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import numpy as np
import warnings
from enum import Enum
nx = None
class LatticeType(Enum):
All the five Bravais lattices in 2D
def reduceBasisSingle(b1, b2):
Lagrange-Gauss reduction of a 2D basis.
cf. https://www.math.auckland.ac.nz/~sgal018/crypto-book/ch17.pdf
inputs and outputs are (2,)-shaped numpy arrays
The output shall satisfy |b1| <= |b2| <= |b2 - b1|
TODO doc
TODO perhaps have the (on-demand?) guarantee of obtuse angle between b1, b2?
TODO possibility of returning the (in-order, no-obtuse angles) b as well?
b1 = np.array(b1)
b2 = np.array(b2)
if b1.shape != (2,) or b2.shape != (2,):
raise ValueError('Shape of b1 and b2 must be (2,)')
B1 = np.sum(b1 * b1, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
mu = np.sum(b1 * b2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) / B1
b2 = b2 - np.rint(mu) * b1
B2 = np.sum(b2 * b2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
while(np.any(B2 < B1)):
b2t = b1
b1 = b2
b2 = b2t
B1 = B2
mu = np.sum(b1 * b2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) / B1
b2 = b2 - np.rint(mu) * b1
B2 = np.sum(b2*b2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
def orderedReducedBasis(b1, b2):
''' blah blab blah
|b1| is still the shortest possible basis vector,
but if there would be obtuse angle between b1 and b2, b2 - b1 is returned
in place of the original b2. In other words, b1, b2 and b2-b1 are
b1, b2 = reduceBasisSingle(b1,b2)
if b3s - b2s - b1s > eps: # obtuse angle between b1 and b2
#-------- zde jsem skončil ------------
def is_obtuse(b1, b2, tolerance=1e-13):
b1s = np.sum(b1 ** 2)
b2s = np.sum(b2 ** 2)
b3 = b2 - b1
b3s = np.sum(b3 ** 2)
eps = tolerance * (b2s + b1s)
return (b3s - b2s - b1s > eps)
def classifyLatticeSingle(b1, b2, tolerance=1e-13):
Given two basis vectors, returns 2D Bravais lattice type.
Tolerance is relative.
TODO doc
b1, b2 = reduceBasisSingle(b1, b2)
b1s = np.sum(b1 ** 2)
b2s = np.sum(b2 ** 2)
b3 = b2 - b1
b3s = np.sum(b3 ** 2)
eps = tolerance * (b2s + b1s)
# Avoid obtuse angle between b1 and b2. TODO This should be yet thoroughly tested.
# TODO use is_obtuse here?
if b3s - b2s - b1s > eps:
b3 = b2
b2 = b2 + b1
# N. B. now the assumption |b3| >= |b2| is no longer valid
#b3 = b2 - b1
b2s = np.sum(b2 ** 2)
b3s = np.sum(b3 ** 2)
warnings.warn("obtuse angle between reduced basis vectors, the lattice type identification might is not well tested.")
if abs(b2s - b1s) < eps or abs(b2s - b3s) < eps: # isoscele
if abs(b3s - b1s) < eps:
elif abs(b3s - 2 * b1s) < eps:
return LatticeType.SQUARE
return LatticeType.RHOMBIC
elif abs(b3s - b2s - b1s) < eps:
return LatticeType.RECTANGULAR
return LatticeType.OBLIQUE
def range2D(maxN, mini=1, minj=0, minN = 0):
"Triangle indices"
Generates pairs of non-negative integer indices (i, j) such that
minN i + j maxN, i mini, j minj.
TODO doc and possibly different orderings
for maxn in range(min(mini, minj, minN), maxN+1): # i + j == maxn
for i in range(mini, maxn + 1):
yield (i, maxn - i)
def generateLattice(b1, b2, maxlayer=5, include_origin=False, order='leaves'):
b1, b2 = reduceBasisSingle(b1, b2)
latticeType = classifyLatticeSingle(b1, b2)
if latticeType is LatticeType.RECTANGULAR or latticeType is LatticeType.SQUARE:
bvs = (b1, b2, -b1, -b2)
# Avoid obtuse angle between b1 and b2. TODO This should be yet thoroughly tested.
if is_obtuse(b1,b2):
b3 = b2
b2 = b2 + b1
# N. B. now the assumption |b3| >= |b2| is no longer valid
warnings.warn("obtuse angle between reduced basis vectors, the lattice generation might is not well tested.")
b3 = b2 - b1
bvs = (b1, b2, b3, -b1, -b2, -b3)
cc = len(bvs) # "corner count"
if order == 'leaves':
indices = np.array(list(range2D(maxlayer)))
ia = indices[:,0]
ib = indices[:,1]
cc = len(bvs) # 4 for square/rec,
leaves = list()
if include_origin: leaves.append(np.array([[0,0]]))
for c in range(cc):
ba = bvs[c]
bb = bvs[(c+1)%cc]
leaves.append(ia[:,nx]*ba + ib[:,nx]*bb)
return np.concatenate(leaves)
raise ValueError('Lattice point order not implemented: ', order)
def cellCornersWS(b1, b2,):
Given basis vectors, returns the corners of the Wigner-Seitz unit cell
(w1, w2, -w1, w2) for rectangular and square lattice or
(w1, w2, w3, -w1, -w2, -w3) otherwise
def solveWS(v1, v2):
v1x = v1[0]
v1y = v1[1]
v2x = v2[0]
v2y = v2[1]
lsm = ((-v1y, v2y), (v1x, -v2x))
rs = ((v1x-v2x)/2, (v1y - v2y)/2)
t = np.linalg.solve(lsm, rs)
return np.array(v1)/2 + t[0]*np.array((v1y, -v1x))
b1, b2 = reduceBasisSingle(b1, b2)
latticeType = classifyLaticeSingle(b1, b2)
if latticeType is LatticeType.RECTANGULAR or latticeType is LatticeType.SQUARE:
return np.array( (
)) / 2
b3 = b2 - b1
bvs = (b1, b2, b3, -b1, -b2, -b3)
return np.array([solveWS(bvs[i], bvs[(i+1)%6]) for i in range(6)])
def cutWS(points, b1, b2, scale=1.):
From given points, return only those that are inside (or on the edge of)
the Wigner-Seitz cell of a (scale*b1, scale*b2)-based lattice.
# TODO check input dimensions?
b1, b2 = reduceBasisSingle(b1, b2)
b3 = b2 - b1
bvs = (b1, b2, b3, -b1, -b2, -b3)
points = np.array(points)
for b in bvs:
mask = (np.tensordot(points, b, axes=(-1, 0)) <= np.linalg.norm(b, ord=2) * scale/2)
points = points[mask]
return points
def filledWS(b1, b2, density=10, scale=1.):
TODO doc
TODO more intelligent generation, anisotropy balancing etc.
b1, b2 = reduceBasisSingle(b1, b2)
def reciprocalBasis(a1, a2):