in 3D long-range part 1D 2D"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
is defined as
\begin_inset Formula
The Ewald parameter
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
determines the pace of convergence of both parts.
The larger
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
is, the faster
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{S},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)$
converges but the slower
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(L,\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)$
Therefore (based on the lattice geometry) it has to be adjusted in a way
that a reasonable amount of terms needs to be evaluated numerically from
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{S},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)$
\begin_inset Formula $\sigma_{l,m}^{\left(\mathrm{L},\eta\right)}\left(\vect k,\vect s\right)$
For one-dimensional, square, and cubic lattices, the optimal choice is
\begin_inset Formula $\eta=\sqrt{\pi}/p$
\begin_inset Formula $p$
is the direct lattice period
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "linton_lattice_2010"
literal "false"
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Marginal
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Whatabout different geometries?
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Marginal
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
FP: I have some error estimates derived in my notes.
Should I include them?
\begin_layout Standard
For a two-dimensional lattice, the incomplete
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma$
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{2}-j,z\right)$
in the long-range part has a branch point at
\begin_inset Formula $z=0$
and special care has to be taken when choosing the appropriate branch.
If the wavenumber of the medium has a positive imaginary part,
\begin_inset Formula $\Im\kappa>0$
, then the translation operator elements
\begin_inset Formula $\trops_{\tau lm;\tau'l'm}\left(\kappa\vect r\right)$
decay exponentially as
\begin_inset Formula $\left|\vect r\right|\to\infty$
and the lattice sum in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:W definition"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
converges absolutely even in the direct space, and it is equal to the Ewald
sum with the principal value of the incomplete
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma$
function being used in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Ewald in 3D long-range part 1D 2D"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
For other values of
\begin_inset Formula $\kappa$
, the branch choice is made in such way that
\begin_inset Formula $W_{\alpha\beta}\left(\vect k\right)$
is analytically continued even when the wavenumber's imaginary part crosses
the real axis.
The principal value of
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma\left(\frac{1}{2}-j,z\right)$
has a branch cut at the negative real half-axis, which, considering the
lattice sum as a function of
\begin_inset Formula $\kappa$
, translates into branch cuts starting at
\begin_inset Formula $\kappa=\left|\vect k+\vect K\right|$
and continuing in straight lines towards
\begin_inset Formula $+\infty$
Therefore, in the quadrant
\begin_inset Formula $\Re z<0,\Im z\ge0$
we use the continuation of the principal value from
\begin_inset Formula $\Re z<0,\Im z<0$
instead of the principal branch
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
after "8.2.9"
literal "false"
, moving the branch cut in the
\begin_inset Formula $z$
variable to the positive imaginary half-axis.
This moves the branch cuts w.r.t.
\begin_inset Formula $\kappa$
away from the real axis, as illustrated in Fig.
\begin_inset space \space{}
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "fig:ewald branch cuts"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Detailed physical interpretation of the remaining branch cuts is an open
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Generally, a good choice for
\begin_inset Formula $\eta$
is TODO; in order to achieve accuracy TODO, one has to evaluate the terms
on TODO lattice points.
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Standard
In practice, the integrals in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand eqref
reference "eq:Ewald in 3D short-range part"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"
can be easily evaluated by numerical quadrature and the incomplete
\begin_inset Formula $\Gamma$
-functions using the series 8.7.3 from
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
literal "false"