bb3e0630afintroduce TMatrix class
Marek Nečada
2017-07-19 17:01:22 +0300
710efdc533Define python enums for normalization and Bessel function types.
Marek Nečada
2017-07-19 16:59:33 +0300
681d3817ffDefine particle / T-matrix specifications as namedtuples.
Marek Nečada
2017-07-18 16:07:31 +0300 get TMatrix by CL argument specification
Marek Nečada
2017-07-12 14:18:37 +0300
8bbd199d3aFile renames
Marek Nečada
2017-07-12 11:14:47 +0300
b64d7bf6b0TODO labels description file
Marek Nečada
2017-07-12 07:51:37 +0300
3b6304b348Move t-matrix op related stuff>
Marek Nečada
2017-07-12 07:21:49 +0300
cc4815b861Fix module path
Marek Nečada
2017-07-11 23:45:11 +0000 generování „kruhové“ mřížky
Marek Nečada
2017-07-12 02:36:46 +0300 ready for (basic) use
Marek Nečada
2017-07-12 02:09:52 +0300
f925f2163dProgress on; dudom
Marek Nečada
2017-07-11 16:17:33 +0300
97648ce214Description of the modules, todos, remove unused imports.
Marek Nečada
2017-07-11 11:57:03 +0300
4dbb8f09b0Working on scripts_common
Marek Nečada
2017-07-11 10:48:52 +0300
e2f9923f31Jdu do práce
Marek Nečada
2017-07-11 06:17:59 +0000
5249978f45Error messages
Marek Nečada
2017-07-08 10:39:49 +0300
2ba5df5ce5Particle-wise lMax override parsing
Marek Nečada
2017-07-06 18:09:06 +0300 preliminary argument parsing
Marek Nečada
2017-07-06 17:49:21 +0300
71d1c6f6b1Starting script for general 2d lattice dispersion
Marek Nečada
2017-06-28 15:49:38 +0300
37122d0b28Improve range2D + some application argument TODOs
Marek Nečada
2017-06-27 15:51:08 +0300
ccde3d76dfWigner-Seitz cell (untested)
Marek Nečada
2017-06-27 14:50:18 +0300
3eaa1e49faBravais lattice type recognition
Marek Nečada
2017-06-27 00:22:18 +0300
3ab9221519Another fatal type
Marek Nečada
2017-05-18 16:56:43 +0300
fa1802a7bdSome data sanity checks
Marek Nečada
2017-05-18 16:06:47 +0300
add6f1111bFatal / forgotten imaginary unit
Marek Nečada
2017-05-18 09:01:35 +0300
63e6a85e15Important typo
Marek Nečada
2017-05-18 08:41:18 +0300
Marek Nečada
2017-05-17 18:54:55 +0300
a5163c7e8dMore cosmetics
Marek Nečada
2017-05-17 13:44:57 +0300
Marek Nečada
2017-05-17 13:34:54 +0300 vital fixes
Marek Nečada
2017-05-17 11:33:25 +0300
c16e0df2f2Check lMax > 0; more robust coordinate handling in
Marek Nečada
2017-05-17 11:32:17 +0300
3479a30e9bSkript pro konečné čtvercové matice; segfaultuje.
Marek Nečada
2017-05-16 16:14:25 +0300 freeing memory; Cosmetic changes
Marek Nečada
2017-05-16 15:01:20 +0300
ac0a4435b6(not very good – super slow) bitmap plotting
Marek Nečada
2017-05-16 05:25:27 +0300
22771ef507Basic plotting of the generated data
Marek Nečada
2017-05-11 12:10:29 +0300
1fa2e70d93Fix vectorized implementation of ...getSVD
Marek Nečada
2017-05-11 06:31:43 +0300
12bbb53155fix of fix
Marek Nečada
2017-05-11 04:51:01 +0300
c80551974bsmall fix
Marek Nečada
2017-05-11 04:48:02 +0300
4b614d8e0bVectorization of python ...getSVD version
Marek Nečada
2017-05-11 04:38:46 +0300
a662c885d5Fix verbose messages
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 15:40:43 +0300
7a4887101aFix missing index arrays
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 13:44:36 +0300
faa01fccebFix module import
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 13:22:52 +0300
57ea4b5207Verbosity level parser tweak
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 13:17:40 +0300
72840f929averbosity argument for, cleanup
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 11:48:55 +0300
d2653e6a6dNew symz_indexarray function, fix hexlatice_zsym_getSVD
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 11:44:04 +0300
3a1f7c95aaMove time tracking functions to separate file.
Marek Nečada
2017-05-10 11:43:11 +0300
da45e0fdb4epsilon_b to saved metadata
Marek Nečada
2017-05-09 18:40:32 +0300
d5c086fb20Dispersion by chunks
Marek Nečada
2017-05-09 16:46:11 +0300
535fb3c3d7Some cython code cleanup
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 22:17:19 +0300
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 22:02:56 +0300
c1db33fcf6hex lattice mode svd to separate function
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 21:32:19 +0300
f41caf6203Fix of the previous
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 20:20:57 +0300
d269624b68Start legacy code cleanup
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 20:13:34 +0300
36ed59dcf8Update setup script and plotting cosmetics
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 19:45:16 +0300
0103201fb4Fix missing translation coefficients that probably caused mysterious asymmetry.
Marek Nečada
2017-05-08 19:27:08 +0300
f05a010a142D dispersion calculations with the fixed frequency.
Marek Nečada
2017-05-04 06:14:18 +0300
02e34d525bFunction for directly getting hexlattice a,b coeffs without saving.
Marek Nečada
2017-05-04 04:18:38 +0300
205c1316f3Fix python header include etc
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 08:43:29 +0300
975e4c7162fix of fix of setup file
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 08:32:06 +0300
8815708e11Fix setup script
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 08:30:05 +0300
0643ff4b3eFaster versions of hexpoint calculations (work in progress)
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 08:23:27 +0300
2149a9ca71Axes bugfix
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 08:08:58 +0300
b6b701bd42fix the C version
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 06:02:01 +0300
019304dcb4Rewrite to C (still crashes)
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 05:45:14 +0300
c599ee839eFew modifications, did not help...
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 05:19:33 +0300
40809ce90aThe array version of the AB coeff calculation still has bugs.
Marek Nečada
2017-05-03 02:22:14 +0300
2d88a1ef0dWhole translation matrix: it compiles; untested
Marek Nečada
2017-05-02 00:18:01 +0300 using now the c module
Marek Nečada
2017-04-27 13:12:52 +0300
796c7d7289qpms.trans_calculator.get_AB working
Marek Nečada
2017-04-26 14:44:16 +0300
c41c0d80ffThe calculator module now works in python
Marek Nečada
2017-04-26 14:12:29 +0300
816771be8dComputing translation coefficients with precalculated multipliers now working
Marek Nečada
2017-04-25 22:14:41 +0300
c44a69c182Continue writing translation coeff calculator object, etc.
Marek Nečada
2017-04-20 16:25:28 +0300
3509d4d6acBug fixes
Marek Nečada
2017-04-20 10:31:02 +0300
da193c1450something already works
Marek Nečada
2017-04-19 17:43:24 +0300
261b6686bdFix qmax
Marek Nečada
2017-04-13 12:43:25 +0300
22dd5ef874C implementation of the B translation coefficient.
Marek Nečada
2017-04-13 11:29:38 +0300
5cf2c97e6bFix some problems with nans (invalid arguments of Legendre polynomials), still having some problems with gaunt
Marek Nečada
2017-04-12 16:12:12 +0300
34940fc7e9Koefficient A a testy. Kompiluje, většinou funguje, někdy nan
Marek Nečada
2017-04-12 14:17:07 +0300
Marek Nečada
2017-04-10 13:48:06 +0300
90a9971eb0Hlavička pro gaunt
Marek Nečada
2017-04-10 04:03:10 +0000
e7b7003abdNow gaunt.c seems 100% compatible with original gevero's code.
Marek Nečada
2017-04-04 04:02:04 +0300
d5bca9f10dgaunt.c se zkompiluje
Marek Nečada
2017-03-28 15:52:49 +0300
Marek Nečada
2017-03-21 06:18:17 +0000
ae4065d30dPřepis na „nového“ geverova gaunta
Marek Nečada
2017-03-20 04:56:23 +0200
ad74b553dflegacy gaunt (gaunt_xu2 from py_gmm/vec_trans.f90) rewrite completed
Marek Nečada
2017-03-20 01:58:53 +0200
a14ed7d972pokračování přepisu gaunta
Marek Nečada
2017-03-19 13:05:33 +0000
e98a4656cagaunt pokračování přepisu
Marek Nečada
2017-03-17 19:58:50 +0200
d93346070drozepsány vektorové verse přesuvných okeffiientů
Marek Nečada
2017-03-17 05:19:57 +0000
61e62b8c3dnew --scp-to argument
Marek Nečada
2017-03-05 18:36:29 +0200
ab4466ccddinitialize T-matrix to zeros when reading from file
Marek Nečada
2017-02-26 04:50:15 +0200
84773853c2option to save svd vectors
Marek Nečada
2017-02-26 04:10:10 +0200
add59b6635flush stdout
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 03:53:11 +0200
95644e2cdfeVmin, eVmax types
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 01:33:32 +0000
15e14afe66From best to worst modes (reverse)
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 01:21:41 +0000
4b665cfe31Fix of 'fix'
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 01:08:58 +0000
ad563aaef2Fix array indices
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 00:59:21 +0000
2ff17ba650Multiple minimum singular value support
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 00:49:53 +0000
a3dec16ee3Temporary solution (multl) for sub-TMatrix multipliers
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 00:18:48 +0000
d54ff96aafuniversal dispersion script fixes
Marek Nečada
2017-02-16 00:31:25 +0200
706701f9ceDispersion SVD universal script with nice argparsing
Marek Nečada
2017-02-15 21:43:00 +0000
3e7af7d25esome misc scripts
Marek Nečada
2017-02-15 13:09:25 +0200