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\begin_layout Title
\begin_inset FormulaMacro
Accelerating lattice mode calculations with
\begin_inset Formula $T$
-matrix method
\begin_layout Author
Marek Nečada
\begin_layout Section
Formulation of the problem
\begin_layout Standard
Assume a system of compact EM scatterers in otherwise homogeneous and isotropic
medium, and assume that the system, i.e.
both the medium and the scatterers, have linear response.
A scattering problem in such system can be written as
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_inset Formula $T_{α}$
is the
\begin_inset Formula $T$
-matrix for scatterer α,
\begin_inset Formula $A_{α}$
is its vector of the scattered wave expansion coefficient (the multipole
indices are not explicitely indicated here) and
\begin_inset Formula $P_{α}$
is the local expansion of the incoming sources.
\begin_inset Formula $S_{α\leftarrowβ}$
is ...
and ...
is ...
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
Now suppose that the scatterers constitute an infinite lattice
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula
\sum_{\vect bβ}(\delta_{\vect{ab}}\delta_{αβ}-T_{\vect aα}S_{\vect aα\leftarrow\vect bβ})A_{\vect bβ}=T_{\vect aα}P_{0\vect aα}.
Due to the periodicity, we can write
\begin_inset Formula $S_{\vect aα\leftarrow\vect bβ}=S_{α\leftarrowβ}(\vect b-\vect a)$
In order to find lattice modes, we search for solutions with zero RHS
\begin_inset Formula
\sum_{\vect bβ}(\delta_{\vect{ab}}\delta_{αβ}-T_{\vect aα}S_{\vect aα\leftarrow\vect bβ})A_{\vect bβ}=0
and we assume periodic solution
\begin_inset Formula $A_{\vect b\alpha}(\vect k)=A_{\vect a\alpha}e^{i\vect k\cdot\vect r_{\vect b-\vect a}}$
Reference in New Issue