Testirepo Forĝejon ominaisuuksille https://git.piraattipuolue.fi/mikaela/testi
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Aminda Suomalainen ⚧ 44d9b36d64
comment the submodule streetcomplete
2024-05-19 19:06:09 +03:00
StreetComplete@3fb7eed6e8 test adding submodule 2023-01-24 13:13:13 +02:00
.editorconfig .{editorconfig,gitattributes,pre-commit-config-yaml}: add comments, check-yaml 2023-05-20 12:33:05 +03:00
.gitattributes .{editorconfig,gitattributes,pre-commit-config-yaml}: add comments, check-yaml 2023-05-20 12:33:05 +03:00
.gitignore comment the submodule streetcomplete 2024-05-19 19:06:09 +03:00
.gitmodules comment the submodule streetcomplete 2024-05-19 19:06:09 +03:00
.pre-commit-config.yaml updates for pre-commit 2024-05-19 19:05:26 +03:00
README.tex README.tex: add canonical address 2023-01-26 14:11:30 +02:00
chatgpt-cause-flyer.tex pre-commit 2023-05-09 13:24:37 +03:00
chatgpt-event-flyer.tex pre-commit 2023-05-09 13:24:37 +03:00
chatgpt-generalassembly-invite.tex pre-commit 2023-05-09 13:24:37 +03:00
chatgpt-humanrights-flyer.tex pre-commit 2023-05-09 13:24:37 +03:00
chatgpt-meetingnotes.tex pre-commit 2023-05-09 13:24:37 +03:00
chatgpt-organization-flyer.tex pre-commit 2023-05-09 13:24:37 +03:00
chatgpt-streetcomplete-flyer.tex It didnt use the space efficiently 2023-01-23 15:05:32 +02:00
chatgpt-technical-documentation-system-config.tex add a bit tailored chatgpt-technical-documentation-system-config.tex 2023-01-29 12:23:54 +02:00
chatgpt-toiminnantarkastus.tex add a chatgpt-toiminnantarkastus.tex 2023-01-25 11:59:00 +02:00


Tämän repon pääosoite on https://git.piraattipuolue.fi/mikaela/testi

Testirepo Forĝejon ominaisuuksille

Forĝejo on Gitea-forkki, joten tällä sivustolla puhutaan välillä Giteasta kun tarkoitetaan Forĝejoa.

Tässä repossa on mukana myös:

  • ChatGPT:llä leikkimisen tuloksena syntyneitä LaTeX-asiakirjoja, joista voinee ehkä ottaa mallia tulevaisuudessa.

  • Git submoduuli-testi, josta löytyy taidokkaampi StreetComplete-flaikku.


Voinko kirjoittaa LaTeXia? Vastaus vaikuttaa olevan kyllä!

Miten hattu toisinpäin tehdään? Miaŭ.

Briefly in English

The canonical address for this repository is https://git.piraattipuolue.fi/mikaela/testi

This repository is for testing Forĝejo features, mainly LaTeX rendering. And to that end I have played a lot with ChatGPT so I have fun documents to maybe take inspiration from in the future.

How do you render LaTeX in Forĝejo?

You will need to edit app.ini (note the path of basic.html):

ENABLED         = true
FILE_EXTENSIONS = .tex,.latex
# docs maybe suggest adding --katex, but is anyone doing math? https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/external-renderers/
RENDER_COMMAND  = "timeout 30s pandoc -f latex -t html --self-contained --template /etc/gitea/basic.html"

And basic.html


This is adjusted from pandoc -D html (mainly stripping HTML and HEAD), by improving it, it could likely look even better.

Could this be better? I would like to give Forĝejo command to render as pdf, see Gitea#17635: External renderers to PDF.