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Raw Normal View History

import numpy as np
from qpms_c import *
ň = np.newaxis
import scipy
from scipy.constants import epsilon_0 as ε_0, c, pi as π, e, hbar as , mu_0 as μ_0
eV = e
from scipy.special import lpmn, lpmv, sph_jn, sph_yn, poch
from scipy.misc import factorial
import math
import cmath
import quaternion, spherical_functions as sf # because of the Wigner matrices
import sys, time
Try to import numba. Its pre-0.28.0 versions can not handle functions
containing utf8 identifiers, so we keep track about that.
import numba
use_jit = True
if numba.__version__ >= '0.28.0':
use_jit_utf8 = True
use_jit_utf8 = False
except ImportError:
use_jit = False
use_jit_utf8 = False
Accordingly, we define our own jit decorator that handles
different versions of numba or does nothing if numba is not
present. Note that functions that include unicode identifiers
must be decorated with @ujit
#def dummywrap(f):
# return f
def jit(f):
if use_jit:
return numba.jit(f)
return f
def ujit(f):
if use_jit_utf8:
return numba.jit(f)
return f
# Coordinate transforms for arrays of "arbitrary" shape
def cart2sph(cart,axis=-1):
if (cart.shape[axis] != 3):
raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
" along the given axis")
[x, y, z] = np.split(cart,3,axis=axis)
r = np.linalg.norm(cart,axis=axis,keepdims=True)
r_zero = np.logical_not(r)
θ = np.arccos(z/(r+r_zero))
φ = np.arctan2(y,x) # arctan2 handles zeroes correctly itself
return np.concatenate((r,θ,φ),axis=axis)
def sph2cart(sph, axis=-1):
if (sph.shape[axis] != 3):
raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
" along the given axis")
[r,θ,φ] = np.split(sph,3,axis=axis)
sinθ = np.sin(θ)
x = r * sinθ * np.cos(φ)
y = r * sinθ * np.sin(φ)
z = r * np.cos(θ)
return np.concatenate((x,y,z),axis=axis)
def sph_loccart2cart(loccart, sph, axis=-1):
Transformation of vector specified in local orthogonal coordinates
(tangential to spherical coordinates basis r̂,θ̂,φ̂) to global cartesian
coordinates (basis x̂,ŷ,ẑ)
loccart: ... TODO
the transformed vector in the local orthogonal coordinates
sph: ... TODO
the point (in spherical coordinates) at which the locally
orthogonal basis is evaluated
output: ... TODO
The coordinates of the vector in global cartesian coordinates
if (loccart.shape[axis] != 3):
raise ValueError("The converted array has to have dimension 3"
" along the given axis")
[r,θ,φ] = np.split(sph,3,axis=axis)
sinθ = np.sin(θ)
cosθ = np.cos(θ)
sinφ = np.sin(φ)
cosφ = np.cos(φ)
#x = r * sinθ * cosφ
#y = r * sinθ * sinφ
#z = r * cosθ
r̂x = sinθ * cosφ
r̂y = sinθ * sinφ
r̂z = cosθ
θ̂x = cosθ * cosφ
θ̂y = cosθ * sinφ
θ̂z = -sinθ
φ̂x = -sinφ
φ̂y = cosφ
φ̂z = np.zeros(φ̂y.shape)
r̂ = np.concatenate((r̂x,r̂y,r̂z),axis=axis)
θ̂ = np.concatenate((θ̂x,θ̂y,θ̂z),axis=axis)
φ̂ = np.concatenate((φ̂x,φ̂y,φ̂z),axis=axis)
[inr̂,inθ̂,inφ̂] = np.split(loccart,3,axis=axis)
return out
def sph_loccart_basis(sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None):
Returns the local cartesian basis in terms of global cartesian basis.
sphaxis refers to the original dimensions
TODO doc
if(cartaxis is None):
cartaxis = sph.ndim # default to last axis
[r,θ,φ] = np.split(sph,3,axis=sphaxis)
sinθ = np.sin(θ)
cosθ = np.cos(θ)
sinφ = np.sin(φ)
cosφ = np.cos(φ)
#x = r * sinθ * cosφ
#y = r * sinθ * sinφ
#z = r * cosθ
r̂x = sinθ * cosφ
r̂y = sinθ * sinφ
r̂z = cosθ
θ̂x = cosθ * cosφ
θ̂y = cosθ * sinφ
θ̂z = -sinθ
φ̂x = -sinφ
φ̂y = cosφ
φ̂z = np.zeros(φ̂y.shape)
#r̂ = np.concatenate((r̂x,r̂y,r̂z),axis=axis)
#θ̂ = np.concatenate((θ̂x,θ̂y,θ̂z),axis=axis)
#φ̂ = np.concatenate((φ̂x,φ̂y,φ̂z),axis=axis)
x = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((r̂x,θ̂x,φ̂x), axis=sphaxis),axis=cartaxis)
y = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((r̂y,θ̂y,φ̂y), axis=sphaxis),axis=cartaxis)
z = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((r̂z,θ̂z,φ̂z), axis=sphaxis),axis=cartaxis)
out = np.concatenate((x,y,z),axis=cartaxis)
return out
def lpy(nmax, z):
Associated legendre function and its derivatative at z in the 'y-indexing'.
(Without Condon-Shortley phase AFAIK.)
nmax: int
The maximum order to which the Legendre functions will be evaluated..
z: float
The point at which the Legendre functions are evaluated.
output: (P_y, dP_y) TODO
y-indexed legendre polynomials and their derivatives
pmn_plus, dpmn_plus = lpmn(nmax, nmax, z)
pmn_minus, dpmn_minus = lpmn(-nmax, nmax, z)
nelem = nmax * nmax + 2*nmax
P_y = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.float_)
dP_y = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.float_)
mn_p_y, mn_n_y = get_y_mn_unsigned(nmax)
mn_plus_mask = (mn_p_y >= 0)
mn_minus_mask = (mn_n_y >= 0)
#print( mn_n_y[mn_minus_mask])
P_y[mn_p_y[mn_plus_mask]] = pmn_plus[mn_plus_mask]
P_y[mn_n_y[mn_minus_mask]] = pmn_minus[mn_minus_mask]
dP_y[mn_p_y[mn_plus_mask]] = dpmn_plus[mn_plus_mask]
dP_y[mn_n_y[mn_minus_mask]] = dpmn_minus[mn_minus_mask]
return (P_y, dP_y)
def vswf_yr(pos_sph,nmax,J=1):
Normalized vector spherical wavefunctions $\widetilde{M}_{mn}^{j}$,
$\widetilde{N}_{mn}^{j}$ as in [1, (2.40)].
pos_sph : np.array(dtype=float, shape=(someshape,3))
The positions where the spherical vector waves are to be
evaluated. The last axis corresponds to the individual
points (r,θ,φ). The radial coordinate r is dimensionless,
assuming that it has already been multiplied by the
nmax : int
The maximum order to which the VSWFs are evaluated.
output : np.array(dtype=complex, shape=(someshape,nmax*nmax + 2*nmax,3))
Spherical vector wave functions evaluated at pos_sph,
in the local basis (r̂,θ̂,φ̂). The last indices correspond
to m, n (in the ordering given by mnindex()), and basis
vector index, respectively.
[1] Jonathan M. Taylor. Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and
#mi, ni = mnindex(nmax)
#nelems = nmax*nmax + 2*nmax
## TODO Remove these two lines in production:
#if(len(mi) != nelems):
# raise ValueError("This is very wrong.")
## Pre-calculate the associated Legendre function
#Prmn, dPrmn = lpmn(nmax,nmax,)
## Normalized funs π̃, τ̃
#π̃ =
from scipy.special import sph_jn, sph_yn
def _sph_zn_1(n,z):
return sph_jn(n,z)
def _sph_zn_2(n,z):
return sph_yn(n,z)
def _sph_zn_3(n,z):
return (besj[0] + 1j*besy[0],besj[1] + 1j*besy[1])
def _sph_zn_4(n,z):
return (besj[0] - 1j*besy[0],besj[1] - 1j*besy[1])
_sph_zn = [_sph_zn_1,_sph_zn_2,_sph_zn_3,_sph_zn_4]
# computes bessel/hankel functions for orders from 0 up to n; drops
# the derivatives which are also included in scipy.special.sph_jn/yn
def zJn(n, z, J=1):
return _sph_zn[J-1](n=n,z=z)
# The following 4 funs have to be refactored, possibly merged
# FIXME: this can be expressed simply as:
# $$ -\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{4\pi}n\left(n+1\right)}(\delta_{m,1}+\delta_{m,-1}) $$
def π̃_zerolim(nmax): # seems OK
lim_{θ 0-} π̃(cos θ)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
nelems = len(my)
π̃_y = np.zeros((nelems))
plus1mmask = (my == 1)
minus1mmask = (my == -1)
pluslim = -ny*(1+ny)/2
minuslim = 0.5
π̃_y[plus1mmask] = pluslim[plus1mmask]
π̃_y[minus1mmask] = - minuslim
prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
π̃_y = prenorm * π̃_y
return π̃_y
def π̃_pilim(nmax): # Taky OK, jen to možná není kompatibilní se vzorečky z mathematiky
lim_{θ π+} π̃(cos θ)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
nelems = len(my)
π̃_y = np.zeros((nelems))
plus1mmask = (my == 1)
minus1mmask = (my == -1)
pluslim = (-1)**ny*ny*(1+ny)/2
minuslim = 0.5*(-1)**ny
π̃_y[plus1mmask] = pluslim[plus1mmask]
π̃_y[minus1mmask] = minuslim[minus1mmask]
prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
π̃_y = prenorm * π̃_y
return π̃_y
# FIXME: this can be expressed simply as
# $$ -\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{2n+1}{4\pi}n\left(n+1\right)}(\delta_{m,1}-\delta_{m,-1}) $$
def τ̃_zerolim(nmax):
lim_{θ 0-} τ̃(cos θ)
p0 = π̃_zerolim(nmax)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
minus1mmask = (my == -1)
p0[minus1mmask] = -p0[minus1mmask]
return p0
def τ̃_pilim(nmax):
lim_{θ π+} τ̃(cos θ)
t = π̃_pilim(nmax)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
plus1mmask = (my == 1)
t[plus1mmask] = -t[plus1mmask]
return t
def get_π̃τ̃_y1(θ,nmax):
# TODO replace with the limit functions (below) when θ approaches
# the extreme values at about 1e-6 distance
(... TODO)
if (abs(θ)<1e-6):
return (π̃_zerolim(nmax),τ̃_zerolim(nmax))
if (abs(θ-π)<1e-6):
return (π̃_pilim(nmax),τ̃_pilim(nmax))
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
nelems = len(my)
Py, dPy = lpy(nmax, math.cos(θ))
prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
π̃_y = prenorm * my * Py / math.sin(θ) # bacha, možné dělení nulou
τ̃_y = prenorm * dPy * (- math.sin(θ)) # TADY BACHA!!!!!!!!!! * (- math.sin(pos_sph[1])) ???
return (π̃_y,τ̃_y)
def vswf_yr1(pos_sph,nmax,J=1):
As vswf_yr, but evaluated only at single position (i.e. pos_sph has
to have shape=(3))
if (pos_sph[1].imag or pos_sph[2].imag):
raise ValueError("The angles for the spherical wave functions can not be complex")
kr = pos_sph[0] if pos_sph[0].imag else pos_sph[0].real # To supress the idiotic warning in scipy.special.sph_jn
θ = pos_sph[1].real
φ = pos_sph[2].real
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
Py, dPy = lpy(nmax, math.cos(θ))
nelems = nmax*nmax + 2*nmax
# TODO Remove these two lines in production:
if(len(Py) != nelems or len(my) != nelems):
raise ValueError("This is very wrong.")
prenorm = np.sqrt((2*ny + 1)*factorial(ny-my)/(4*π*factorial(ny+my)))
if (abs(θ)<1e-6): # Ošetření limitního chování derivací Leg. fcí
elif (abs(θ-π)<1e-6):
π̃_y = prenorm * my * Py / math.sin(θ)
τ̃_y = prenorm * dPy * (- math.sin(θ)) # TADY BACHA!!!!!!!!!! * (- math.sin(pos_sph[1])) ???
z_n, dz_n = zJn(nmax, kr, J=J)
z_y = z_n[ny]
dz_y = dz_n[ny]
eimf_y = np.exp(1j*my*φ) # zbytečné opakování my, lepší by bylo to spočítat jednou a vyindexovat
M̃_y = np.zeros((nelems,3), dtype=np.complex_)
M̃_y[:,1] = 1j * π̃_y * eimf_y * z_y
M̃_y[:,2] = - τ̃_y * eimf_y * z_y
Ñ_y = np.empty((nelems,3), dtype=np.complex_)
Ñ_y[:,0] = (ny*(ny+1)/kr) * prenorm * Py * eimf_y * z_y
Ñradial_fac_y = z_y / kr + dz_y
Ñ_y[:,1] = τ̃_y * eimf_y * Ñradial_fac_y
Ñ_y[:,2] = 1j*π̃_y * eimf_y * Ñradial_fac_y
return(M̃_y, Ñ_y)
#def plane_E_y(nmax):
# """
# The E_mn normalization factor as in [1, (3)] WITHOUT the E_0 factor,
# y-indexed
# (... TODO)
# References
# ----------
# [1] Jonathan M. Taylor. Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and
# """
# my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
# return 1j**ny * np.sqrt((2*ny+1)*factorial(ny-my) /
# (ny*(ny+1)*factorial(ny+my))
# )
def zplane_pq_y(nmax, betap = 0):
The z-propagating plane wave expansion coefficients as in [1, (1.12)]
(... TODO)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
U_y = 4*π * 1j**ny / (ny * (ny+1))
π̃_y = π̃_zerolim(nmax)
τ̃_y = τ̃_zerolim(nmax)
# fixme co je zač ten e_θ ve vzorečku? (zde neimplementováno)
p_y = U_y*(τ̃_y*math.cos(betap) - 1j*math.sin(betap)*π̃_y)
q_y = U_y*(π̃_y*math.cos(betap) - 1j*math.sin(betap)*τ̃_y)
return (p_y, q_y)
#import warnings
def plane_pq_y(nmax, kdir_cart, E_cart):
The plane wave expansion coefficients for any direction kdir_cart
and amplitude vector E_cart (which might be complex, depending on
the phase and polarisation state). If E_cart and kdir_cart are
not orthogonal, the result should correspond to the k-normal part
of E_cart.
The Taylor's convention on the expansion is used; therefore,
the electric field is expressed as
E(r) = E_cart * exp(1j * k r)
= -1j * _y ( p_y * Ñ_y(|k| * r) + q_y * M̃_y(|k| * r))
(note the -1j factor).
nmax: int
The order of the expansion.
kdir_cart: (3,)-shaped real array
The wave vector (its magnitude does not play a role).
E_cart: (3,)-shaped complex array
Amplitude of the plane wave
p_y, q_y:
The expansion coefficients for the electric (Ñ) and magnetic
(M̃) waves, respectively.
if np.iscomplexobj(kdir_cart):
warnings.warn("The direction vector for the plane wave coefficients should be real. I am discarding the imaginary part now.")
kdir_cart = kdir_cart.real
k_sph = cart2sph(kdir_cart)
π̃_y, τ̃_y = get_π̃τ̃_y1(k_sph[1], nmax)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
U_y = 4*π * 1j**ny / (ny * (ny+1))
θ̂ = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([0,1,0]), k_sph, axis=-1)
φ̂ = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([0,0,1]), k_sph, axis=-1)
p_y = np.sum( U_y[:,ň]
* np.conj(np.exp(1j*my[:,ň]*k_sph[2]) * (
θ̂[ň,:]*τ̃_y[:,ň] + 1j*φ̂[ň,:]*π̃_y[:,ň]))
* E_cart[ň,:],
q_y = np.sum( U_y[:,ň]
* np.conj(np.exp(1j*my[:,ň]*k_sph[2]) * (
θ̂[ň,:]*π̃_y[:,ň] + 1j*φ̂[ň,:]*τ̃_y[:,ň]))
* E_cart[ň,:],
return (p_y, q_y)
# Functions copied from scattering_xu, additionaly normalized
from py_gmm.gmm import vec_trans as vc
def q_max(m,n,μ,ν):
return min(n,ν,(n+ν-abs(m+μ))/2)
# returns array with indices corresponding to q
# argument q does nothing for now
def a_q(m,n,μ,ν,q = None):
res, err= vc.gaunt_xu(m,n,μ,ν,qm)
print("m,n,μ,ν,qm = ",m,n,μ,ν,qm)
raise ValueError('Something bad in the fortran subroutine gaunt_xu happened')
return res
# All arguments are single numbers (for now)
def Ã(m,n,μ,ν,kdlj,θlj,φlj,r_ge_d,J):
The à translation coefficient for spherical vector waves.
m, n: int
The indices (degree and order) of the destination basis.
μ, ν: int
The indices of the source basis wave.
kdlj, θlj, φlj: float
The spherical coordinates of the relative position of
the new center vs. the old one (R_new - R_old);
the distance has to be already multiplied by the wavenumber!
r_ge_d: TODO
J: 1, 2, 3 or 4
Type of the wave in the old center.
gevero's gaunt coefficient implementation fails for large m, n (the unsafe territory
is somewhere around -72, 80)
+math.lgamma(n+ν+1) - math.lgamma(2*(n+ν)+1))
presum = math.exp(exponent)
presum = presum * np.exp(1j*(μ-m)*φlj) * (-1)**m * 1j**(ν+n) / (4*n)
qmax = math.floor(q_max(-m,n,μ,ν)) #nemá tu být +m?
q = np.arange(qmax+1, dtype=int)
# N.B. -m !!!!!!
a1q = a_q(-m,n,μ,ν) # there is redundant calc. of qmax
ã1q = a1q / a1q[0]
p = n+ν-2*q
J = 1
zp = zJn(n+ν,kdlj,J)[0][p]
Pp = lpmv(μ-m,p,math.cos(θlj))
summandq = (n*(n+1) + ν*(ν+1) - p*(p+1)) * (-1)**q * ã1q * zp * Pp
# Taylor normalisation v2, proven to be equivalent (NS which is better)
prenormratio = 1j**(ν-n) * math.sqrt(((2*ν+1)/(2*n+1))* math.exp(
presum = presum / prenormratio
# Taylor normalisation
#prenormmn = math.sqrt((2*n + 1)*math.factorial(n-m)/(4*π*factorial(n+m)))
#prenormμν = math.sqrt((2*ν + 1)*math.factorial(ν-μ)/(4*π*factorial(ν+μ)))
#presum = presum * prenormμν / prenormmn
return presum * np.sum(summandq)
# ZDE OPĚT JINAK ZNAMÉNKA než v Xu (J. comp. phys 127, 285)
def B̃(m,n,μ,ν,kdlj,θlj,φlj,r_ge_d,J):
The B̃ translation coefficient for spherical vector waves.
m, n: int
The indices (degree and order) of the destination basis.
μ, ν: int
The indices of the source basis wave.
kdlj, θlj, φlj: float
The spherical coordinates of the relative position of
the new center vs. the old one (R_new - R_old);
the distance has to be already multiplied by the wavenumber!
r_ge_d: TODO
J: 1, 2, 3 or 4
Type of the wave in the old center.
+math.lgamma(n+ν+2) - math.lgamma(2*(n+ν)+3))
presum = math.exp(exponent)
presum = presum * np.exp(1j*(μ-m)*φlj) * (-1)**m * 1j**(ν+n+1) / (
Qmax = math.floor(q_max(-m,n+1,μ,ν))
q = np.arange(Qmax+1, dtype=int)
if (μ == ν): # it would disappear in the sum because of the factor (ν-μ) anyway
ã2q = 0
a2q = a_q(-m-1,n+1,μ+1,ν)
ã2q = a2q / a2q[0]
a3q = a_q(-m,n+1,μ,ν)
ã3q = a3q / a3q[0]
p = n+ν-2*q
J = 1
zp_ = zJn(n+1+ν,kdlj,J)[0][p+1] # je ta +1 správně?
Pp_ = lpmv(μ-m,p+1,math.cos(θlj))
summandq = ((2*(n+1)*(ν-μ)*ã2q
-(-ν*(ν+1) - n*(n+3) - 2*μ*(n+1)+p*(p+3))* ã3q)
*(-1)**q * zp_ * Pp_)
# Taylor normalisation v2, proven to be equivalent
prenormratio = 1j**(ν-n) * math.sqrt(((2*ν+1)/(2*n+1))* math.exp(
presum = presum / prenormratio
## Taylor normalisation
#prenormmn = math.sqrt((2*n + 1)*math.factorial(n-m)/(4*π*factorial(n+m)))
#prenormμν = math.sqrt((2*ν + 1)*math.factorial(ν-μ)/(4*π*factorial(ν+μ)))
#presum = presum * prenormμν / prenormmn
return presum * np.sum(summandq)
# In[7]:
# Material parameters
def ε_drude(ε_inf, ω_p, γ_p, ω): # RELATIVE permittivity, of course
return ε_inf - ω_p*ω_p/(ω*(ω+1j*γ_p))
# In[8]:
# Mie scattering
def mie_coefficients(a, nmax, #ω, ε_i, ε_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3
k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
FIXME test the magnetic case
TODO description
RH concerns the N ("electric") part, RV the M ("magnetic") part
a : float
Diameter of the sphere.
nmax : int
To which order (inc. nmax) to compute the coefficients.
ω : float
Frequency of the radiation
ε_i, ε_e, μ_i, μ_e : complex
Relative permittivities and permeabilities of the sphere (_i)
and the environment (_e)
J_ext, J_scat : 1, 2, 3, or 4 (must be different)
Specifies the species of the Bessel/Hankel functions in which
the external incoming (J_ext) and scattered (J_scat) fields
are represented. 1,2,3,4 correspond to j,y,h(1),h(2), respectively.
The returned coefficients are always with respect to the decomposition
of the "external incoming" wave.
RV == a/p, RH == b/q, TV = d/p, TH = c/q
what does it return on index 0???
FIXME permeabilities
# permittivities are relative!
# cf. worknotes
#print("a, nmax, ε_m, ε_b, ω",a, nmax, ε_m, ε_b, ω)
#k_i = cmath.sqrt(ε_i*μ_i) * ω / c
x_i = k_i * a
#k_e = cmath.sqrt(ε_e*μ_e) * ω / c
x_e = k_e * a
#print("Mie: phase at radius: x_i",x_i,"x_e",x_e)
m = k_i/k_e#cmath.sqrt(ε_i*μ_i/(ε_e*μ_e))
# We "need" the absolute permeabilities for the final formula
# This is not the absolute wave impedance, because only their ratio
# ηi/ηe is important for getting the Mie coefficients.
η_inv_i = k_i / μ_i
η_inv_e = k_e / μ_e
#print("k_m, x_m,k_b,x_b",k_m, x_m,k_b,x_b)
zi, ži = zJn(nmax, x_i, J=1)
#Pi = (zi * x_i)
#Di = (zi + x_i * ži) / Pi # Vzoreček Taylor (2.9)
#ži = zi + x_i * ži
ze, že = zJn(nmax, x_e, J=J_ext)
#Pe = (ze * x_e)
#De = (ze + x_e * že) / Pe # Vzoreček Taylor (2.9)
#že = ze + x_e * že
zs, žs = zJn(nmax, x_e, J=J_scat)
#Ps = (zs * x_e)
#Ds = (zs + x_e * žs) / Ps # Vzoreček Taylor (2.9)
#žs = zs + x_e * zs
#RH = (μ_i*zi*že - μ_e*ze*ži) / (μ_i*zi*žs - μ_e*zs*ži)
#RV = (μ_e*m*m*zi*že - μ_i*ze*ži) / (μ_e*m*m*zi*žs - μ_i*zs*ži)
#TH = (μ_i*ze*žs - μ_i*zs*že) / (μ_i*zi*žs - μ_e*zs*ži)
#TV = (μ_i*m*ze*žs - μ_i*m*zs*že) / (μ_e*m*m*zi*žs - μ_i*zs*ži)
ži = zi/x_i+ži
žs = zs/x_e+žs
že = ze/x_e+že
RV = -((-η_inv_i * že * zi + η_inv_e * ze * ži)/(-η_inv_e * ži * zs + η_inv_i * zi * žs))
RH = -((-η_inv_e * že * zi + η_inv_i * ze * ži)/(-η_inv_i * ži * zs + η_inv_e * zi * žs))
TV = -((-η_inv_e * že * zs + η_inv_e * ze * žs)/( η_inv_e * ži * zs - η_inv_i * zi * žs))
TH = -(( η_inv_e * že * zs - η_inv_e * ze * žs)/(-η_inv_i * ži * zs + η_inv_e * zi * žs))
return (RH, RV, TH, TV)
def G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart_new(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
Implementation according to Kristensson, page 50
My (Taylor's) basis functions are normalized to n*(n+1), whereas Kristensson's to 1
TODO: check possible -1 factors (cf. Kristensson's dagger notation)
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
nelem = len(my)
#source to origin
source_sph = cart2sph(source_cart)
source_sph[0] = k_e * source_sph[0]
dest_sph = cart2sph(dest_cart)
dest_sph[0] = k_e * dest_sph[0]
if(dest_sph[0].real >= source_sph[0].real):
lo_sph = source_sph
hi_sph = dest_sph
lo_sph = dest_sph
hi_sph = source_sph
lo_sph = source_sph
hi_sph = dest_sph
M̃lo_y, Ñlo_y = vswf_yr1(lo_sph,nmax,J=J_scat)
lo_loccart_basis = sph_loccart_basis(lo_sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None)
M̃lo_cart_y = np.sum(M̃lo_y[:,:,ň]*lo_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
Ñlo_cart_y = np.sum(Ñlo_y[:,:,ň]*lo_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
M̃hi_y, Ñhi_y = vswf_yr1(hi_sph,nmax,J=J_scat)#J_scat
hi_loccart_basis = sph_loccart_basis(hi_sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None)
M̃hi_cart_y = np.sum(M̃hi_y[:,:,ň]*hi_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
Ñhi_cart_y = np.sum(Ñhi_y[:,:,ň]*hi_loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
G_y = (RH[ny][:,ň,ň] * M̃lo_cart_y[:,:,ň].conj() * M̃hi_cart_y[:,ň,:] +
RV[ny][:,ň,ň] * Ñlo_cart_y[:,:,ň].conj() * Ñhi_cart_y[:,ň,:]) / (ny * (ny+1))[:,ň,ň]
return 1j* k_e*np.sum(G_y,axis=0)
def G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
r1_cart (destination), r2_cart (source) and the result are in cartesian coordinates
the result indices are in the source-destination order
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
nelem = len(my)
#source to origin
so_sph = cart2sph(-source_cart)
kd_so = k_e * so_sph[0]
θ_so = so_sph[1]
φ_so = so_sph[2]
# Decomposition of the source N_0,1, N_-1,1, and N_1,1 in the nanoparticle center
p_0 = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
q_0 = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
p_minus = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
q_minus = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
p_plus = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
q_plus = np.empty((nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
for y in range(nelem):
m = my[y]
n = ny[y]
p_0[y] = Ã(m,n, 0,1,kd_so,θ_so,φ_so,False,J=J_scat)
q_0[y] = B̃(m,n, 0,1,kd_so,θ_so,φ_so,False,J=J_scat)
p_minus[y] = Ã(m,n,-1,1,kd_so,θ_so,φ_so,False,J=J_scat)
q_minus[y] = B̃(m,n,-1,1,kd_so,θ_so,φ_so,False,J=J_scat)
p_plus[y] = Ã(m,n, 1,1,kd_so,θ_so,φ_so,False,J=J_scat)
q_plus[y] = B̃(m,n, 1,1,kd_so,θ_so,φ_so,False,J=J_scat)
a_0 = RV[ny] * p_0
b_0 = RH[ny] * q_0
a_plus = RV[ny] * p_plus
b_plus = RH[ny] * q_plus
a_minus = RV[ny] * p_minus
b_minus = RH[ny] * q_minus
orig2dest_sph = cart2sph(dest_cart)
orig2dest_sph[0] = k_e*orig2dest_sph[0]
M_dest_y, N_dest_y = vswf_yr1(orig2dest_sph,nmax,J=J_scat)
# N.B. these are in the local cartesian coordinates (r̂,θ̂,φ̂)
N_dest_0 = np.sum(a_0[:,ň] * N_dest_y, axis=-2)
M_dest_0 = np.sum(b_0[:,ň] * M_dest_y, axis=-2)
N_dest_plus = np.sum(a_plus[:,ň] * N_dest_y, axis=-2)
M_dest_plus = np.sum(b_plus[:,ň] * M_dest_y, axis=-2)
N_dest_minus = np.sum(a_minus[:,ň]* N_dest_y, axis=-2)
M_dest_minus = np.sum(b_minus[:,ň]* M_dest_y, axis=-2)
prefac = math.sqrt(1/(4*3*π))#/ε_0
G_sourcez_dest = prefac * (N_dest_0+M_dest_0)
G_sourcex_dest = prefac * (N_dest_minus+M_dest_minus-N_dest_plus-M_dest_plus)/math.sqrt(2)
G_sourcey_dest = prefac * (N_dest_minus+M_dest_minus+N_dest_plus+M_dest_plus)/(1j*math.sqrt(2))
G_source_dest = np.array([G_sourcex_dest, G_sourcey_dest, G_sourcez_dest])
# To global cartesian coordinates:
G_source_dest = sph_loccart2cart(G_source_dest, sph=orig2dest_sph, axis=-1)
return G_source_dest
def G_Mie_scat_cart(source_cart, dest_cart, a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3):
RH, RV, TH, TV = mie_coefficients(a=a, nmax=nmax, k_i=k_i, k_e=k_e, μ_i=μ_i, μ_e=μ_e, J_ext=J_ext, J_scat=J_scat)
return G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart_new(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i, μ_e, J_ext, J_scat)
def cross_section_Mie_precalc():
def cross_section_Mie(a, nmax, k_i, k_e, μ_i, μ_e,):
# In[9]:
# From PRL 112, 253601 (1)
def Grr_Delga(nmax, a, r, k, ε_m, ε_b):
om = k * c
z = (r-a)/a
g0 = om*cmath.sqrt(ε_b)/(6*c*π)
n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
s = np.sum( (n+1)**2 * (ε_m-ε_b) / ((1+z)**(2*n+4) * (ε_m + ((n+1)/n)*ε_b)))
return (g0 + s * c**2/(4*π*om**2*ε_b*a**3))
# ====
# Rewrite the functions zJn, lpy in (at least simulated) universal manner.
# Then universalise the rest
# Implement the actual multiple scattering
# Test if the decomposition of plane wave works also for absorbing environment (complex k).
# From PRL 112, 253601 (1)
def Grr_Delga(nmax, a, r, k, ε_m, ε_b):
om = k * c
z = (r-a)/a
g0 = om*cmath.sqrt(ε_b)/(6*c*π)
n = np.arange(1,nmax+1)
s = np.sum( (n+1)**2 * (ε_m-ε_b) / ((1+z)**(2*n+4) * (ε_m + ((n+1)/n)*ε_b)))
return (g0 + s * c**2/(4*π*om**2*ε_b*a**3))
def G0_dip_1(r_cart,k):
Free-space dyadic Green's function in terms of the spherical vector waves.
sph = cart2sph(r_cart*k)
pfz = 0.32573500793527994772 # 1./math.sqrt(3.*π)
pf = 0.23032943298089031951 # 1./math.sqrt(6.*π)
M1_y, N1_y = vswf_yr1(sph,nmax = 1,J=3)
loccart_basis = sph_loccart_basis(sph, sphaxis=-1, cartaxis=None)
N1_cart = np.sum(N1_y[:,:,ň]*loccart_basis[ň,:,:],axis=-2)
coeffs_cart = np.array([[pf,-1j*pf,0.],[0.,0.,pfz],[-pf,-1j*pf,0.]]).conj()
return 1j*k*np.sum(coeffs_cart[:,:,ň]*N1_cart[:,ň,:],axis=0)/2.
# Free-space dyadic Green's functions from RMP 70, 2, 447 =: [1]
# (The numerical value is correct only at the regular part, i.e. r != 0)
def _P(z):
return (1-1/z+1/(z*z))
def _Q(z):
return (-1+3/z-3/(z*z))
# [1, (9)] FIXME The sign here is most likely wrong!!!
def G0_analytical(r #cartesian!
, k):
rn = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([1.,0.,0.]), cart2sph(r), axis=-1)
rnxrn = rn[...,:,ň] * rn[...,ň,:]
r = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=-1)
#print(_P(1j*k*r).shape,_Q(1j*k*r).shape, rnxrn.shape, I.shape)
return ((-np.exp(1j*k*r)/(4*π*r))[...,ň,ň] *
# [1, (11)]
def G0L_analytical(r, k):
rn = sph_loccart2cart(np.array([1.,0.,0.]), cart2sph(r), axis=-1)
rnxrn = rn[...,:,ň] * rn[...,ň,:]
r = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=-1)
return (I-3*rnxrn)/(4*π*k*k*r**3)[...,ň,ň]
# [1,(10)]
def G0T_analytical(r, k):
return G0_analytical(r,k) - G0L_analytical(r,k)
def G0_sum_1_slow(source_cart, dest_cart, k, nmax):
my, ny = get_mn_y(nmax)
nelem = len(my)
RH = np.full((nelem),1)
return G_Mie_scat_precalc_cart(source_cart, dest_cart, RH, RV, a=0.001, nmax=nmax, k_i=1, k_e=k, μ_i=1, μ_e=1, J_ext=1, J_scat=3)
# Transformations of spherical bases
def WignerD_mm(l, quat):
Calculates Wigner D matrix (as an numpy (2*l+1,2*l+1)-shaped array)
for order l, and a rotation given by quaternion quat.
This represents the rotation of spherical vector basis
TODO doc
indices = np.array([ [l,i,j] for i in range(-l,l+1) for j in range(-l,l+1)])
Delems = sf.Wigner_D_element(quat, indices).reshape(2*l+1,2*l+1)
return Delems
def WignerD_mm_fromvector(l, vect):
TODO doc
return WignerD_mm(l, quaternion.from_rotation_vector(vect))
def WignerD_yy(lmax, quat):
TODO doc
my, ny = get_mn_y(lmax)
Delems = np.zeros((len(my),len(my)),dtype=complex)
b_in = 0
e_in = None
for l in range(1,lmax+1):
e_in = b_in + 2*l+1
Delems[b_in:e_in,b_in:e_in] = WignerD_mm(l, quat)
b_in = e_in
return Delems
def WignerD_yy_fromvector(lmax, vect):
TODO doc
return WignerD_yy(lmax, quaternion.from_rotation_vector(vect))
def xflip_yy(lmax):
TODO doc
xflip = δ(m + m') δ(l - l')
(i.e. ones on the (m' m) antidiagonal
my, ny = get_mn_y(lmax)
elems = np.zeros((len(my),len(my)),dtype=int)
b_in = 0
e_in = None
for l in range(1,lmax+1):
e_in = b_in + 2*l+1
elems[b_in:e_in,b_in:e_in] = np.eye(2*l+1)[::-1,:]
b_in = e_in
return elems
def xflip_tyy(lmax):
fl_yy = xflip_yy(lmax)
return np.array([fl_yy,-fl_yy])
def xflip_tyty(lmax):
fl_yy = xflip_yy(lmax)
nelem = fl_yy.shape[0]
fl_tyty = np.zeros((2,nelem,2,nelem),dtype=int)
fl_tyty[0,:,0,:] = fl_yy
fl_tyty[1,:,1,:] = -fl_yy
return fl_tyty
def yflip_yy(lmax):
TODO doc
yflip = rot(z,pi/2) * xflip * rot(z,-pi/2)
= δ(m + m') δ(l - l') * (-1)**m
my, ny = get_mn_y(lmax)
elems = xflip_yy(lmax)
elems[(my % 2)==1] = elems[(my % 2)==1] * -1 # Obvious sign of tiredness (this is correct but ugly; FIXME)
return elems
def yflip_tyy(lmax):
fl_yy = yflip_yy(lmax)
return np.array([fl_yy,-fl_yy])
def yflip_tyty(lmax):
fl_yy = yflip_yy(lmax)
nelem = fl_yy.shape[0]
fl_tyty = np.zeros((2,nelem,2,nelem),dtype=int)
fl_tyty[0,:,0,:] = fl_yy
fl_tyty[1,:,1,:] = -fl_yy
return fl_tyty
def zflip_yy(lmax):
TODO doc
zflip = (-1)^(l+m)
my, ny = get_mn_y(lmax)
elems = np.zeros((len(my), len(my)), dtype=int)
b_in = 0
e_in = None
for l in range(1,lmax+1):
e_in = b_in + 2*l+1
elems[b_in:e_in,b_in:e_in] = np.diag([(-1)**i for i in range(e_in-b_in)])
b_in = e_in
return elems
def zflip_tyy(lmax):
fl_yy = zflip_yy(lmax)
return np.array([fl_yy,-fl_yy])
def zflip_tyty(lmax):
fl_yy = zflip_yy(lmax)
nelem = fl_yy.shape[0]
fl_tyty = np.zeros((2,nelem,2,nelem),dtype=int)
fl_tyty[0,:,0,:] = fl_yy
fl_tyty[1,:,1,:] = -fl_yy
return fl_tyty
def parity_yy(lmax):
Parity operator (flip in x,y,z)
parity = (-1)**l
my, ny = get_mn_y(lmax)
return np.diag((-1)**ny)
# BTW parity (xyz-flip) is simply (-1)**ny
# Loading T-matrices from scuff-tmatrix output files #
# We don't really need this particular function anymore, but...
def _scuffTMatrixConvert_EM_01(EM):
if (EM == b'E'):
return 0
elif (EM == b'M'):
return 1
return None
def loadScuffTMatrices(fileName):
TODO doc
μm = 1e-6
table = np.genfromtxt(fileName,
converters={1: _scuffTMatrixConvert_EM_01, 4: _scuffTMatrixConvert_EM_01},
dtype=[('freq', '<f8'), ('outc_type', '<i8'), ('outc_l', '<i8'), ('outc_m', '<i8'),
('inc_type', '<i8'), ('inc_l', '<i8'), ('inc_m', '<i8'), ('Treal', '<f8'), ('Timag', '<f8')]
my,ny = get_mn_y(lMax)
nelem = len(ny)
TMatrix_sz = nelem**2 * 4 # number of rows for each frequency: nelem * nelem spherical incides, 2 * 2 E/M types
freqs_weirdunits = table['freq'][::TMatrix_sz].copy()
freqs = freqs_weirdunits * c / μm
# The iteration in the TMatrix file goes in this order (the last one iterates fastest, i.e. in the innermost loop):
# freq outc_l outc_m outc_type inc_l inc_m inc_type
# The l,m mapping is the same as is given by my get_mn_y function, so no need to touch that
TMatrices_tmp_real = table['Treal'].reshape(len(freqs), nelem, 2, nelem, 2)
TMatrices_tmp_imag = table['Timag'].reshape(len(freqs), nelem, 2, nelem, 2)
# There are two přoblems with the previous matrices. First, we want to have the
# type indices first, so we want a shape (len(freqs), 2, nelem, 2, nelem) as in the older code.
# Second, M-waves come first, so they have now 0-valued index, and E-waves have 1-valued index,
# which we want to be inverted.
TMatrices = np.empty((len(freqs),2,nelem,2,nelem),dtype=complex)
for inc_type in [0,1]:
for outc_type in [0,1]:
TMatrices[:,1-outc_type,:,1-inc_type,:] = TMatrices_tmp_real[:,:,outc_type,:,inc_type]+1j*TMatrices_tmp_imag[:,:,outc_type,:,inc_type]
# IMPORTANT: now we are going from Reid's/Kristensson's/Jackson's/whoseever convention to Taylor's convention
TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:] = TMatrices[:,:,:,:,:] * np.sqrt(ny*(ny+1))[ň,ň,ň,ň,:] / np.sqrt(ny*(ny+1))[ň,ň,:,ň,ň]
return (TMatrices, freqs, freqs_weirdunits, lMax)
# misc tensor maniputalion
def apply_matrix_left(matrix, tensor, axis):
TODO doc
Apply square matrix to a given axis of a tensor, so that the result retains the shape
of the original tensor. The summation goes over the second index of the matrix and the
given tensor axis.
tmp = np.tensordot(matrix, tensor, axes=(-1,axis))
return np.moveaxis(tmp, 0, axis)
def apply_ndmatrix_left(matrix,tensor,axes):
Generalized apply_matrix_left, the matrix can have more (2N) abstract dimensions,
like M[i,j,k,...z,i,j,k,...,z]. N axes have to be specified in a tuple, corresponding
to the axes 0,1,...N-1 of the matrix
N = len(axes)
matrix = np.tensordot(matrix, tensor, axes=([-N+axn for axn in range(N)],axes))
matrix = np.moveaxis(matrix, range(N), axes)
return matrix
# Array simulations
def nelem2lMax(nelem):
Auxiliary inverse function to nelem(lMax) = (lMax + 2) * lMax. Returns 0 if
it nelem does not come from positive integer lMax.
lMax = round(math.sqrt(1+nelem) - 1)
if ((lMax < 1) or ((lMax + 2) * lMax != nelem)):
return 0
return lMax
def scatter_plane_wave(omega, epsilon_b, positions, Tmatrices, k_dirs, E_0s, #saveto = None
Solves the plane wave linear scattering problem for a structure of "non-touching" particles
for one frequency and arbitrary number K of incoming plane waves.
omega : positive number
The frequency of the field.
epsilon_b : complex number
Permittivity of the background medium (which has to be isotropic).
positions : (N,3)-shaped real array
Cartesian positions of the particles.
TMatrices : (N,2,nelem,2,nelem) or compatible
The T-matrices in the "Taylor convention" describing the scattering on a single nanoparticle.
If all the particles are identical and equally oriented, only one T-matrix can be given.
nelems = (lMax + 2) * lMax, where lMax is the highest multipole order to which the scattering
is calculated.
k_dirs : (K,3)-shaped real array or compatible
The direction of the incident field wave vector, normalized to one.
E_0s : (K,3)-shaped complex array or compatible
The electric intensity amplitude of the incident field.
ab : (K, N, 2, nelem)-shaped complex array
The a (electric wave), b (magnetic wave) coefficients of the outgoing field for each particle
# Fuck this, it will be wiser to make separate function to calculate those from ab:
# sigma_xxx : TODO (K, 2, nelem)
# TODO partial (TODO which?) cross-section for each type of outgoing waves, summed over all
# nanoparticles (total cross section is given by the sum of this.)
nelem = TMatrices.shape[-1]
if ((nelem != TMatrices.shape[-3]) or (2 != TMatrices.shape[-2]) or (2 != TMatrices.shape[-4])):
raise ValueError('The T-matrices must be of shape (N, 2, nelem, 2, nelem) but are of shape %s' % (str(TMatrices.shape),))
lMax = nelem2lMax(nelem)
if not lMax:
raise ValueError('The "nelem" dimension of T-matrix has invalid value (%d).' % nelem)
# TODO perhaps more checks.
raise Error('Not implemented.')
import warnings
def scatter_plane_wave_rectarray(omega, epsilon_b, xN, yN, xd, yd, TMatrices, k_dirs, E_0s,
return_pq_0 = False, return_pq= False, return_xy = False, watch_time = False):
Solves the plane wave linear scattering problem for a rectangular array of particles
for one frequency and arbitrary number K of incoming plane waves.
omega : positive number
The frequency of the field.
epsilon_b : complex number
Permittivity of the background medium (which has to be isotropic).
xN, yN : positive integers
Particle numbers in the x and y dimensions
xd, yd : positive numbers
Periodicities in the x and y direction
TMatrices : (xN, yN,2,nelem,2,nelem) or compatible or (2,nelem,2,nelem)
The T-matrices in the "Taylor convention" describing the scattering on a single nanoparticle.
If all the particles are identical and equally oriented, only one T-matrix can be given.
nelems = (lMax + 2) * lMax, where lMax is the highest multipole order to which the scattering
is calculated.
Electric wave index is 0, magnetic wave index is 1.
k_dirs : (K,3)-shaped real array or compatible
The direction of the incident field wave vector, normalized to one.
E_0s : (K,3)-shaped complex array or compatible
The electric intensity amplitude of the incident field.
return_pq_0 : bool
Return also the multipole decomposition coefficients of the incoming plane wave.
return_pq : bool NOT IMPLEMENTED
Return also the multipole decomposition coefficients of the field incoming to each
particle (inc. the field scattered from other particles.
return_xy : bool
Return also the cartesian x, y positions of the particles.
watch_time : bool
Inform about the progress on stderr
ab : (K, xN, yN, 2, nelem)-shaped complex array
The a (electric wave), b (magnetic wave) coefficients of the outgoing field for each particle.
If none of return_pq or return_xy is set, the array is not enclosed in a tuple.
pq_0 : (K, xN, yn, 2, nelem)-shaped complex array
The p_0 (electric wave), b_0 (magnetic wave) coefficients of the incoming plane wave for each particle.
pq : (K, xN, yN, 2, nelem)-shaped complex array NOT IMPLEMENTED
The p (electric wave), q (magnetic wave) coefficients of the total exciting field
for each particle (including the field scattered from other particles)
x, y : (xN, yN)-shaped real array
The x,y positions of the nanoparticles.
if (watch_time):
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: running scatter_plane_wave_rectarray' % timec, file = sys.stderr)
nelem = TMatrices.shape[-1]
if ((nelem != TMatrices.shape[-3]) or (2 != TMatrices.shape[-2]) or (2 != TMatrices.shape[-4])):
raise ValueError('The T-matrices must be of shape (N, 2, nelem, 2, nelem) but are of shape %s' % (str(TMatrices.shape),))
lMax = nelem2lMax(nelem)
if not lMax:
raise ValueError('The "nelem" dimension of T-matrix has invalid value (%d).' % nelem)
if (watch_time):
print('xN = %d, yN = %d, lMax = %d' % (xN, yN, lMax), file = sys.stderr)
# TODO perhaps more checks.
k_out = omega * math.sqrt(epsilon_b) / c # wave number
my, ny = get_mn_y(lMax)
N = yN * xN
# Do something with this ugly indexing crap
xind, yind = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xN),np.arange(yN), indexing='ij')
xind = xind.flatten()
yind = yind.flatten()
xyind = np.stack((xind, yind, np.zeros((xind.shape),dtype=int)),axis=-1)
cart_lattice=xyind * np.array([xd, yd, 0])
xyind = xyind[:,0:2]
# Lattice speedup
if (watch_time):
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: calculating the %d translation matrix elements' % (timec, 8*nelem*nelem*xN*yN), file = sys.stderr)
Agrid = np.zeros((nelem, 2*xN, 2*yN, nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
Bgrid = np.zeros((nelem, 2*xN, 2*yN, nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
for yl in range(nelem): # source
for xij in range(2*xN):
for yij in range(2*yN):
for yj in range(nelem): #dest
if((yij != yN) or (xij != xN)):
d_l2j = cart2sph(np.array([(xij-xN)*xd, (yij-yN)*yd, 0]))
Agrid[yj, xij, yij, yl] = Ã(my[yj],ny[yj],my[yl],ny[yl],kdlj=d_l2j[0]*k_out,θlj=d_l2j[1],φlj=d_l2j[2],r_ge_d=False,J=J_scat)
Bgrid[yj, xij, yij, yl] = B̃(my[yj],ny[yj],my[yl],ny[yl],kdlj=d_l2j[0]*k_out,θlj=d_l2j[1],φlj=d_l2j[2],r_ge_d=False,J=J_scat)
# Translation coefficient matrix T
if (watch_time):
timecold = timec
timec = time.time()
print('%4f: translation matrix elements calculated (elapsed %.2f s), filling the matrix'
% (timec, timec-timecold), file = sys.stderr)
transmat = np.zeros((xN* yN, 2, nelem, xN* yN, 2, nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
for l in range(N):
xil, yil = xyind[l]
for j in range(N):
xij, yij = xyind[j]
if (l!=j):
transmat[j,0,:,l,0,:] = Agrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
transmat[j,0,:,l,1,:] = Bgrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
transmat[j,1,:,l,0,:] = Bgrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
transmat[j,1,:,l,1,:] = Agrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
Agrid = None
Bgrid = None
if (watch_time):
timecold = timec
timec = time.time()
print('%4f: translation matrix filled (elapsed %.2f s), building the interaction matrix'
% (timec, timec-timecold), file=sys.stderr)
# Now we solve a linear problem (1 - M T) A = M P_0 where M is the T-matrix :-)
MT = np.empty((N,2,nelem,N,2,nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
TMatrices = np.broadcast_to(TMatrices, (xN, yN, 2, nelem, 2, nelem))
for j in range(N): # I wonder how this can be done without this loop...
xij, yij = xyind[j]
MT[j] = np.tensordot(TMatrices[xij, yij],transmat[j],axes=([-2,-1],[0,1]))
MT.shape = (N*2*nelem, N*2*nelem)
leftmatrix = np.identity(N*2*nelem) - MT
MT = None
if (watch_time):
timecold = timec
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: interaction matrix complete (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold),
if ((1 == k_dirs.ndim) and (1 == E_0s.ndim)):
k_cart = k_dirs * k_out # wave vector of the incident plane wave
pq_0 = np.zeros((N,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
p_y0, q_y0 = plane_pq_y(lMax, k_cart, E_0s)
pq_0[:,0,:] = np.exp(1j*np.sum(k_cart[ň,:]*cart_lattice,axis=-1))[:, ň] * p_y0[ň, :]
pq_0[:,1,:] = np.exp(1j*np.sum(k_cart[ň,:]*cart_lattice,axis=-1))[:, ň] * q_y0[ň, :]
if (return_pq_0):
pq_0_arr = pq_0
MP_0 = np.empty((N,2,nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
#if (watch_time):
# print('%4f: building the interaction matrix' % time.time(), file=sys.stderr)
for j in range(N): # I wonder how this can be done without this loop...
MP_0[j] = np.tensordot(TMatrices[xij, yij],pq_0[j],axes=([-2,-1],[-2,-1]))
MP_0.shape = (N*2*nelem,)
if (watch_time):
timecold = time.time()
print('%4f: solving the scattering problem for single incoming wave' % timecold,
file = sys.stderr)
ab = np.linalg.solve(leftmatrix, MP_0)
if watch_time:
timec = time.time()
print('%4f: solved (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold), file=sys.stderr)
ab.shape = (xN, yN, 2, nelem)
# handle "broadcasting" for k, E
if 1 == k_dirs.ndim:
k_dirs = k_dirs[ň,:]
if 1 == E_0s.ndim:
E_0s = E_0s[ň,:]
K = max(E_0s.shape[-2], k_dirs.shape[-2])
k_dirs = np.broadcast_to(k_dirs,(K,3))
E_0s = np.broadcast_to(E_0s, (K,3))
# А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
if watch_time:
timecold = time.time()
print('%.4f: factorizing the interaction matrix' % timecold, file=sys.stderr)
lupiv = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(leftmatrix, overwrite_a=True)
leftmatrix = None
if watch_time:
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: factorization complete (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold),
file = sys.stderr)
print('%.4f: solving the scattering problem for %d incoming waves' % (timec, K),
timecold = timec
if (return_pq_0):
pq_0_arr = np.zeros((K,N,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
ab = np.empty((K,N*2*nelem), dtype=complex)
for ki in range(K):
k_cart = k_dirs[ki] * k_out
pq_0 = np.zeros((N,2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
p_y0, q_y0 = plane_pq_y(lMax, k_cart, E_0s[ki])
pq_0[:,0,:] = np.exp(1j*np.sum(k_cart[ň,:]*cart_lattice,axis=-1))[:, ň] * p_y0[ň, :]
pq_0[:,1,:] = np.exp(1j*np.sum(k_cart[ň,:]*cart_lattice,axis=-1))[:, ň] * q_y0[ň, :]
if (return_pq_0):
pq_0_arr[ki] = pq_0
MP_0 = np.empty((N,2,nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
for j in range(N): # I wonder how this can be done without this loop...
MP_0[j] = np.tensordot(TMatrices[xij, yij],pq_0[j],axes=([-2,-1],[-2,-1]))
MP_0.shape = (N*2*nelem,)
ab[ki] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve(lupiv, MP_0)
ab.shape = (K, xN, yN, 2, nelem)
if watch_time:
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: done (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold),file = sys.stderr)
if not (return_pq_0 + return_pq + return_xy):
return ab
returnlist = [ab]
if (return_pq_0):
pq_0_arr.shape = ab.shape
if (return_pq):
warnings.warn("return_pq not implemented, ignoring")
# returnlist.append(pq_arr)
if (return_xy):
return tuple(returnlist)
import warnings
def scatter_constmultipole_rectarray(omega, epsilon_b, xN, yN, xd, yd, TMatrices, pq_0_c = 1,
return_pq= False, return_xy = False, watch_time = False):
Solves the plane wave linear scattering problem for a rectangular array of particles
for one frequency and constant exciting spherical waves throughout the array.
omega : positive number
The frequency of the field.
epsilon_b : complex number
Permittivity of the background medium (which has to be isotropic).
xN, yN : positive integers
Particle numbers in the x and y dimensions
xd, yd : positive numbers
Periodicities in the x and y direction
TMatrices : (xN, yN,2,nelem,2,nelem) or compatible or (2,nelem,2,nelem)
The T-matrices in the "Taylor convention" describing the scattering on a single nanoparticle.
If all the particles are identical and equally oriented, only one T-matrix can be given.
nelems = (lMax + 2) * lMax, where lMax is the highest multipole order to which the scattering
is calculated.
Electric wave index is 0, magnetic wave index is 1.
pq_0_c : (nelem)-shaped complex array or compatible
The initial excitation coefficients for the ("complex") multipole waves, in Taylor's convention.
return_pq : bool NOT IMPLEMENTED
Return also the multipole decomposition coefficients of the field incoming to each
particle (inc. the field scattered from other particles.
return_xy : bool
Return also the cartesian x, y positions of the particles.
watch_time : bool
Inform about the progress on stderr
ab : (nelem, xN, yN, 2, nelem)-shaped complex array
The a (electric wave), b (magnetic wave) coefficients of the outgoing field for each particle.
If none of return_pq or return_xy is set, the array is not enclosed in a tuple.
pq : (nelem, xN, yN, 2, nelem)-shaped complex array NOT IMPLEMENTED
The p (electric wave), q (magnetic wave) coefficients of the total exciting field
for each particle (including the field scattered from other particles)
x, y : (xN, yN)-shaped real array
The x,y positions of the nanoparticles.
if (watch_time):
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: running scatter_plane_wave_rectarray' % timec, file = sys.stderr)
nelem = TMatrices.shape[-1]
if ((nelem != TMatrices.shape[-3]) or (2 != TMatrices.shape[-2]) or (2 != TMatrices.shape[-4])):
raise ValueError('The T-matrices must be of shape (N, 2, nelem, 2, nelem) but are of shape %s' % (str(TMatrices.shape),))
lMax = nelem2lMax(nelem)
if not lMax:
raise ValueError('The "nelem" dimension of T-matrix has invalid value (%d).' % nelem)
if (watch_time):
print('xN = %d, yN = %d, lMax = %d' % (xN, yN, lMax), file = sys.stderr)
# TODO perhaps more checks.
k_out = omega * math.sqrt(epsilon_b) / c # wave number
my, ny = get_mn_y(lMax)
N = yN * xN
# Do something with this ugly indexing crap
xind, yind = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xN),np.arange(yN), indexing='ij')
xind = xind.flatten()
yind = yind.flatten()
xyind = np.stack((xind, yind, np.zeros((xind.shape),dtype=int)),axis=-1)
cart_lattice=xyind * np.array([xd, yd, 0])
xyind = xyind[:,0:2]
# Lattice speedup
if (watch_time):
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: calculating the %d translation matrix elements' % (timec, 8*nelem*nelem*xN*yN), file = sys.stderr)
Agrid = np.zeros((nelem, 2*xN, 2*yN, nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
Bgrid = np.zeros((nelem, 2*xN, 2*yN, nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
for yl in range(nelem): # source
for xij in range(2*xN):
for yij in range(2*yN):
for yj in range(nelem): #dest
if((yij != yN) or (xij != xN)):
d_l2j = cart2sph(np.array([(xij-xN)*xd, (yij-yN)*yd, 0]))
Agrid[yj, xij, yij, yl] = Ã(my[yj],ny[yj],my[yl],ny[yl],kdlj=d_l2j[0]*k_out,θlj=d_l2j[1],φlj=d_l2j[2],r_ge_d=False,J=J_scat)
Bgrid[yj, xij, yij, yl] = B̃(my[yj],ny[yj],my[yl],ny[yl],kdlj=d_l2j[0]*k_out,θlj=d_l2j[1],φlj=d_l2j[2],r_ge_d=False,J=J_scat)
# Translation coefficient matrix T
if (watch_time):
timecold = timec
timec = time.time()
print('%4f: translation matrix elements calculated (elapsed %.2f s), filling the matrix'
% (timec, timec-timecold), file = sys.stderr)
transmat = np.zeros((xN* yN, 2, nelem, xN* yN, 2, nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
for l in range(N):
xil, yil = xyind[l]
for j in range(N):
xij, yij = xyind[j]
if (l!=j):
transmat[j,0,:,l,0,:] = Agrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
transmat[j,0,:,l,1,:] = Bgrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
transmat[j,1,:,l,0,:] = Bgrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
transmat[j,1,:,l,1,:] = Agrid[:, xij - xil + xN, yij - yil + yN, :]
Agrid = None
Bgrid = None
if (watch_time):
timecold = timec
timec = time.time()
print('%4f: translation matrix filled (elapsed %.2f s), building the interaction matrix'
% (timec, timec-timecold), file=sys.stderr)
# Now we solve a linear problem (1 - M T) A = M P_0 where M is the T-matrix :-)
MT = np.empty((N,2,nelem,N,2,nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
TMatrices = np.broadcast_to(TMatrices, (xN, yN, 2, nelem, 2, nelem))
for j in range(N): # I wonder how this can be done without this loop...
xij, yij = xyind[j]
MT[j] = np.tensordot(TMatrices[xij, yij],transmat[j],axes=([-2,-1],[0,1]))
MT.shape = (N*2*nelem, N*2*nelem)
leftmatrix = np.identity(N*2*nelem) - MT
MT = None
if (watch_time):
timecold = timec
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: interaction matrix complete (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold),
# А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
if watch_time:
timecold = time.time()
print('%.4f: factorizing the interaction matrix' % timecold, file=sys.stderr)
lupiv = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(leftmatrix, overwrite_a=True)
leftmatrix = None
if watch_time:
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: factorization complete (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold),
file = sys.stderr)
print('%.4f: solving the scattering problem for %d incoming multipoles' % (timec, nelem*2),
timecold = timec
if(pq_0_c == 1):
pq_0_c = np.full((2,nelem),1)
ab = np.empty((2,nelem,N*2*nelem), dtype=complex)
for N_or_M in range(2):
for yy in range(nelem):
pq_0 = np.zeros((2,nelem), dtype=np.complex_)
pq_0[N_or_M,yy] = pq_0_c[N_or_M,yy]
pq_0 = np.broadcast_to(pq_0, (N, 2, nelem))
MP_0 = np.empty((N,2,nelem),dtype=np.complex_)
for j in range(N): # I wonder how this can be done without this loop...
xij, yij = xyind[j]
MP_0[j] = np.tensordot(TMatrices[xij, yij],pq_0[j],axes=([-2,-1],[-2,-1]))
MP_0.shape = (N*2*nelem,)
ab[N_or_M, yy] = scipy.linalg.lu_solve(lupiv, MP_0)
ab.shape = (2,nelem, xN, yN, 2, nelem)
if watch_time:
timec = time.time()
print('%.4f: done (elapsed %.2f s)' % (timec, timec-timecold),file = sys.stderr)
if not (return_pq + return_xy):
return ab
returnlist = [ab]
if (return_pq):
warnings.warn("return_pq not implemented, ignoring")
# returnlist.append(pq_arr)
if (return_xy):
return tuple(returnlist)