
382 lines
16 KiB

cimport numpy as np
ctypedef double complex cdouble
from libc.stdint cimport *
cdef extern from "qpms_types.h":
cdef struct cart3_t:
double x
double y
double z
cdef struct ccart3_t:
cdouble x
cdouble y
cdouble z
cdef struct cart2_t:
double x
double y
cdef struct sph_t:
double r
double theta
double phi
cdef struct csph_t:
cdouble r
double theta
double phi
cdef struct csphvec_t:
cdouble rc
cdouble thetac
cdouble phic
cdef struct pol_t:
double r
double phi
cdef union anycoord_point_t:
double z
cart3_t cart3
cart2_t cart2
pol_t pol
ctypedef enum qpms_normalisation_t:
ctypedef enum qpms_bessel_t:
ctypedef int qpms_lm_t
ctypedef int qpms_l_t
ctypedef int qpms_m_t
struct qpms_quat_t:
cdouble a
cdouble b
struct qpms_quat4d_t:
double c1
double ci
double cj
double ck
struct qpms_irot3_t:
qpms_quat_t rot
short det
ctypedef np.ulonglong_t qpms_uvswfi_t
struct qpms_vswf_set_spec_t:
size_t n
qpms_uvswfi_t *ilist
qpms_l_t lMax
qpms_l_t lMax_M
qpms_l_t lMax_N
qpms_l_t lMax_L
size_t capacity
qpms_normalisation_t norm
ctypedef enum qpms_errno_t:
# more if needed
ctypedef enum qpms_vswf_type_t:
ctypedef int32_t qpms_ss_tmi_t
ctypedef int32_t qpms_ss_pi_t
ctypedef int qpms_gmi_t
ctypedef int qpms_iri_t
ctypedef const char * qpms_permutation_t
struct qpms_tmatrix_t:
qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *spec
cdouble *m
bint owns_m # FIXME in fact bool
# maybe more if needed
cdef extern from "qpms_error.h":
ctypedef enum qpms_dbgmsg_flags:
qpms_dbgmsg_flags qpms_dbgmsg_enable(qpms_dbgmsg_flags types)
qpms_dbgmsg_flags qpms_dbgmsg_disable(qpms_dbgmsg_flags types)
# This is due to the fact that cython apparently cannot nest the unnamed struct/unions in an obvious way
ctypedef union qpms_incfield_planewave_params_k:
ccart3_t cart
csph_t sph
ctypedef union qpms_incfield_planewave_params_E:
ccart3_t cart
csphvec_t sph
cdef extern from "vswf.h":
ctypedef qpms_errno_t (*qpms_incfield_t)(cdouble target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
const cart3_t evalpoint, const void *args, bint add)
ctypedef struct qpms_incfield_planewave_params_t:
bint use_cartesian
qpms_incfield_planewave_params_k k
qpms_incfield_planewave_params_E E
qpms_errno_t qpms_incfield_planewave(cdouble target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
const cart3_t evalpoint, const void *args, bint add)
cdef extern from "indexing.h":
qpms_uvswfi_t qpms_tmn2uvswfi(qpms_vswf_type_t t, qpms_m_t m, qpms_l_t n)
qpms_errno_t qpms_uvswfi2tmn(qpms_uvswfi_t u, qpms_vswf_type_t* t, qpms_m_t* m, qpms_l_t* n)
qpms_m_t qpms_uvswfi2m(qpms_uvswfi_t u)
# maybe more if needed
# Point generators from lattices.h
cdef extern from "lattices.h":
ctypedef enum PGenPointFlags:
struct PGenReturnData:
struct PGenZReturnData:
struct PGenPolReturnData:
struct PGenSphReturnData:
struct PGenCart2ReturnData:
struct PGenCart3ReturnData:
struct PGenClassInfo: # maybe important
struct PGen: # probably important
PGenClassInfo* c
void *statedata
void PGen_destroy(PGen *g)
# now the individual PGen implementations:
# FIXME Is bint always guaranteed to be equivalent to _Bool? (I dont't think so.)
PGen PGen_xyWeb_new(cart2_t b1, cart2_t b2, double rtol, cart2_t offset,
double minR, bint inc_minR, double maxR, bint inc_maxR)
ctypedef enum PGen_1D_incrementDirection:
PGen PGen_1D_new_minMaxR(double period, double offset, double minR, bint inc_minR,
double maxR, bint inc_maxR, PGen_1D_incrementDirection incdir)
cdef extern from "wigner.h":
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_2c_from_4d(qpms_quat4d_t q)
qpms_quat4d_t qpms_quat_4d_from_2c(qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_mult(qpms_quat_t p, qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_add(qpms_quat_t p, qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_rscale(double s, qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_conj(qpms_quat_t q)
double qpms_quat_norm(qpms_quat_t q)
double qpms_quat_imnorm(qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_normalise(qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_log(qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_exp(qpms_quat_t q)
qpms_quat_t qpms_quat_pow(qpms_quat_t q, double exponent)
cdouble qpms_wignerD_elem(qpms_quat_t q, qpms_l_t l,
qpms_m_t mp, qpms_m_t m)
qpms_irot3_t qpms_irot3_mult(qpms_irot3_t p, qpms_irot3_t q)
qpms_irot3_t qpms_irot3_pow(qpms_irot3_t p, int n)
cdef extern from "groups.h":
struct qpms_finite_group_irrep_t:
int dim
char *name
cdouble *m
struct qpms_finite_group_t:
char *name
qpms_gmi_t order
qpms_gmi_t idi
qpms_gmi_t *mt
qpms_gmi_t *invi
qpms_gmi_t *gens
int ngens
qpms_permutation_t *permrep
char **elemlabels
int permrep_nelem
qpms_irot3_t *rep3d
qpms_iri_t nirreps
qpms_finite_group_irrep_t *irreps
qpms_finite_group_t QPMS_FINITE_GROUP_TRIVIAL
qpms_finite_group_t QPMS_FINITE_GROUP_TRIVIAL_G
cdef extern from "symmetries.h":
cdouble *qpms_zflip_uvswi_dense(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec)
cdouble *qpms_yflip_uvswi_dense(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec)
cdouble *qpms_xflip_uvswi_dense(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec)
cdouble *qpms_zrot_uvswi_dense(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec, double phi)
cdouble *qpms_zrot_rational_uvswi_dense(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec, int N, int w)
cdouble *qpms_irot3_uvswfi_dense(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec, qpms_irot3_t transf)
size_t qpms_zero_roundoff_clean(double *arr, size_t nmemb, double atol)
size_t qpms_czero_roundoff_clean(cdouble *arr, size_t nmemb, double atol)
#cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
# cdef enum NPY_TYPES:
# NPY_CDOUBLE # complex double
# NPY_LONG # int
# ctypedef int npy_intp
cdef extern from "translations.h":
cdouble qpms_trans_single_A_Taylor_ext(int m, int n, int mu, int nu,
double r, double th, double ph, int r_ge_d, int J) nogil
cdouble qpms_trans_single_B_Taylor_ext(int m, int n, int mu, int nu,
double r, double th, double ph, int r_ge_d, int J) nogil
struct qpms_trans_calculator:
int lMax
size_t nelem
cdouble** A_multipliers
cdouble** B_multipliers
enum qpms_normalization_t:
qpms_trans_calculator* qpms_trans_calculator_init(int lMax, int nt) # should be qpms_normalization_t
void qpms_trans_calculator_free(qpms_trans_calculator* c)
cdouble qpms_trans_calculator_get_A_ext(const qpms_trans_calculator* c,
int m, int n, int mu, int nu, double kdlj_r, double kdlj_th, double kdlj_phi,
int r_ge_d, int J) nogil
cdouble qpms_trans_calculator_get_B_ext(const qpms_trans_calculator* c,
int m, int n, int mu, int nu, double kdlj_r, double kdlj_th, double kdlj_phi,
int r_ge_d, int J) nogil
int qpms_trans_calculator_get_AB_p_ext(const qpms_trans_calculator* c,
cdouble *Adest, cdouble *Bdest,
int m, int n, int mu, int nu, double kdlj_r, double kdlj_th, double kdlj_phi,
int r_ge_d, int J) nogil
int qpms_trans_calculator_get_AB_arrays_ext(const qpms_trans_calculator *c,
cdouble *Adest, cdouble *Bdest,
size_t deststride, size_t srcstride,
double kdlj_r, double kdlj_theta, double kdlj_phi,
int r_ge_d, int J) nogil
int qpms_cython_trans_calculator_get_AB_arrays_loop(qpms_trans_calculator *c,
int J, int resnd,
int daxis, int saxis,
char *A_data, np.npy_intp *A_shape, np.npy_intp *A_strides,
char *B_data, np.npy_intp *B_shape, np.npy_intp *B_strides,
char *r_data, np.npy_intp *r_shape, np.npy_intp *r_strides,
char *theta_data, np.npy_intp *theta_shape, np.npy_intp *theta_strides,
char *phi_data, np.npy_intp *phi_shape, np.npy_intp *phi_strides,
char *r_ge_d_data, np.npy_intp *phi_shape, np.npy_intp *phi_strides) nogil
cdef extern from "gsl/gsl_interp.h":
struct gsl_interp_type:
const gsl_interp_type *gsl_interp_linear
const gsl_interp_type *gsl_interp_cspline
# ^^^ These are probably the only relevant ones.
cdef extern from "tmatrices.h":
bint qpms_load_scuff_tmatrix_crash_on_failure
struct qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_t:
const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec
struct qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t:
void qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_free(qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_t *interp)
qpms_tmatrix_t *qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_eval(const qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_t *interp, double freq)
qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_t *qpms_tmatrix_interpolator_create(size_t n, double *freqs,
const qpms_tmatrix_t *tmatrices_array, const gsl_interp_type *iptype)
void qpms_tmatrix_free(qpms_tmatrix_t *tmatrix)
qpms_tmatrix_isclose(const qpms_tmatrix_t *A, const qpms_tmatrix_t *B,
const double rtol, const double atol)
qpms_errno_t qpms_symmetrise_tmdata_irot3arr(
cdouble *tmdata, const size_t tmcount,
const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
size_t n_symops,
const qpms_irot3_t *symops
qpms_errno_t qpms_symmetrise_tmdata_finite_group(
cdouble *tmdata, const size_t tmcount,
const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
const qpms_finite_group_t *pointgroup
qpms_tmatrix_t *qpms_tmatrix_symmetrise_irot3arr_inplace(
qpms_tmatrix_t *T,
size_t n_symops,
const qpms_irot3_t *symops
qpms_tmatrix_t *qpms_tmatrix_symmetrise_finite_group_inplace(
qpms_tmatrix_t *T,
const qpms_finite_group_t *pointgroup
qpms_errno_t qpms_load_scuff_tmatrix(const char *path, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
size_t *n, double **freqs, double **freqs_su, qpms_tmatrix_t **tmatrices_array,
cdouble **tmdata)
cdouble *qpms_mie_coefficients_reflection(cdouble *target, const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
double a, cdouble k_i, cdouble k_e, cdouble mu_i, cdouble mu_e, qpms_bessel_t J_ext, qpms_bessel_t J_scat)
qpms_tmatrix_t *qpms_tmatrix_spherical(const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec, double a,
cdouble k_i, cdouble k_e, cdouble mu_i, cdouble mu_e)
qpms_errno_t qpms_tmatrix_spherical_fill(qpms_tmatrix_t *t, double a,
cdouble k_i, cdouble k_e, cdouble mu_i, cdouble mu_e)
qpms_tmatrix_t *qpms_tmatrix_spherical(const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec,
double a, cdouble k_i, cdouble k_e, cdouble mu_i, cdouble mu_e)
cdouble qpms_drude_epsilon(cdouble eps_inf, cdouble omega_p, cdouble gamma_p, cdouble omega)
qpms_errno_t qpms_tmatrix_spherical_mu0_fill(qpms_tmatrix_t *t, double a, double omega,
cdouble epsilon_fg, cdouble epsilon_bg)
qpms_tmatrix_t *qpms_tmatrix_spherical_mu0(const qpms_vswf_set_spec_t *bspec, double a,
double omega, cdouble epsilon_fg, cdouble epsilon_bg)
qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t *qpms_permittivity_interpolator_create(const size_t incount,
cdouble *wavelength_m, cdouble *n, cdouble *k, const gsl_interp_type *iptype)
qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t *qpms_permittivity_interpolator_from_yml(const char *path,
const gsl_interp_type *iptype)
cdouble qpms_permittivity_interpolator_eps_at_omega(const qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t *interp, double omega_SI)
double qpms_permittivity_interpolator_omega_max(const qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t *interp)
double qpms_permittivity_interpolator_omega_min(const qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t *interp)
void qpms_permittivity_interpolator_free(qpms_permittivity_interpolator_t *interp)
cdef extern from "scatsystem.h":
void qpms_scatsystem_set_nthreads(long n)
struct qpms_particle_t:
cart3_t pos
const qpms_tmatrix_t *tmatrix
struct qpms_particle_tid_t:
cart3_t pos
qpms_ss_tmi_t tmatrix_id
struct qpms_scatsys_t:
qpms_tmatrix_t **tm
qpms_ss_tmi_t tm_count
qpms_particle_tid_t *p
qpms_ss_pi_t p_count
# We shouldn't need more to construct a symmetric scatsystem ^^^
size_t fecv_size
size_t *saecv_sizes
const qpms_finite_group_t *sym
qpms_scatsys_t *qpms_scatsys_apply_symmetry(const qpms_scatsys_t *orig, const qpms_finite_group_t *sym)
void qpms_scatsys_free(qpms_scatsys_t *s)
qpms_errno_t qpms_scatsys_dump(qpms_scatsys_t *ss, char *path) #NI
qpms_scatsys_t *qpms_scatsys_load(char *path) #NI
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_irrep_pack_matrix(cdouble *target_packed,
const cdouble *orig_full, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_irrep_unpack_matrix(cdouble *target_full,
const cdouble *orig_packed, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri, bint add)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_irrep_pack_vector(cdouble *target_packed,
const cdouble *orig_full, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_irrep_unpack_vector(cdouble *target_full,
const cdouble *orig_packed, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri, bint add)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_build_modeproblem_matrix_full(cdouble *target,
const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, double k)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_build_translation_matrix_full(cdouble *target,
const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, double k)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_build_modeproblem_matrix_irrep_packed(cdouble *target,
const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri, double k)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_build_modeproblem_matrix_irrep_packed_orbitorderR(
cdouble *target, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri, double k)
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_build_modeproblem_matrix_irrep_packed_parallelR(
cdouble *target, const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_iri_t iri, double k) nogil
cdouble *qpms_scatsys_incident_field_vector_full(cdouble *target_full,
const qpms_scatsys_t *ss, qpms_incfield_t field_at_point,
const void *args, bint add)