# pgp-alt-wot PGP keys signed by me so I don't have to validate the same keys again-and-again and can just trust my own paper verified fingerprint in the subsequent validations. WoT? [Web Of Trust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_of_trust) ## Why? For example, I use [Tor Browser](https://torproject.org/) everywhere and download it directly from their website. They have signed it using GPG (a OpenPGP implementation) and to ensure it hasn't been tampered with, I have to check that signature and I have two options: * I can always [verify the signature](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/), but that takes time and I would need to verify it from both [support.torproject.org](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/how-to-verify-signature/) and [4bflp2c4tnynnbes.onion](http://4bflp2c4tnynnbes.onion/#how-to-verify-signature). But what if [they were compromised or I was under a MITM attack or lazy and verfied only one version](https://www.qubes-os.org/faq/#should-i-trust-this-website)? * (or) I could verify the signing key carefully once, sign (or certify) it by myself and in the future simply verify that my own key is valid (as I have been doing this a few times on the other side of dualbooting and at family). This second method is also [encouraged by Tails](https://tails.boum.org/install/expert/usb/index.en.html). What if I am wrong and trust the wrong key? I think I am less likely to trust a wrong key by verifying it carefully and signing it once than verifying it separately every time. However if I do sign a wrong key, I can always revoke my signature and then publish the key with my revocation signature on public keyservers (which I don't usually do, while I cannot control what people do with the signatures from this repository). ## Inclusion policy * I am reasonably certain that the key belongs to whom it claims to belong to or I trust the key to belong to whomever it belongs to. * I have some need of the key or have attended keysigning party with the key owner. * `me/me.asc` is just my key and place where I try to keep all signatures it has received. Symlinks are legacy reasons and other me's are also me. ## Places to check for keys * GitHub, Gitea and GitLab expose user public keys when you append a `.gpg` after their profile page (`.keys` for SSH). * [The Internet Archive's Waybackmachine](https://web.archive.org/) is always a good place too especially when using together with official websites. * Some people have similar projects or webpages for this purpose * [Artemis' verify page](https://artemislena.eu/services/verify.html) ## Mirrors * main: [git.blesmrt.net/Mikaela/pgp-alt-wot](https://gitea.blesmrt.net/mikaela/pgp-alt-wot/) * [git.piraattipuolue.fi/Mikaela/pgp-alt-wot](https://git.piraattipuolue.fi/mikaela/pgp-alt-wot) * [git.com.de/Mikaela/pgp-alt-wot](https://git.com.de/mikaela/pgp-alt-wot) ([onion](http://gitea.qzzf2qcfbhievvs5nzkccuwddroipy62qjocqtmgcgh75vd6w57m7yad.onion/Mikaela/pgp-alt-wot)) ## See also * [Qubes OS: On Digital Signatures and Key Verification](https://www.qubes-os.org/security/verifying-signatures/) * [Finnish Digital and Population Services Agency certificate search](https://dvv.fineid.fi/certificate-search) * S/MIME, not OpenPGP though