1 Message removal
Mikaela Suomalainen edited this page 2021-02-27 11:45:22 +02:00

Removing/deleting messages

via average IRC client

  1. /cap req message-tags or set it to be automatically requested (WeeChat: irc.server_default.capabilities)
  2. Open raw log (WeeChat: /server raw)
  3. /quote history #channel and look for the spam message alongside it @msgid=qwerty123456789
  4. /msg histserv delete qwerty123456789 (using the msgid here`)

via KiwiIRC

Method 1: Right-click the message and select "Inspect Element" to find the data-message-id. Paste it into /msg histserv delete.

Method 2:

  1. Open Settings from the top left corner (where there is the first character of your display name).
  2. Scroll to bottom and enable advanced settings.
  3. Enable showRaw (feel free to filter for it).
  4. Follow the average IRC client instructions starting from step 3.